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Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unification

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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby B25 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:50 am

Maximus wrote:
DT. wrote:Its actually the opposite that is happening. Is it not the point to work towards a unified state? Here we have a deal where a previously splitoff association that used to be unified with the CFA prior to 63 is now coming under the authority of the CFA. Would you prefer a turkish cypriot association working independently to promote separation and recognition of a so called turkish cypriot state? I am for institutions coming under the rule of law as per the constitution of the Republic.

The Turkish Cypriot association of the "TRNC" is working independently to promote separation and recognition of a separate state regardless.

They will drop all this like a lead weight for recognition and their own associations but in the meantime, they can enjoy the stolen loot with their "countrymen", "protection from Turkey", full EU rights as well as private education and an "NHS" that no other Cypriot is entitled to get.

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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby B25 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:51 am

Maximus wrote:
B25 wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:It will pass only 2 clubs are against in the CTFA.

Good news! Welcome to the CFA.

Sorry, I don't see any good news, I see the GC side taking it up the rear end again to appease the occupiers. :twisted: Tell us how this is good news, because obviously I am missing something here.

In my book, these sort of actions should only be done WHEN a negotiated settlement has been reached, not before, as if they had enough organs 'recognised' they would not even be looking for a solution, they would then have it all 'recognition' by the back door and get to hold the 37% of Cyprus illegally.

I wait.

Well, the RoC already provides free healthcare, free private education, freedom to work and roam around the EU etc for TC's.

I am missing something as well because it seems that their politics does not leave any room for them to contribute or reciprocate. Just Taksim.

Yes Maxi, mono emeis eimastin H palavi pou tous ta mpisoumen ston kolon tous na fenoumastin H kalli, gmto.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:21 am

Great example of how the "RoC" was ruined as soon as an agreement is signed the Gcs start to renege....50 years and the Gcs are still the same......they think that giving us our rights back is a privlidge.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby B25 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:28 am

Viewpoint wrote:Great example of how the "RoC" was ruined as soon as an agreement is signed the Gcs start to renege....50 years and the Gcs are still the same......they think that giving us our rights back is a privlidge.

More gibberish!
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:41 am

B25 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Great example of how the "RoC" was ruined as soon as an agreement is signed the Gcs start to renege....50 years and the Gcs are still the same......they think that giving us our rights back is a privlidge.

More gibberish!

Only cause you cant handle the truth....always been a GC trait look at your economy.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Maximus » Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:55 am

Viewpoint wrote:Great example of how the "RoC" was ruined as soon as an agreement is signed the Gcs start to renege....50 years and the Gcs are still the same......they think that giving us our rights back is a privlidge.

...and I am not surprised that you are writing this while keeping a straight face.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Kikapu » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:56 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
B25 wrote:
Rugby gets no coverage in the TRNC so we dont know about a player called Devren. I have researched these 2 players and they look British born with some Turkish Cypriot heritage shipped in from the UK. Where do they live?

So, according to you anyone who is 'British born with some Turkish Cypriot heritage shipped in from the UK.' Can't possibly be TC? So where does that leave you? British born and shipped in from the UK.


Well, perhaps VP is an Illegal Alien Turkish settler after all in the north, and that he was never a TC born in the UK to TC parents, hence being a neo-partitionist. No TC person born in the UK to TC parents would make such admission, that these TC rugby players in Cyprus born in the UK to TC parents cannot be TCs when he has been claiming the same all along. :shock: :shock:

Then again, we now have VP 3.0 version and for a moment has forgotten who VP 2.0 version was. I have never seen anyone here on the forum totally hang himself with his own rope other that VP has done several times in the past and once again, now. That's what happens when VP tries to be clever along with Lordo. They often hang themselves at the same time. :lol: :lol:

Viewpoint wrote:Where did I say they are not TCs?

Where have you said that they are TCs? :roll:

Viewpoint wrote:I said they have some TC ancestry because its unclear what it is.

Well, you are saying here that they are not TCs by saying you don't know what they are despite they having TC ancestry by your own addmission, you fool. :lol:

Viewpoint wrote:Whereas I have Turkish Cypriot ancestry going back some 400 years

Which is all lost by you declaring "trnc" as being your country. Your past TC heritage ONLY has a meaning in the RoC, otherwise you are an Illegal Alien settler, specially since you do not even have a citizenship of the RoC. :wink:

Viewpoint wrote:what about yours Kikapoo isnt your sister being impregnated by a Turk?

You are once again showing us what a low class Peeping Tom you are, a voyeur in others bedrooms. :lol:

Viewpoint wrote:so therefore she is returning to her roots and what are her children more Turkish or Turkish Cypriot?

Just for your information Mr low class Peeping Tom voyeur, that the children of my sister in Turkey have ALL applied for citizenship of the RoC and soon also by her grandchildren, so who's going back to whose roots, you fool. So much for your theory about my sisters kids. Stick to what you know best by being a low class Peeping Tom voyeur. :lol:
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:47 pm

Your parents obviously didnt teach you that you reap what you sow thats why you may read responses which you do not like, keep it civil and you will get the same in response. Now in response to your last post. Your sister has been inpregnanted by a Turk so the offspring by rights is 50% Turkish and 50% Turkish Cypriot, when you allow for the Turkish heritage in the Turkish Cypriot side then these children are far more Turkish than they are Turkish you hate against all things Turkish is not only denial of your own ethnic origins but hate against your sisters children allowing for the fact that you never produced children from a Turkish lady that you could hate as well.

As for these Rugby players being Tc or not I dont know anything about their heritage so I left it at they have "some" TC heritage, why are you jumping up and down about something so trivial?

Concentrate on the more important issue of the 2 football federations working together and how it will develop over the coming months. When will we see the first GC TC football match?
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:44 am

Article in today's Politis which reports on an interview Sertoglu gave to the Kibris newspaper.

He's again unhappy, this time over the timing of the CFA vote that ratified the arrangement, saying that the CFA has jumped the gun by holding the vote before the "t"CFA General Assembly had met.

He's saying that one of the articles of the Agreement was that the General Meetings and votes were to take place simultaneously.

He goes on to say that he's further unhappy at what he says may be game-playing by the CFA designed to push him in to a corner.

He further says that the Chairman of the CFA Mr Koutsokoumnis is making statements that don't reflect the situation agreed in Zurich.

So Sertoglu is again coming across as a reluctant bride.


This from the Politis article...

" ...Η έγκριση από την ΚΟΠ της συμφωνίας προσωρινής διευθέτησης για το ποδόσφαιρο στην Κύπρο που υπογράφθηκε στη Γενεύη δημιουργεί πίεση και δεν έπρεπε να είχε γίνει η ψηφοφορία, γιατί σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 7 της συμφωνίας οι εκλογικές συνελεύσεις πρέπει να γίνουν ταυτόχρονα, δήλωσε ο πρόεδρος της τ/κ ομοσπονδίας ποδοσφαίρου (KTFF), Χασάν Σέρτογλου.
Σε δηλώσεις του στην Κίπρις σήμερα, ο κ. Σέρτογλου υποστήριξε ότι οι τελευταίες δηλώσεις του Προέδρου της ΚΟΠ, Κωστάκη Κουτσοκούμνη, δεν αντιστοιχούν με τη στάση του στη Ζυρίχη, γι’ αυτό και αν δεν τ’ ακούσει από το στόμα του, δεν μπορεί να το πιστέψει. «Υπάρχει παράγραφος που γράφει ότι θα γίνουν ταυτόχρονες γενικές συνελεύσεις. Εάν είναι αυτό προσπάθεια να μας ζορίσει και να μας βάλει στη γωνιά, μάταια. Εγώ δεν παίζω αυτό το παιχνίδι».
Ζήτησε, είπε, από τη FIFA τα επίσημα πρακτικά της συνεδρίασης και όταν τα λάβει θα τα δημοσιοποιήσει. «Θα συμπληρωθούν τα κενά των παραμέτρων. Αυτό δεν είναι δική μου κουβέντα, του Προέδρου της FIFA. Δεν εξαρτάται από μένα ή από τον Κουτσοκούμη». ... " ... V=articles
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:12 pm

If they agreed to do it simultaneously then why didnt the GCs stick to the agreement?
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