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Are Turkish Settlers in the “TRNC” Illegal?

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Postby CopperLine » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:19 pm

Jerry wrote:Copperline, whatever the outcome of the talks, territory will be traded for autonomy. Talat seems to want a weak central government (Cyprus Mail yesterday), the only way he will get this is by giving back more land. We will end up with a situation where the GCs see Talat's position as just one step away from partition. Annan proposed 29% for the northern State with return of some refugees. If they start haggling around the 22-23% mark I think the GCs would go for it and at an even lower figure partition may even be agreed. Settlers and would be offered financial inducements to leave the land returned to the ROC. Those that remained on GC property would, presumably, be open to action in the ROC Courts, as Orams.


Forewarned with the consequences of staying I'm sure most settlers would leave.

DEBATABLE, in my view. Those 'settlers' who are not on GC property which is reclaimed could, presumably remain. How many are those 'settlers' who would be occupying reclaimed GC property ?

On the assumption that the northern State became fully autonomous I don't think too many in the south would care how many stayed there. How this would fit in with Turkey's EU application is anyone's guess, a thumbs up from the ROC for a bit more land perhaps?

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Postby Sotos » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:25 pm

We never allowed any Turks to entered our island. All Turks that came to Cyprus entered with a Turkish invasion! The "Turkish Cypriots" are the Turkish Settlers that the Turks brought to our island with their first invasion and now they are bringing more with their second invasion. They are all foreigners and can not get along with the Cypriots. The Turks coming to Cyprus is what created the problem. Take them back to Turkey where they belong and the problem is solved. When the tables are turned we will send them all to Turkey then Zan, Copperline can sue us if they want. We will even open up a property commission just for them. :lol: The ones who laughs last laughs the best and we will be the ones who will laugh last.
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:28 pm

Get Real! wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Is Cyprus the only place where the question of 'illegal' settlers had to be resolved fairly as part of a general settlement ? Is Cyprus the only place where groups of people were displaced and dispossessed and, in due course, an equitable settlement had to be negotiated ? No of course not.

:lol: No sooner did I praise you that I will now do the opposite on this different issue...

The imported settlers are NOT "displaced and dispossessed" but the Cypriot refugees of the events of 1974, so let's not get confused about who is who...

The problem is yours Get Real, not mine.

My original "displaced and dispossessed" referred to predominantly GCs (and many TCs) not to Turkish settlers. I've no idea why you interpreted my words in exactly the opposite meaning to those I'd given them.

The settlers are here as a result of Turkey's DELIBERATE attempt to alter the DEMOGRAPHICS of the island to suit her ulterior motives, and THAT is what I'm accusing her of with the various sections international law quoted.

You've got to be joking ! Really ? Turkish policy has been to change the demographics ! Turkey's in breach of international law ? You don't say ! You'll be telling us that the pope is catholic next. Or that bears crap in the woods.
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:31 pm

Sotos, what are you talking about ?
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Postby zan » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:32 pm

CopperLine wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Is Cyprus the only place where the question of 'illegal' settlers had to be resolved fairly as part of a general settlement ? Is Cyprus the only place where groups of people were displaced and dispossessed and, in due course, an equitable settlement had to be negotiated ? No of course not.

:lol: No sooner did I praise you that I will now do the opposite on this different issue...

The imported settlers are NOT "displaced and dispossessed" but the Cypriot refugees of the events of 1974, so let's not get confused about who is who...

The problem is yours Get Real, not mine.

My original "displaced and dispossessed" referred to predominantly GCs (and many TCs) not to Turkish settlers. I've no idea why you interpreted my words in exactly the opposite meaning to those I'd given them.

The settlers are here as a result of Turkey's DELIBERATE attempt to alter the DEMOGRAPHICS of the island to suit her ulterior motives, and THAT is what I'm accusing her of with the various sections international law quoted.

You've got to be joking ! Really ? Turkish policy has been to change the demographics ! Turkey's in breach of international law ? You don't say ! You'll be telling us that the pope is catholic next. Or that bears crap in the woods.

And that GR was sober when he read that.... :lol: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:38 pm

humanist wrote:Are Turkish Settlers in the “TRNC” Illegal?

Well depends on which side oif the fence you sit.

If you been kicked out of your home at gunpoint and not been allowed to return for 34 years then yes they are.

If you are international community looking down then you may say yes they are illegal but where's Cyprus?

and if you ask a Turk well they'll say hell no we are 70 00000 of us and we can trample all over you, depsite the fact we may be placing ourselves at disadvantage

and if you ask a TC they may say well we are screwed and will continue to screw ourselves because ur motherland Turkey will oppress us even more if we do otherwise

My take on the issue

Real twisted you need help as you chnaged your tune after facing the realities of the situation.
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:45 pm

CopperLine wrote:Sotos, what are you talking about ?

That all Turks that are in Cyprus are Settlers of some invasion or another and can not get along with Cypriots because they are very different. They are Muslim and Asian, we are Christian and European. They brought them here because of the expansionism of Turkey. That is what created the problem. They should all be send back to Turkey so the problem that started with them coming here will end. That is the only solution because I really don't see the Turks ever understanding any European principles such as democracy and living with us in peace!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:46 pm

The Turkish settlers entered Cyprus illegally , since Cyprus is recognised the world over as the legitimate sovereignty over all of Cyprus. Importing 40 thousand occupying troops and allowing the settlement of Turkish citizens into Cyprus is illegal . The T/Cs , most of them , see it as such. They are under the occupation of a foreign country.

Copperline , as usual offers his own brand of what constitutes legal and illegal behaviour.
The fact of the matter is that the settlers entered Cyprus illegally via entry points controlled by the occupying army.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:54 pm

miltiades wrote:The Turkish settlers entered Cyprus illegally , since Cyprus is recognised the world over as the legitimate sovereignty over all of Cyprus. Importing 40 thousand occupying troops and allowing the settlement of Turkish citizens into Cyprus is illegal . The T/Cs , most of them , see it as such. They are under the occupation of a foreign country.

Copperline , as usual offers his own brand of what constitutes legal and illegal behaviour.
The fact of the matter is that the settlers entered Cyprus illegally via entry points controlled by the occupying army.

Can you provide proof or do we have to just trust you?
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:09 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:The Turkish settlers entered Cyprus illegally , since Cyprus is recognised the world over as the legitimate sovereignty over all of Cyprus. Importing 40 thousand occupying troops and allowing the settlement of Turkish citizens into Cyprus is illegal . The T/Cs , most of them , see it as such. They are under the occupation of a foreign country.

Copperline , as usual offers his own brand of what constitutes legal and illegal behaviour.
The fact of the matter is that the settlers entered Cyprus illegally via entry points controlled by the occupying army.

Can you provide proof or do we have to just trust you?

What other proof would you like VP ? The occupying power is the only one recognising a corrupt system . ALL THE WORLD , recognises the Roc , not Greek Cyprus NOT South Cyprus but the free Cyprus known as the RoC.
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