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Cigarette Warnings on Packets

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Postby city » Sat May 28, 2005 5:18 pm

uuuhhh :-( but I think they will not urge any smoker to stop. Nonetheless, I believe the pictures might stop people before they start smoking.
I'm always wondering why the make such a fuss about smoking, but not about drinking.....
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat May 28, 2005 5:24 pm

I think those package designs are excellent... it's about time that we broke this ridiculous and destructive habit. As for drinking, in strict moderation drinking can have health benefits, it's when it goes beyond this that it has detrimental effects. As someone who rarely drinks, I often despair of my fellow countryfolk who think a good night out is getting tanked up on booze, eating a dodgy kebab and then praying to the ceramic bowl all night. Most of them don't know what it's like to have a good time when sober... :roll:
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Postby city » Sat May 28, 2005 5:31 pm

Yes, you are right, but obviously I wasn't talking about drinking a reasonable small amount of alc. I just think that people, especially young ones, are not enough aware of the fact that alc is also dangerous and can make you addicted.
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Postby magikthrill » Sat May 28, 2005 5:33 pm

city wrote:Yes, you are right, but obviously I wasn't talking about drinking a reasonable small amount of alc. I just think that people, especially young ones, are not enough aware of the fact that alc is also dangerous and can make you addicted.

i feel like the yougner you drink (or even overdrink for that matter) the more responsible of a drinker you become as you grow older. i would love to do reserach on this to disprove the ridiculous age limit that exists in the US but not time or money :)
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Postby city » Sat May 28, 2005 5:39 pm

whats the age limit? 21?

Interesting impression that you mention, but not sure if its true....
I mean one has to collect certain experience to understand what the whole matter is all about, plus there is always the forbidden things that are most tempting, but it needs to be regulated somehow.
Not to forget the fact that in some places a beer is even cheaper than a glass of juice....
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat May 28, 2005 5:41 pm

I don't think it's just age Thrill, I think it's more to do with drink-education. For example, in France and other countries kids drink wine with their parents at the dinner table and as a result learn to associate drinking with good food and conversation. In contrast, kids in the UK and US normally have their first experience with drink when hanging around as teenagers with their mates. Thus, it's more to do with socialisation around alcohol than age alone.
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Postby magikthrill » Sat May 28, 2005 6:00 pm

yes it definitely has to do with social attitudes.

i rememebr when we were in mykonos for our senior high school trip and there these (flaming) american tourists and were looking at the kiosk cooler that was selling beer and other wine cooler types of alcohol (which for us were nothing more than breakfast at the time) and were AMAZED and spent 10 minutes discussing on how weird that was.

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Postby TVSET » Sat May 28, 2005 10:53 pm

magikthrill wrote:i found the link. these images are gross for smokers as well as non smokers. i will make sure to leave my packs in areas where non smokers can see them too. ... bac_en.htm

Yes! This is the page I was talking about. Thanks, I've bookmarked it now. :)

While many people argue that this pictures won't stop that many people from smoking, I tend to disagree. I personally know of a few people (ok, ladies mostly) that won't even look in the general direction of the cigarette pack if they know that one of this pictures is printed on it.

Also, there is this category of people who don't usually smoke and don't buy cigarettes, but tend to have one or two when drinking in the pub. They usually ask for a cigarette from one of the friends around. In that condition, if they see the pack, they are most likely to throw up than to enjoy the poison. :)
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Postby magikthrill » Sat May 28, 2005 10:58 pm

i dunno about cyprus or the UK but I know in Greece they sell cigarette pack coverings with "witty" sayings. theyve been selling them since the written labels came out.

heres one i think they should use which i saw on a greek restaurant menu:

Please don't eat while I smoke :)
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Postby TVSET » Sat May 28, 2005 10:59 pm

city wrote:I'm always wondering why the make such a fuss about smoking, but not about drinking.....

When one drinks, he is the only one affected by it. When one smokes, people around are poisoned. That's especially bad for pregnant women and kids. That's a rather simplistic way of looking at things, but it helps to draw a picture. :)

Also, alcohol is not harmful for health if handled properly. Many doctors suggest that small amounts of alcohol are actually useful to a human body. It helps with some gestational and cardiological problems for one. Smoking on the other hand is a total other story.
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