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have you got cytanets MI VISION(digital tv)

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have you got cytanets MI VISION(digital tv)

Postby rulla » Thu Apr 29, 2004 10:09 pm

On may the 1st cytanet are launching mi vision ( digital tv) which i want to apply for but before i do i was hoping to get in touch with someone who allready has it as it was started last year with a certain amount of people for a trial period .I wanted to ask them a few questions about it so if you have please help thanks
question 1-is it worth the money you pay for it ?
......... 2-are most of the programs repeats?
...........3is it expensive?
............4would you recomend it?

Any other additional information would be greatly apriciated :roll:
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Postby Mike » Thu Apr 29, 2004 10:59 pm

Only some people from nicosia got the trial but you can find some answers here:

They have several channels like BBC world and National Geographic. If those channels repeat some programs (they do sometimes) it is up to them and it does not depend on mivision. But since those channels are 24 hours a day i think it is ok if they repeat sometimes.

The how much it cost you can find in the above site: 25 pounds or 12 pounds if you already have i-choice.

If it worths it depends on who you are (how much you watch TV ...), how much 25 pounds worth for you and how much competitive packages cost.

Competitive packages can be from satellite providers, like Nova from Greece: , I think you can get it in Cyprus also, but I don't know how much it costs.

Of course mivison has the added bonus that you can choose movies (but you have to pay for each one of them), and that you get basic internet with it.
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Postby rulla » Fri Apr 30, 2004 12:07 am

hi mike
thanks for answering some of my questions as i have ichoice it would be even cheaper than my LTV do you have mi vision yourself?
what do you think of it. as im an older person and not into discos and such yes i do or rather we do watch alot of tv, well i guess it is ok to get repeats but what i meant is are they repeating stuff week after week?
thanks for your help.
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Postby Mike » Fri Apr 30, 2004 12:28 am

No I don't have it yet.

if you go here:
You can have a look at the schedule of each channel for today.

If you click on the web address of each channel you can find their program for many days.

Here is the program for national geographic: ... e=5/1/2004
(click on "next" - "previews" to check other days)

and for discovery channel: ... hannel=DSC

You can do the same for other channels to get an idea of what they show.
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Postby rulla » Sat May 01, 2004 8:43 pm

hi mike
thanks for the links you sent it was very nice of you to try and help .yes i have allready checked all the different channels,i was hoping to meet someone who allready has mi vision but it doesent matter monday i will go to cyta and apply for it ,And if i dont like it i can always cancel it many thanks for your help
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