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Kikapu's "BBF" Power Sharing Plan.!

Propose and discuss specific solutions to aspects of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:38 pm

Kikapu I have to start by saying I find your tone both condensending and very annoying to boot. Who the hell do you think you are? ı toyed with not answering your post at all but then decided to respond as I do not want posters to thinnk I backed away from arguing my viewpoint.

You really need to get some help about your superiority complex and the way you look down on people.

Let me try and explain yet again, please try to concentrate as this is getting very boring and we are getting absolutely nowhere, also please refrain from just dismissing my concerns and fears as this does not eleviate them it just makes them worse.

It's not an ideology, but it is a way for you to get what you want in the most Democratic way, since anything undemocratic will not be approved by the GC's or the EU, so what choice do you have. I have already invited you tell me if you had other ideas to get what you want without violating anyone’s Democratic rights, and you said nothing. If you do not want 50-50 power, veto power, your own state with full control, then claim your 20 seats in a Unitary Parliament that is based on proportional representation and forget about my plan. I had told you before it was presented, that you had to make hard choices and compromises, but I see that you are not willing to lift a finger to get what you want, because you think you are entitled holding onto the GC's properties. You are going to have to give them up anyway to reach a deal, so why not get what you want also in return.

I said plenty of things but you choose due to your arrogance and I know it all crap to ignore them. I firstly support agreed partition as the only real solution available but I am open minded enough to discuss the possibility of a union if the structure addresses my concerns and allows me an effective say in my future.

Your plan although well written and thought out which I have acknowledged falls short in guaranteeing our effective say in a united Cyprus, I have explained this issue is not negotiable or should be open to manipulation by with GCs to gain full control of the whole island as you have stated before no one side should have sole power as this would be a dictatorship and no good for a united Cyprus.

I again believe you blatantly and knowingly ignore that TCs are willing to give back land so that as many refugees can return as possible the last calculations were 90.000 out of 160.000 will be allowed to return if 8% of the TRNC plus Maraş is returned to the GCs.

As for lifting a finger I have always supported freedom of movement and right to settle where ever one wishes.

The only time you are going to leave the door wide open, is when you invite 200,000 refugee GC's back into the 37% of the north now. At 29% TC state, you will be inviting 100,000 refugee GC's. You only have at most 120,000 True TC's in the north now, so do the math and see what you are doing by wanting to retain the 37% or even the 29%. There is no guarantee, that the additional fake TC's (settlers) will be given a Cypriot citizenships or only a permanent residence permit, which means that they will be able to stay in Cyprus, but they will not be able to vote. (I do have a 5 year plan in my head to get us started and increase the TC's voting numbers, but lets leave that alone for now.)

This where you fall flat on your figures, the return of 8% of land represents 90.000 GC refugees repatriated, that leaves approximately 70.000 possible candidates wanting to reside in the TC state, if half of them returned 35.000 among a TC population of 200.000 for arguements sake (as all the settlers will no be reurned a figure of 42.000 was previously agreed) that would mean a total population of 235.000 in the north state meaning the GC would be roughly 15% of the population, considering they will be scattered over the 29% of the TC state their impact would be minimal. To counter manipulation of the figures there can be a ceiling placed on the total number of GC allowed in the TC state like the deggrogation allowed for Malta, hopefully his will become unused therefore redundent.

You also have to consider, that many TC's will choose to leave the north after a while and move to their old homes in the south or just to another town for jobs or just plain different lifestyle. Just because they have not done so up to now, just because it was not possible even if they wanted, does not mean that they will not. My guess is, as time goes by, certain percentage of TC's will move about the island, leaving you even less to counter the GC's 200,000 numbers in the 37% or the 100,000 GC's in the 29% area.

Going south to TCs is no different from going to live in france or Spain they have that option now yet choose to stay in the TRNC will all its problems. The south carries so many disadvantages for us the biggest one being language and possible discriminaiton Im pretty certain the Gcs feel the same about the north. I cant really see what you suggest happening to be honest.

The only logical thing to do, as I suggested, is to reduce the north state by 50% of what it is today down to 18%-20%. That is plenty of space for 100,000 TC's plus 50,000 legal settlers to live and work. If we make a comparison to Gaza Strip with the Palestinians, 18%-20% of the new TC state will be 5 times larger (land) and have population 10 times less, so stop with excuses about the size of land not being enough. It is more than enough. Plus, the more land you have for the size of your population, the more money you will need to maintain it. Don't expect the Federal Government to come and bail you out every time you have a deficit. Unless any GC's already have a property in the TC's 20%, the rest are not coming to "squash" you. They would rather give their tax dollars to the GC state. They don't trust you any more than you trust them, so don't expect them to come and live with you.

Totally disagree about your demanding we reduce down by 50% it not necessary and the TC state has to have viability and the potential to support itself, you continue to try and cut ıs down to 18% which is getting rather suspiscious. this will never be acceptable to TCs. You may get 25% if it meant more refugees would be repatriated therefore less risk of wanting to live in the Tc state.

Can we agree, that you are not going to prevent the GC's from exercising their voting rights to any office in the State level elections or the Federal level. This is the EU we are talking about. Same goes for freedom of movement. You will not be able to do all the things you voted for in the Annan plan. Do yourself a favour, VP, and forget about the AP, because it is the AP that is distorting your vision to see things clearly, because you start panicking what if this happens, what if that happens and what if the other happens. Democracy is not absolute with guarantees to have it your way at all times, or else it will not be a Democracy. In a Democracy, you have to work at it to get what you want. Don't confuse Democracy with Dictatorship what you had with Denktash or the puppet “government” what you have in the north now. Time for you to move into the 21st century

As I said above if there is a levelplaying field then those who wish to move and reside in the other state should be allowed to and have voting rights but I still support the derogration on the number of Gcs allowed to live in the TC state doue to our size and vunerability to GC explotiation. Please refrain from running us down into the ground it does not help matters in the slightest and detracts from any positive debate.

The GCs should also think about moving into the 21st century we have the excuse of being isolated whats theirs??? Place a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse, I love this saying as it suits the GCs down to the ground.

Think of the analogy I gave you before. Democracy is like the shifting Sand Dunes that changes the political landscape depending how hard the wind blows and from which direction. Nothing is absolute, but you can help yourself by being smart in how you do things, and by wanting to keep 29% for a TC state, you are already inviting 100,000 GC's refugees back to their homes, and by doing this, you have already started the sand storm to change the political landscape. This is why you need to be in the 20% TC state with the bare minimum number of GC's in it to have what you want. You want to take the risk with the 200,000 GC's in the 37% TC state, be my guess. You will turn over your 100% control of the upper house and the State senate to be shared with the GC's, or you can be smart and keep it all for yourself in a 20% TC state.

I prefer the analogy that democracy is the sound foundations that do not waver in times of turmoil, if democracy is set in sands dunes and a constant changing then we are all doomed to inconsistent and unsafe foundations for building a united Cyprus.

I'm glad you have finally realised that you will not be able to prevent the GC's from voting in a TC state, or limit their numbers in moving to the TC state. The larger the TC state, the larger amount of GC's will be in the TC state, and the smaller the TC state, the less number of GC's will be in your state.

I have put my opinions forward on this issue above. Freedom of movement and right to vote YES no upper limit of GCs in TC state (Malta) NO.

But I will have to ask you few questions here. If you think 170,000 TC's and settlers are going to be squeezed in a 20% TC state, then surely there won't be any more room left for any GC's to come and swamp you, specially if you limit the amount of development growth of housing by local ordinances, you will have the state predominantly TC. You are yet to show me, where these 200,000 non refugee GC's are going to come from to flood your state. Until you can answer this question, you are just making a lot of hot air. From where will these GC's come from to move into your state for you to worry about the upper 5 seats. You need to answer this question, or else your worrying is just an empty excuse.

As I have shown above the potential into a 29% TC state will be around 70.000 GCs, if the Tc state is reduced even further many more Tcs will remain in the GC state making the smaller TC state even more vunerable to manipulation and expoitation to take over and total control of the whole island.

The hot air is arising from your arse as you do not want to see the risk which is far to great to accept. 29-25% is about as small as TCs will accept allowing for 35.000 GCs to settle in the TC state. A smaller state of 18% will mena less TCs vs a larger GC population that can if desired relocate to gain power, please do not dismiss this fact as we know GCs will stop at nothing to take full control of the whole island.

I also like to know, why you were not concern about litigations that would be made in the EU by the GC's to correct all the Undemocratic advantages given to the TC's by the Annan Plan, as you are now with the suggestion of limiting the freedom of movement of the GC's by 18%, which you voted for it. The same provisions were in the AP along with dozens of other Undemocratic and Human Rights violation. Why were you not concerned back then, that the EU will eventually change all these undemocratic benefits that the TC's received at the expense of the GC's.? Why are you so concerned now, VP.? I really need to know this.

The derrogations would be accepted by all parties from the outset so not litigations would be allowed by the EU so if the GCs attempted yet again (Akritas) to go back on their signature that would prove the bad intentions of the GCs.

TC's wanting partnership is something I do not understand what that really means. What does partnership means when you have 80%-20% population difference, economy 25Billion vs. 2Billion (with Turkey's help), land in the north belonging to 80% by the GC's, the RoC holding all the legal cards in the world and recognition as well as being in the EU and also have a veto over the "trnc" and Turkey ever getting into the EU. If I were to try and think what kind of a partnership that would make if it was a business merger between the RoC and the "trnc", the "trnc" will barely make it as a very junior silent, silent, silent partner against the RoC, given the above criteria. You will be better of in a Federated state solution with a north and south states. You just have to work hard to maintain those powers in the upper house and the State senate, so welcome to True Democracy.!

You need my 20% to make a whole without it youd be accepting partition and denial that you want unification. As for the imbalance of wealth yours is partly mine as you have solely enjoyed and exploited the "RoC" for the past 49 years. The fact that one partner maybe shorter in height does not them any less a partner, they have just as much right as the partner who is taller.

Let me finally answer your other question, which is, anything less than 18%, then you want to be independent.! Well, if you can get it, that's one option, but the GC's are not about to kiss off 18% of their country. You may not want your other 82%, but I doubt very much that they will let their 18% go. If push came to shove and they did agree to something on a agreed partition, you'll be lucky if you can get less than 10% of the north, if that. Many TC's will end up staying on the GC side as a result because their homes and fields will be there, rather than move to the north's 10%. You will still be better off than the Palestinians in the Gaza strip by far, but how will you benefit really. You will not be able to run it as a country, so, you will become a province of Turkey and that will be the end of your dreams of the TC's having a control of their own destiny, as you have been asking from the RoC. So my recommendation is, keep Cyprus in one piece and have your own state at 18%-20% and have full access of the whole island and work with everyone else to make your state and country prosper in every way. You really do not have too many options as you think you have. Here is something for you to do, that might help you see my plan more clearly. Imagine there is no Turkish Troops on the island anymore. Which of the options would you choose for the TC community. My plan or partition at best 10% of land and a province of Turkey, because there is no way that Turkey will allow the north 10% to become an independent country, because she will need that piece of land to negotiate with the RoC to let her into the EU club by not using her veto power in exchange, so forget ever about becoming an independent state and all the dreams that goes with it.

If we are offered 18% we will ask for an independent state, that would be our condition the difference to 29% is why we will tollerate a partnership otherwise the other option you feel we do not have is to remain as we are and push for recognition of 37%, whether we get it or not is another matter we are willing to wait as we in this for long haul. If the GCs reject the next plan this will also work in our favor lets see whether they will have the vision and flexibility to unite the island, Im not holding my breath.

10% is a joke wont even go there.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:16 am

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu I have to start by saying I find your tone both condensending and very annoying to boot. Who the hell do you think you are? ı toyed with not answering your post at all but then decided to respond as I do not want posters to thinnk I backed away from arguing my viewpoint.

You really need to get some help about your superiority complex and the way you look down on people.

I was not trying to be condescending or superior towards you, VP. I'm just giving you my insights, as to how best the TC community can benefit from my plan.!

I'll answer your post later.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:19 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu I have to start by saying I find your tone both condensending and very annoying to boot. Who the hell do you think you are? ı toyed with not answering your post at all but then decided to respond as I do not want posters to thinnk I backed away from arguing my viewpoint.

You really need to get some help about your superiority complex and the way you look down on people.

I was not trying to be condescending or superior towards you, VP. I'm just giving you my insights, as to how best the TC community can benefit from my plan.!

I'll answer your post later.!

Maybe you do not realize what you are doing but you come over as a very pompous, full of himself I know it all.
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Postby lovernomore » Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:22 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu I have to start by saying I find your tone both condensending and very annoying to boot. Who the hell do you think you are? ı toyed with not answering your post at all but then decided to respond as I do not want posters to thinnk I backed away from arguing my viewpoint.

You really need to get some help about your superiority complex and the way you look down on people.

I was not trying to be condescending or superior towards you, VP. I'm just giving you my insights, as to how best the TC community can benefit from my plan.!

I'll answer your post later.!

Maybe you do not realize what you are doing but you come over as a very pompous, full of himself I know it all.

He things he is clever and funny, he is full of shit. Kendini beğenmiş hıyarın tekidir.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:12 am


I had written a very length reply before this one, then before posting it, I thought to myself, "why bother Kikapu, because you would be wasting your time with lengthy explanations for nothing", so let me address your post with some answers, some statements, and some questions for you.!

My plan is good the way it is and does not need changing, because the moment you start changing it to include guarantees, you are asking to make a plan that is undemocratic and violation of Human Rights. You have to take measures to make it work as it is, and it can work if you put the effort in to it and one of those measures is to have most of the TC's live in the 20%TC state, have the bare minimum GC's in the 20% TC state without violating their Democratic Rights. Once you have given up 50% of the north as it is today, then you have immediately given back to the 180,000-200,000 GC refugees most of their land back, and only few thousand GC's property will remain in the 20% TC state, which they may choose not to live with you and remain in the south GC state, or they are invited to live with you without them ever endangering the TC's full control of their state and the upper House's 5 seats, even if they wanted to exercise their Democratic Rights and participated in all the elections, State-wide and Federal.

You asking for guarantees is pointless, because in a Democracy, there are no guarantees to favour one group over the others Democratic Rights, because the GC's will not accept it, and neither will the EU. The only guarantees you can expect from Democracy, are your Democratic and Human Rights, and what is already is the law, what's already in the Constitution, and all the guarantees of the "Pillars of Democracy" for every Cypriot citizens. The full power must remain in the hands of each citizen and not in the hands of any community. How you maintain full power in the TC state and in the Upper House will be your business, as long as you do not violate anyone's democratic and Human Rights. There is not much more I want to say on this, so either you will accept to live by these Democratic Principles or you do not and there can be no middle ground on this and if you only want "peace" if it means gaining on other loss of Democratic Rights, then this will not be allowed to happen again, because this is how the Cyprus problems started in the first place, therefore, if these same reasons are maintained, it will only start another conflict in the near future.

Here are some statements, and please comment on them.!

1. The TC state will not be able to stop any GC from participating in voting on any member running for office state-wide or nationally.!

2. The TC state will not be able to limit by putting a "ceiling" on the number of GC's from residing in the TC state.

3. By keeping 29% for the TC's state and not being able to have a limit on how many GC's can move into the TC state, you are potentially inviting about 130,000 GC refugees, because of the 8% returned to the GC's, even though it is meant to satisfy 90,000 GC's, in reality, this number will be around 50,000, because the other 40,000 will not be able to return to Verosa because that town is no longer habitable until it is reconstructed, therefore, you may find GC refugees from Verosa may infact join the other 90,000 GC's and all 130,000 move in with you in the 29%. This number will just about bring the TC's even with the GC's, and now you are at risk of losing power state-wide and in the Upper House.

4. The GC's and TC's will be able to have complete Freedom of Movement all of the island, therefore any reference to what Malta has in regards to this freedom of movement, it is only against other EU member citizens and not against their own Maltese citizens, therefore it will not apply in Cyprus.

Question for you, VP.

1. What rational are you using, if any, to claim 29% of the north to be the TC state.? The TC's had about 18% with their own and state land as their share. Even using the 1960 population numbers, the TC's were less than 20%, so what argument can you use, as to why the TC state must be 29% or over. Just because it was in the Annan plan will not be accepted as a valid reason or an answer.

2. If your answer is going to be that the some TC's were cheated in the past by being paid very little for their land by the GC's or that there are other disputed TC land from the past, the question is, under what authority does the "trnc" takes upon itself to negotiate on behalf of anyone's land or claim. If individuals or groups have a complaint regarding their land, let them take care of it themselves in the courts. I don't want the "trnc" to speak on my behalf on what should become of my mother's land in the south.

3. Who is to stop any TC's who has land in the south, and after giving up their GC properties that they were given in "exchange", that they will go and claim their land in the south, but in the meantime, the "trnc" used all the TC's land allocations in the south to get the land it needs from the RoC to make the TC state in the north. Unless all the TC's sign their land over to the GC state in the south, in person, there is no way, that the "trnc" can arbitrarily give away TC land in the south for more land in the north. You could have 20% of land for the TC state, and at the same time, have several thousands TC's heading to the south to claim their land back, claiming that they never gave the "trnc" the authority to swap their land in the south for the TC state land in return. Will all the TC's sign away their land in the south to the GC state in the south, or to the new Federal Government.?
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Postby Tony-4497 » Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:40 pm

The land split included in most plans to date has been around 29-30% for TCs. This was mainly because it was assumed, especially at the beginning, that all refugees would return to their properties, and that therefore the 18% TC community should have a greater than 18% land portion, as their control would be somewhat "diluted" because of the presence of many GCs (possibly the majority, albeit without voting rights in that area).

As Turkey/ TCs increased their demands re degree of "sovereignty", guaranteed majority of TCs in the area and even majority in property, GC leaders stupidly did not link any concessions they made (again, very stupidly) to a fairer land ratio.

More importantly, GC leaders, in their idiotic optimistic bliss, fail to appreciate that the land ratio is perhaps the most crucial parameter of the negotiation (after security), as by far the most likely outcome of any "solution" (particularly a BBF) is a collapse of this solution after a few months or years (either peacefully or not) and ultimate partition. In this, most likely scenario, the only thing that will remain and still matter is the "border" on the ground.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:19 pm


I can understand the TC state being at 29% or even at 37% under a True Federation with no limits on the number of GC's returning back to their properties, and continue to have their Democratic rights to vote in the TC state remaining intact, but Annan Plan had violated those GC's rights, and put a limit of only 18% of the TC state can be GC's, about 30,000 or so without voting rights for the upper house, and perhaps even in general, and still gave the TC's 29%. Well, that crap will not fly anymore, now that Cyprus is in the EU, so the choices for the TC's are, continue to demand the 29% for the TC state, but also expect to have close to same number of GC's living with you as there are True TC's, and the GC's also allowed to vote in all elections.

My point is, when the TC state is reduced to 18%-20%, then overwhelming of the 200,000 GC refugees will remain on their own land, but in the GC state, which will make the north state overwhelmingly TC's to run their state, and allow the few thousand remaining GC's in their state, and to have their voting rights remain intact. This would make Cyprus a True Democratic country for a change. The TC's will not be able to "cherry pick" the kind of "Democracy" they want when it will involve violating others Democratic and Human Rights in the name of "safeguards".! The days of Annan Plan is long over. It's time for a real solution without any disguised partition already built in, as the AP was.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:39 pm

I had written a very length reply before this one, then before posting it, I thought to myself, "why bother Kikapu, because you would be wasting your time with lengthy explanations for nothing", so let me address your post with some answers, some statements, and some questions for you.!

Your progative.

My plan is good the way it is and does not need changing, because the moment you start changing it to include guarantees, you are asking to make a plan that is undemocratic and violation of Human Rights. You have to take measures to make it work as it is, and it can work if you put the effort in to it and one of those measures is to have most of the TC's live in the 20%TC state, have the bare minimum GC's in the 20% TC state without violating their Democratic Rights. Once you have given up 50% of the north as it is today, then you have immediately given back to the 180,000-200,000 GC refugees most of their land back, and only few thousand GC's property will remain in the 20% TC state, which they may choose not to live with you and remain in the south GC state, or they are invited to live with you without them ever endangering the TC's full control of their state and the upper House's 5 seats, even if they wanted to exercise their Democratic Rights and participated in all the elections, State-wide and Federal.

Your plan leaves us exposed to GCs exploitation and dominance, it would be totally rejected by TCs unless there were guarantees that the structure in the upper house would never change. That would mean everyone would be free to live where ever they wish north or south.

You asking for guarantees is pointless, because in a Democracy, there are no guarantees to favour one group over the others Democratic Rights, because the GC's will not accept it, and neither will the EU. The only guarantees you can expect from Democracy, are your Democratic and Human Rights, and what is already is the law, what's already in the Constitution, and all the guarantees of the "Pillars of Democracy" for every Cypriot citizens. The full power must remain in the hands of each citizen and not in the hands of any community. How you maintain full power in the TC state and in the Upper House will be your business, as long as you do not violate anyone's democratic and Human Rights. There is not much more I want to say on this, so either you will accept to live by these Democratic Principles or you do not and there can be no middle ground on this and if you only want "peace" if it means gaining on other loss of Democratic Rights, then this will not be allowed to happen again, because this is how the Cyprus problems started in the first place, therefore, if these same reasons are maintained, it will only start another conflict in the near future.

Take off your life jacket and trust the GCs with your future, no thanks. You are asking us to allow a vegence seeking community the right to exploit discriminate and dominate usö safeguards are vital for any new plan otherwise we will use our right to say NO.

1. The TC state will not be able to stop any GC from participating in voting on any member running for office state-wide or nationally.!

2. The TC state will not be able to limit by putting a "ceiling" on the number of GC's from residing in the TC state.

Correct if the TC state is 29% and the upper house seats are guaranteed.

3. By keeping 29% for the TC's state and not being able to have a limit on how many GC's can move into the TC state, you are potentially inviting about 130,000 GC refugees, because of the 8% returned to the GC's, even though it is meant to satisfy 90,000 GC's, in reality, this number will be around 50,000, because the other 40,000 will not be able to return to Verosa because that town is no longer habitable until it is reconstructed, therefore, you may find GC refugees from Verosa may infact join the other 90,000 GC's and all 130,000 move in with you in the 29%. This number will just about bring the TC's even with the GC's, and now you are at risk of losing power state-wide and in the Upper House.

The 40.000 you see fit to dismiss does not change the total number of refugees that have gotten restitution, the 8% return of land means 90.000 will have the right to return to their land. The remaining 70.000 will have the right to return if and where possible the rest will have to accept compensation or exchnaged land in the south. We are will to take that risk if our seats in the upper house are guaranteed as a safeguard just in case of need which you feel will never be necessary.

4. The GC's and TC's will be able to have complete Freedom of Movement all of the island, therefore any reference to what Malta has in regards to this freedom of movement, it is only against other EU member citizens and not against their own Maltese citizens, therefore it will not apply in Cyprus.

If the EU can accept derrogrations for all EU citizens in relations to Malta why cant it be accepted for a country which is trying to unite. But freedom of movement shoudl be allowed as long as our seats in the upper house are guaranteed and the TC state is 29%.

1. What rational are you using, if any, to claim 29% of the north to be the TC state.? The TC's had about 18% with their own and state land as their share. Even using the 1960 population numbers, the TC's were less than 20%, so what argument can you use, as to why the TC state must be 29% or over. Just because it was in the Annan plan will not be accepted as a valid reason or an answer.

You are asking for us to make TCs refugess a third time surely this should be avoided and kept to a minimum, the 29% will ensure this and with the 8% representing 90.000 plus the land exchanged by TCs in the south signed over to the GC state this can be used as compensation in addition to cash settlements if so dersired by the refugees.

2. If your answer is going to be that the some TC's were cheated in the past by being paid very little for their land by the GC's or that there are other disputed TC land from the past, the question is, under what authority does the "trnc" takes upon itself to negotiate on behalf of anyone's land or claim. If individuals or groups have a complaint regarding their land, let them take care of it themselves in the courts. I don't want the "trnc" to speak on my behalf on what should become of my mother's land in the south.

Of course these claims will also have to be addressed and settled amicably but by an independent committee.

3. Who is to stop any TC's who has land in the south, and after giving up their GC properties that they were given in "exchange", that they will go and claim their land in the south, but in the meantime, the "trnc" used all the TC's land allocations in the south to get the land it needs from the RoC to make the TC state in the north. Unless all the TC's sign their land over to the GC state in the south, in person, there is no way, that the "trnc" can arbitrarily give away TC land in the south for more land in the north. You could have 20% of land for the TC state, and at the same time, have several thousands TC's heading to the south to claim their land back, claiming that they never gave the "trnc" the authority to swap their land in the south for the TC state land in return. Will all the TC's sign away their land in the south to the GC state in the south, or to the new Federal Government.?

TCs have signed away their rights to land in the south and given land in the north double dipping should be stopped or if found should be prosecuted anyone who has gotten land more than the value of what they had in the south should pay the difference or give back what they got over and above the true value.
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Postby Ierini-Baris » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:51 pm

I am a new member and I have read all the debate ...Kikapu thank you for your time bringing all those ideas together but you do not seem to agree anything else other than whats in your mind..Viewpoint raised just one concern over your plan and you debated 15 pages for that...

Come on!! sometimes people may just disagree with you.

1.For birkibrislis proposal 8 is quite high number but 7 would be more sensible...

2.About number of greek cypriots that would move to TC state Its a dilemma for me..I want to beileve that people will make their own decision about it. I am still concerned that 15000 GC can be found that are too religious and what If church suggests to move into the TC state( sorry guys but I dont trust the church but I do trust GC) thats the dilemma I have

3. About your tone(Kikapu)..It was all ok till the point you compared Gaza strip and TC state...
( that frustruated me) I suppose you know that 1.5million Palestenians were living on land that was 3 times as large as Cyprus...

4.You are always talking about democracy and human rights but you seem to look from GC"s point of view

5.GCs have right to return to their land you say and even If 10-12% land will be returned to GC state .You mention tha limitation of other GC to move to TC state is against human rights. Well it can be but for me a lonleaving peacefull country is more important than just blindly asking for human rights...

Even tough I disagree with some of your points ..Your plan is agreeable on general terms
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Postby boulio » Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:58 pm

I think the whole concept of being swamped by g/c in the northern state is rubbish.People fled 35 years ago,many have died or are to old to go back,there descedants have grown up in the south and have homes and jobs there(basically there lives).If even if 30,000 to 60,000 g/c returned to the northern state i would thing many wouldn't even be on a permanant basis.

does anyone know what a correspoding formula be for all refugees to go home without really upsetting the balance?

ex 180,000 refugees

75/25 split of south and north state

120,000 back to g/c state
60,000 living in t/c state

i think many g/c returning to the north wouldn't mind giving up there voting rights for federal northern senators and instead vote for southern senators even though living in the north.
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