garbitsch wrote:Did you guys know that Albanian's capital Tirane was first build by an Ottoman pasha, who had named it "Tehran" after leaving his hometown?
Chrisswirl wrote:garbitsch wrote:Did you guys know that Albanian's capital Tirane was first build by an Ottoman pasha, who had named it "Tehran" after leaving his hometown?
That's true, but I could not find any other major city with the same story.
A question... before the Ottoman Empire, what did Anatolia consist of population wise?
I ask mainly out of interest as to who lived in the central territory, seing as the West was traditionally Greek (South West Greek with original Lycian roots?), the North Pontian Greek and the East Armenian (was the South East Kurdish at that time)? Were there any Persians?
Erol wrote: I want to talk about compromise, negotiation and polticial settlment to a political probelm.
wrote: All there is, is (political) acceptance or not from other states of this newly declared state. I would be more than happy if their was such international law, with a legislative body with jurisdiction and an enforcment body to uphold these laws but the plain and simplr fact is that there is no such law or body.
wrote: Then by your standards the granting of deeds by the United states to land (previously owned by native americans) are all 'illegal', for this land was 'illegaly' taken by force from the original owners
wrote: Soverignty exists for a state as long as it can control the area it is sovreign over.
Alexandros Lordos wrote:
c. The giving away of GC properties to Settlers. This is even worse than b above, because international law explicitly prohibits occupying powers to demographically alter areas that are under their military control.
Erol wrote: Again I am not happy with what happened in this regard. However to claim it is 'illegal' is your opinion.
Murtaza wrote:magikthrill wrote:Murtaza wrote:
Mr Alexandros Lordos
Do you have any idea where is middle asia?
Because we came later, It wont means we didnt build cities too.
Your knowledge is too limited.
And with this small knowledge you comment about all race.
How childish.
Mr. Murtaza,
what are the 2 most developed cities in Turkey?
Im assuming they are nowhere near central asia.
what are the poorest areas in Turkey?
Im assuming they are IN central asia.
Istanbul and Ankara.
What I mean is that, You know nothing about Turks.
When Turks comes to anatolia, There was already people and civilization who live in anatolia.(Not just Greeks)
So the city Turks populated also this cities. This mean we cant build cities and just steal them?
Do you know Taj Mahal made by Turks magic?
Or do you know how many Turks live in world?
You take all the reputation comes from all greek civilization.
but We should just take ottomans?
Do you know how much Istanbul changed?
Do you thing we get city from greeks. And just use them?
Didnt build anything new?
Alexandros Lordos wrote:My friend, I did not say that you do not have a civilization. I am just pointing out that your civilization evolved in a particular way, which involved a lot of conquest. This does not mean to say that you do not have cultural achievements of your own as well.
MicAtCyp wrote:
Of course they were and still are illegal if that included the grabbing of ingloos and the forests and the rivers and the horses which the natives were using to survive. From what I know however America was basically an empty country, thats why so many people went there. Those people did not emmigrate to INDIA right?
MicAtCyp wrote:You keep on insisting that the throwing out of their homes and lands 200,000 GCs and the stealing of their properties is a political problem.
MicAtCyp wrote:Did you ever hear such a massive thing happening as a result of politics? The only time I ever heard that happening is during invasions, genocides, and ethnic cleansing practices.
MicAtCyp wrote:So if invasions, genocides, and ethnic cleansing practices are indeed "Political" then every Politician should have done some of these...
MicAtCyp wrote:Erol, you demonstrate an exceptional ability questioning basic axioms....
MicAtCyp wrote:The fact IS that there is no political acceptance of the "trnc".
MicAtCyp wrote:There is no political acceptance of even being a state,
MicAtCyp wrote: because to be a state, the people living in it must own the land and the properties on which this state is founded.
A state is an organized political community occupying a definite territory, having an organized government, and possessing internal and external sovereignty. Recognition of the state's claim to independence by other states, enabling it to enter into international agreements, is often important to the establishment of its sovereignty, although some theories do not make this a requirement.
MicAtCyp wrote:If it could survive by itself as a lonely entity in the world (without any external recognition) that would be fine.
MicAtCyp wrote:The fact is it cannot survive even for a single week without the economic packages coming from Turkey....
MicAtCyp wrote:Of course they were and still are illegal if that included the grabbing of ingloos and the forests and the rivers and the horses which the natives were using to survive. From what I know however America was basically an empty country, thats why so many people went there. Those people did not emmigrate to INDIA right?
wrote: Soverignty exists for a state as long as it can control the area it is sovreign over.
In international law, the important concept of sovereignty refers to the exercise of power by a state. De jure sovereignty refers to the legal right to do so; de facto sovereignty the ability in fact to do so (which becomes of special concern upon the failure of the usual expectation that de jure and de facto sovereignty exist at the place and time of concern, and rest in the same organization). Foreign governments recognize the sovereignty of a state over a territory, or refuse to do so.
The key element of sovereignty in the legalistic sense is that of exclusivity of jurisdiction
Specifically, when a decision is made by a sovereign entity, it cannot generally be overruled by a higher authority. Further, it is generally held that another legal element of sovereignty requires not only the legal right to exercise power, but the actual exercise of such power. ("no de jure sovereignty without de facto sovereignty") In other words, neither claiming/being proclaimed Sovereign, nor merely exercising the power of a Sovereign is sufficient, sovereignty requires both elements.
MicAtCyp wrote:Oh, what the hell, do I have to lose my time replying? Yes Erol, you are absolutely right, when a thief donates a stolen diamond neckless to a poor family he is doing charity, he is not doing anything illegal.Never you heard?
magikthrill wrote:and erol the fact that it was some 500 years ago makes a big difference to the situation between cyprus and the US one of the many reasons why it is not an apt analogy.
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