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Origin of Lurucina

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Postby YFred » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:15 pm

zan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:I think a 'comma' in the right place would have helped Oracle see what was meant. :lol: I think I'll keep out of this argument. :lol:

A comma! How so? Here is his sentence with a comma in every conceivable place (but the end :roll: ), and you tell me which one is correct!

YFront wrote:If you have any maps of any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If, you have any maps of any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you, have any maps of any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have, any maps of any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any, maps of any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any maps, of any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any maps of, any country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any maps of any, country with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any maps of any country, with cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any maps of any country with, cyprus villages please share them.

If you have any maps of any country with cyprus, villages please share them.

If you have any maps of any country with cyprus villages, please share them.

If you have any maps of any country with cyprus villages please, share them.

If you have any maps of any country with cyprus villages please share, them.


See what I mean.....Frustrated!!!! :lol:

Ok OK....I weel appolgise for heem......We know spik inglisc very welll...Sorry for di confusyon..... :lol:

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:16 pm

Oracle wrote:Listen Turkish YFront.

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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:17 pm

YFred wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Ok. Two commas on the 5th option. Might mean a map produced by any other country Perhaps a Spanish or Italian Cartographer or even French. Not all of us have 'perfect' English as good as Halil. If you really wanted to understand you would have.

You knit/Nit pick too much. Is it your 'superiority complex'?

Don't lower yourself to her level. If you ignore them, most attention seekers tend to go away. I was hoping she may lead me to some more maps of Greek origin but never mind. Any previous maps I have found had very few details on them.

You are new here. This one never goes away. She/it simply re-incarnates :lol: You will soon find out.

Take care my Lurucadi friend.
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Postby YFred » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:18 pm

Oracle wrote:Listen Turkish YFront.

If you are going to come here and post, you had better get your facts right.

Now, which country other than the RoC has "Cyprus villages"?

Admit you made a mistake or explain yourself, you debating coward!

My only mistake in life was responding to you. Damn, I've done it again.
Banaiyamu, never again.
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Postby iceman » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:30 pm

YFred wrote:So I've used of instead of from. Well done. Pitty you didn' read the rest. So now please go away.

Yeah sure........wish it was that easy to get rid of her :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby halil » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:14 am

my work friend is also from Luricina .....He is asking u ..... He was also neighbours with GİTSİ .His family called TOZİ . He is asking you ....If you remember them .
He is also founder of the Lüricina Yaşıyor Association .

Here is the web page ....Some how still they did not finished the web page . They are working very hard to do some restoration in the Luricina .They have very good team .
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:26 pm

"one of the presenters congratulated a LEBANESE woman for being clever and using GREEK ingredients in her cooking"

the best tahini in the world is made in the island of Lemnos, from locally grown sesame seeds. Was always biologically grown, even in the days when the method was not fashionable, and it always sold at a premium. Do not jump to conclusions.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:51 pm

Nikitas wrote:"one of the presenters congratulated a LEBANESE woman for being clever and using GREEK ingredients in her cooking"

the best tahini in the world is made in the island of Lemnos, from locally grown sesame seeds. Was always biologically grown, even in the days when the method was not fashionable, and it always sold at a premium. Do not jump to conclusions.

I would re-phrase that and say that 'you like the tahini of Lemnos most'. I have always maintained that the best 'Halva' is made in Cyprus, especially the 'Yagciogullari' one. Alas closed down last year due to the import from Turkey of their dried helva look-alike rubbish. Then it is after all a matter of taste.
I am sure Lemnos produces lovely tahini. :lol:
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Postby iceman » Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:59 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"one of the presenters congratulated a LEBANESE woman for being clever and using GREEK ingredients in her cooking"

the best tahini in the world is made in the island of Lemnos, from locally grown sesame seeds. Was always biologically grown, even in the days when the method was not fashionable, and it always sold at a premium. Do not jump to conclusions.

I would re-phrase that and say that 'you like the tahini of Lemnos most'. I have always maintained that the best 'Halva' is made in Cyprus, especially the 'Yagciogullari' one. Alas closed down last year due to the import from Turkey of their dried helva look-alike rubbish. Then it is after all a matter of taste.
I am sure Lemnos produces lovely tahini. :lol:

You are right helva was made in Nicosia.
My late father in law is said to have made the best helva.
His shop was in the narrow street next to bandabuliya (just off Ermou Str.) serving both sides of Nicosia.
But the sesame seeds were grown locally in Karpaz peninsula back in them days.
Nowadays,no sesame growing in Karpaz and crap tahin & helva is imported from Turkey. :evil:
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Postby Aussie Kypreos » Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:05 pm

Been reading these forums for a while so decided to join in the fun.

My dad is from Athienou which is not far from Lurucina.

YFred in regards to Malloura it is long gone, below is a link to the archaelogical digs that have taken place in the area. ... /site.html

Many of the Cypriot artifacts on display in the Metropolitan Museum in New York are from Malloura.
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