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Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unification

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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:49 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Maximus wrote:
B25 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Of course the deal cuts both ways and with world being much more transparent than the 1960s we will all see which side is manipulating the situation, dont you agree B25?

No I don't VP, the GC side made the deal after weeks of negotiations and bent over backwards to accommodate you, but you just threw it back in our faces. Actions speak louder than words and we have seen yours.
I thank Godthat the GCs had the foresight to reject the AP, otherwise, there's no telling what we would have ended up with given the Turkish track record on honouring agreements she signed.

The deal doesn't cut both ways, the GC's are helping you climb out of the pig shit your community dived into after committing gross human right violations and continues to roll around in looking for recognition.

What are the TC's giving back? what are the TC's contributing to this deal?

So what you are saying is that the Gcs will uphold and apply this agreement because in using the term it cuts both ways I was referring to this? "the pig shit" as you call it is a result of both our actions not just the TCs, have you heard of the term cause and effect? as for getting out of it well we are currently trying to make the best of getting our rights back under the current situation, no more no less.

What are the TCs giving back you ask, we are giving you the opportunity to prove you can be trusted and that you have changed into a mature European nation that upholds the laws and rules without prejudice or manipulation. (not that we see much of that on here)

What are you the GCs giving us?

I completely reject your response, its nonsense. what crap.

The answer is, your community is giving back nothing and contributing nothing to this deal. The GC's are helping your community lift a football embargo while you continue to support illegality and an occupation.

You contradict yourself when you start talking about getting back rights. I can only conclude that you are firstly referring to the colonial 1960 apartheid "rights" which you are fighting for. This just demonstrates that you have pig shit for brains too, particularly as you are blaming the victims of these gross human rights violations, while they are trying to help you.

Secondly, are you referring to those 'European rights" that you persist in rejecting and maintain that Cyprus should not be a part of the European club? These are not the rights you are fighting to get back are they? These rights have already been extended to you and that you already benefit from. Again, this has come by way of the good work of the GC's, despite the occupation and your pig shit for brains.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:50 pm

Your above post Maxi only illustrates that you are the one with pig shit for brains.

We appear to be going around in circles, do you really understand to whom Cyprus belongs? do you understand your own constitution that contains your own signature? you need to get this into your head before you can even fathom the rights you have stolen from us and have solely enjoyed milking for everything its worth over the past 50 years. (Which you have also messed up)

But here is an opportunity we have handed you on a plate by accepting to come under the GC run "RoC" CFA, this is a very big step for us and thats why Sertoğlu is facing all this flack for cutting a deal with you guys, hopefully you will not stab him in the back. We have given you the chance to prove what you have been claiming all along that a Gc administration can act fairly towards the TCs a large percentage of its population without biased discrimination and manipulation, what are you afraid of?

As for European rights, hello we are not the CFA who are forced to abide by these laws/rules and apply them to the letter...we are the recipient not the insigator..big difference, not that I expect you to understand such matters. You have to perform by the book without prejudice, discrimination or manipulation or else you are liable and accountable in this case to FIFA and in turn the EU.

As for your loss of rights you have avenues available to you under the current situation in which you can persue them and many GCs do, just as we did with the CFA.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:26 pm

I am concerned about your ("TRNC" politics and mentality) double standards, incoherent nonsense and that you are speaking with a forked tongue while thinking you are doing the GC's a favor.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:41 pm

Try concrntrating on the isdue at hand CTFF acceting to come under the umbrella of the CFA and try real hard to see us as equals.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Demonax » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:36 pm

boulio wrote:Sertoglu should pass along his sentiments to the clowns running Ercan to hurry up and put their airport under the ROC FA if the want direct flights and hand Back varoshia.

That is the logical outcome of this deal. TCs can be released from their 'isolation' through recognising the sovereignty of the RoC. In this case the only legitimate football authority on the island is the CFA and 'recognition' of TC football comes through the authority of the CFA. It's been a long time coming but credit to Sertoglu for driving home this point.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:49 pm

Further indications that this deal will pass the "t"CFA in this piece from Hurriyet, citing a survey of the clubs in Yeniduzen...

"...In an inquiry from the daily Yeni Düzen, 12 of the 14 presidents of the teams playing in the Super League of "northern Cyprus" said they supported this initiative in principle. Only one said he would consult the executive committee and Lefke was against it. Teams of the first and second league also supported this move unanimously. Chair of the Küçük Kaymaklı team Ali Başman said the sustainability of "Turkish Cypriot" football was in question otherwise. Mormenekşe club’s poetic chair Metin Menekşeli and head of Gençlik Gücü team Mehmet Yenice both refer to “belonging to the world.” Head of team Cihangir, Karavezirler said, “We are fed up with playing internally.” Head of Bostancı Bağcıl team Besim said the football they were playing internally was no longer motivating.

Researcher Okan Dağlı, Ph. D., said, “Sports fans, players and the clubs are all fed up with the status quo. They are giving messages that they would consent to everything.” He added that people are totally outraged, especially when Turkish teams are playing with "Greek Cypriot" teams, saying “Why are we the spectators all the time?” They believe that, in football, if the status quo is overcome, this will bring us one step closer to realizing the hope that “ "Greek and Turkish Cypriots" achieve something together one day.” ..." ... sCatID=396
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:02 pm

As I have said all week this is a very important move by the people to test the waters, now we will see how if this agreement will sink or swim.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:03 pm

I hope this sets a precedent and a domino effect for ending the occupation. Put "the north" back within the authority of the RoC and say goodbye to Turkey, the TA and the settlers.

Play ball.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby B25 » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:08 pm

Maximus wrote:I hope this sets a precedent and a domino effect for ending the occupation. Put "the north" back within the authority of the RoC and say goodbye to Turkey, the TA and the settlers.

Play ball.

First say goodbye to the TA, settlers and carpetbaggers, then talk about recognition. How the hell can you start to recognise these crooks before they have even moved their shit from Cyprus. MA eisastin telia palavi more?? :twisted:
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:24 pm

The administering of this agreement is the deciding factor to whether TCs return to the "fold", if your usual antics are seen to be at work then it may backfire in everyones faces and show that both sides cannot work together not even in a case as simple as football.
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