miltiades wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Dear Miltiades....Do yourself a favour and stop locking horns with the likes of Paphidis....These people are blind,because they refuse to see...
They have acquired their false nationalism from ignorant relatives,or from pure propaganda channels...They are as dangerous for peace in Cyprus as those who demanded Enosis and Taksim back in the 50s...At least those in the past didn't have the benefit of hindsight...They could be excused for their treachery....Paphidis and his ilk have no excuses....They are simply pawns in the hands of the foreign powers whose interest is to keep Cypriots divided....
You made a comment earlier about AKEL not supporting Enosis back then,but I think you are mistaken...AKEL was for Enosis with Greece because they hoped Greece would turn communist...This was the main reason a lot of TCs left AKEL back in the 40s and 50s...The other reason was TMT's threats and intimidation tactics....But most TCs didnt need any warning from the TMT...The fact that AKEL supported Enosis was enough...
People like Paphidis will never understand these intricate factors which served the interests of the original 'divide and rule' practitioners...A pity,my dear compatriot...But don't go getting yourself banned again to teach this guy a lesson..He is not worth it...
Bir let me disagree on the support of EOKA by AKEL.
AKEL was anti - EOKA from day one. I was growing up in Ayios Loukas Famagusta and was , even at a the ripe age of 12 an active member of ANE which was the youth movement of EOKA used for transporting written material and instructions or parcels to specific addresses. I remember in Ayios Loukas that the minute EOKA leaflets were dropped they were destroyed by the AKEL youngsters who despised EOKA.
I was at the receiving end when I was drugged of my bike and set upon by these youngsters. The intervention of a young man by the name of Lenin , yes Lenin , his brother was called Stalin, both of these young ment belonged to EOKA and were known in Ayios Loukas, saved me from a certain beating.
May I also state that not a single T/C was killed by AKEL members.
Now thats a bold statement......