bill cobbett wrote:doesntmatter wrote:bill cobbett wrote:doesntmatter wrote:bill cobbett wrote:doesntmatter wrote:bill cobbett wrote:doesntmatter wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Kikapu wrote:I was talking to my TC brother in law the other day from the UK, which he informed me, that there are a lot of UK TC's who have bought GC properties in the north and now were getting very nervous with the above legal opinion. First the GC properties are about to become "radioactive" where no one will want to buy it off them, and secondly, they are worried, that they believe in the last 5+ years since the crossings have been opened, that the RoC authorities have compiled the names of all the "new" owners of the GC properties and that they are now afraid, that once this legal opinion becomes law, they will be getting a knock on the door to be served with court papers to appear in Nicosia courts. I guess one can serve court papers anywhere within the EU club. Perhaps someone can clarify that for us. Anyway, the reason why he feels that the RoC knows who are all these who bought GC properties, is because my B-I-L knows a TC lady with 4 children from a man she married who is a settler, was refused entry for the children into the RoC because she was told that the children were from a settler, but she was allowed to cross if she wanted. So the question is, how does the RoC know for sure who the TC woman is married to, since the husband was not with them at the time of the crossing when this incident occurred.?? If the RoC knows who she is married to, they must also know all those who bought GC properties in the north.
Zan and doesn'tmatter - Have you both "bought" stolen land ?
Kikapu seems to think that the "RoC" knows everything so ask your "government".
The pair of you and a good many others who have fallen for the dodgy kochan scam and traded in stolen land must be worrying yourselves shiteless. Have the real owners come knocking at your doors yet?
Stop feeling so happy billy boy.
First, it's not law yet.
Second, the Orams case in not over until the fat lady sings.
Third, until there is a solution, non-EU citizens and TCs have nothing to worry about.
Those who have been morally corrupt enough and stupid enough to "buy" stolen land or to be involved in any way, in any part of the chains of dodgy transfers and who may be say tcs in the Diaspora, particularly here in GB and other people such as as ex-pat Brits, must be furtively moving their EU based assets out of the reach of the Courts.
Well, there you go billy boy, you just solved the problem.
Those who have lands will just transfer the deeds to their families in the US or Oz.
Thanks, I knew someone would come up with a solution.

Oh damn! I am so nice and helpful.
er.......but not nice and not that helpful!
.......only told one third of the story and didn't mention the second two-thirds, that the Courts take a very dim view of cases where potential losers in litigation have taken steps to "protect" assets from an unfavourable Judgment by seemingly putting assets beyond the reach of the Courts.
Until and if it becomes law, there's nothing the courts can do about it, so you'll have to wait and see if your "second two-thirds" will help at all or not.
There's always a way out, I too have only told one third of the story.
Just assume that my kocan is not in my name but in the name of someone who lives in Turkey. The people living in the house are also from Turkey, so what is the "RoC" going to do to me or the person living in Turkey or in the one living in the house in the TRNC?
Sounds like a double or even a triple scammy. Hope the chap whose name is on the kochan is reliable.
It could be a son or a daughter whose name is on the kocan, they'll inherit it in the end anyway.
Can't help thinking it would have been better not to be tempted by the cheaper price of stolen land and to have bought honourably and honestly in th efirst place. In th elong run the honest policy is the ....well... it's the honest policy.
I can't help thinking that all this could have been avoided and people living happily as neigbours on the island had it not been that Greeks and GCs got greedy and wnated our lands and our lives. Honesty on the GC/Greek would have gone a long way.
Ooh - silly me, I forgot to post my customary wealth warning in these threads on the dangers of being tempted to buy stolen goods.
(Forgive me for shouting)
What happened to your third part of your story you were telling me about, was this it?
You didn't even give me a chance to put my third part in to good use.
billy boy, back in 1963 through to 1974 things were in your favour and you laughed and jubilated, just like you are doing now, thinking that you've won. Then on a sunny August day in 1974 things changed very rapidly in our favour and you were on the reciving end after 11 years. Our jubilations are now 34 and a half years old and it's not over yet. You may hurt some people but you will not get all of them. As I said, do not count your chicken before they hatch because even if the ECJ passes this law, it'll take years and years before we see the first "casualties". And that only if you can "catch" the people you are after.
Maybe you should try and get the Turkish courts to abide by the ECJ laws as well, that'll be very interesting.