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Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unification

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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby DT. » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:45 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Then your teams should have no problem beating them....but the standard will have to improve....but what we are discussing it the naitonal anthem to be played for TC teams.

The national anthem is not played at international games of club level but only with national sides.

OK lets address it another way we have a national team with mixed players, should they be subjected to the Greek national anthem?

They have to stand to whatever the national anthem of the country they're representing is.

If its Greek, Chinese or Swahili is besides the point and they better sing the words as well. My personal opinion is that post solution the anthem needs to be changed for something unique to Cyprus.

Where is the compromise here? surely out of unity and a European ideology shouldnt something temporary be used not offend any of its population that is playing for Cyprus not Greece? This is where we go wrong just as I support none use of the Turkish national anthem so as not to ffend GC players for a new Cypriot Anthem shouldnt you be doing the same? It seems to be a one way street and as for a solution thats very unlikely seeing we can even agree to have our own national anthem.

Don't see what the issue is here. We're a country under occupation by your army and I see no reason in changing the country's national anthem in the event that some of your players would want and are good enough to play for the national side. Solve the problem, remove your troops and I'll stand to attention to Justin Bieber if you like. And btw this was never touched upon in the negotiations. Once again this agreement was made on a club level.
Last edited by DT. on Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Maximus » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:50 pm

I say do the simple thing, Turkey and the settlers role out and leave the rest to get on with their lives in peace.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:53 pm

Maximus wrote:I say do the simple thing, Turkey and the settlers role out and leave the rest to get on with their lives in peace.

This is your stand point with them here hate to imagine what you would do if they werent around. Of course you know they cannot unilaterally leave a comprehensive solution is necessary for that but the disappointing matter is you people cant even say yes to neturalizing your GREEK national anthem for the sake of unity and not offending people playing for CYPRUS....time to pratice what you preach and break away from mummys strings.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:01 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior dilemma, you are at the stadium to represent yourself as a respectful person or a hoodlum. you will cheer the excellence of the players, or you will make it a political farce (even with violent proportions). the choice is not to 'boo' an anthem, it is to show some Grace, and stand politely for the anthems as they are played, or demean yourself and the club that you support as a fan; it's about sportsmanship, it's about a love for the game.

This mindset is unacceptable and only highlights your flawed ideology and lack of vision to put forward solutions, a new Cypriot national antherm should be played this can be the one from the AP as a temporary solution until one has been found no teams be they from the south should be subjected to the Greek or Turkish National anthems.

...dude, you are most amusing; why not no National anthems at any sports matches, anywhere?

your statement indicates a flawed ideology and i applaud your call for a Cypriot Anthem that is original., can you say, i love Cyprus, first?
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Maximus » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:08 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior dilemma, you are at the stadium to represent yourself as a respectful person or a hoodlum. you will cheer the excellence of the players, or you will make it a political farce (even with violent proportions). the choice is not to 'boo' an anthem, it is to show some Grace, and stand politely for the anthems as they are played, or demean yourself and the club that you support as a fan; it's about sportsmanship, it's about a love for the game.

This mindset is unacceptable and only highlights your flawed ideology and lack of vision to put forward solutions, a new Cypriot national antherm should be played this can be the one from the AP as a temporary solution until one has been found no teams be they from the south should be subjected to the Greek or Turkish National anthems.

...dude, you are most amusing; why not no National anthems at any sports matches, anywhere?

your statement indicates a flawed ideology and i applaud your call for a Cypriot Anthem that is original., can you say, i love Cyprus, first?

He is not a Cypriot, he expects a whole nation to pretend to be something else for his fragile brain to handle. His hate is so deep that he has to violate everyone else's that is not Turkish so he can live in Cyprus and call himself a Cypriot. He is a tool.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby B25 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:13 pm

Hey VP, why not fuck off back to Turkey and demand your shit there. Here is Cyprus, you fuckers are the invaders from the past and recent present, we didn't invite you here. How dare you demand such shit. you make me sick, you sit on your high horse making these demands for the few pricks left in the god forsaken area you nicked.
hade F U. buster.
Any GC who supports this picks demands is a traitor and should be shot on sight. I would be happy to oblige.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:28 pm

B25 wrote:Hey VP, why not fuck off back to Turkey and demand your shit there. Here is Cyprus, you fuckers are the invaders from the past and recent present, we didn't invite you here. How dare you demand such shit. you make me sick, you sit on your high horse making these demands for the few pricks left in the god forsaken area you nicked.
hade F U. buster.
Any GC who supports this picks demands is a traitor and should be shot on sight. I would be happy to oblige.

EOKA is a alive and kicking and you want to expose us to these dangers.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:29 pm

B25 wrote:Hey VP, why not fuck off back to Turkey and demand your shit there. Here is Cyprus, you fuckers are the invaders from the past and recent present, we didn't invite you here. How dare you demand such shit. you make me sick, you sit on your high horse making these demands for the few pricks left in the god forsaken area you nicked.
hade F U. buster.
Any GC who supports this picks demands is a traitor and should be shot on sight. I would be happy to oblige.

Here we have it in a nutshell why the Cyprus problem will never be solves I say neutrality you say Greek, now do you understand the crux of the problem repulse?
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby B25 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:53 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
B25 wrote:Hey VP, why not fuck off back to Turkey and demand your shit there. Here is Cyprus, you fuckers are the invaders from the past and recent present, we didn't invite you here. How dare you demand such shit. you make me sick, you sit on your high horse making these demands for the few pricks left in the god forsaken area you nicked.
hade F U. buster.
Any GC who supports this picks demands is a traitor and should be shot on sight. I would be happy to oblige.

Here we have it in a nutshell why the Cyprus problem will never be solves I say neutrality you say Greek, now do you understand the crux of the problem repulse?

It cannot be solved you stupid prick due to your intransigence and utter ridiculous demands FFS. You and your TMT/grey wolve mentality do not allow for such a solution. We have living proof even in a mere football agreement. We bent over backwards to accommodate you, but your keep on demanding more and more unjust privileges. I can see your game, you are trying to slide in the 'political' equality' BS piece by piece hoping to achieve that we have refused time and time again, well it ain't happening. On yer bike!
Last edited by B25 on Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cypriot Football getting closer to agreeing re-unificati

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:59 pm read into the replies what you want vp. i am not "Greek", and just because "Turks" are unliked by all does not mean Greeks and Turks are a part of the Problem, except as victims of "their" intolerance.

regardless the anthems played, (or not played), neutrality, a love for soccer, is demonstrated with acts, so is Goodwill, act accordingly.

...go ahead, vp, say, "i love Cyprus, first". it will give you pleasure, and it will piss off the ones who are the "others".
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