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Enclaves and the Turkish TMT plot for TAKSIM!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:21 pm

samarkeolog wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Well, I did not deny that the 8 were not part of an armed group. I did state that the 8 were EOKA members.

This is exactly what I said:
Next the British released from jail eight Greek Cypriot EOKA fighters....

And this:
On 12 June 1958 eight innocent unarmed Greek Cypriot civilians from Kondemenos village were murdered by T.M.T. terrorists....

So the eight individuals were part of an armed group. But they were released in a TMT controlled area by the British and were unarmed at the time. The 8 GC's were murdered by TMT near the village of Geunyeli.

I agree that it was murder and thus unacceptable, but they were not 'civilians'.

The findings of the British Commission of Inquiry should answer all questions on the incident…
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:29 pm

As to your mothers neighbors husband, you dont give a year, but the choices are many. The killers could be the Eoka, a disgruntles person with a grudge or even a TC (which I doubt). As a police officer policing for the British (assuming the date of his killing to be before 1960) he might be seen as a collaborator too. Who knows. We can only make wild guesses here.

I will have to ask my mother when I get a chance.

The assassination was definitely between 55-59. The victim lived 2 or three doors down from my mother's house.

She told me that she was playing in the backyard when 2 assassins, wearing balaclavas, climbed over the fence. They saw my mother, and told her to go inside to her mum. She did not need anymore convincing, as she was scared. The assassins then continued with their mission. They broke into the victims house, and then shot him.

He was a police officer and hence EOKA would have considered him a collaborator and a traitor to their cause. I think it is safe to presume that he was killed by EOKA assassins.
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Postby samarkeolog » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:31 pm

Paphitis wrote:Samarkeolog Wrote:
As for protection from Turkish Air Force bombings, it was Greek Cypriot extremists' attacks that caused Turkish military bombings. Der Spiegel (19th August 1964 - Google translation) said that,

Greek Cypriots attacked Kokkina for security and defensive purposes, as the TMT, the TCs and Turkey were smuggling weapons through the Kokkina Beachhead.

If you defend Greek Cypriots attacking Turkish Cypriots, who were not attacking them, to prevent the Turkish Cypriots from attacking Greek Cypriots later, do you defend Turkish Cypriots attacking Greek Cypriots to prevent them from attacking Turkish Cypriots later? The Turkish Cypriots who killed the Greek Cypriots outside Gönyeli/Guenyeli killed them because they were EOKA. I would not defend either attack.

Therefore, it still stands to reason that the main objective of the TMT, was TAKSIM.

Yes and no. TMT did want taksim, but Turkish Cypriots genuinely (and rightly) feared first EOKA and then Akritas.

Enclaves, were established to mainly assist the TMT with their mission.

No. Enclaves were normally established by spontaneous evacuation of other places by terrified Turkish Cypriots. TMT then took control of the defence of the enclaves, then had control of the Turkish Cypriot community. If Greek Cypriot extremists had not attacked and terrified the Turkish Cypriot community, they would not have established the enclaves, and TMT would not have had control of the Turkish Cypriot community.

They armed themselves to the teeth, by smuggling arms from Turkey to Kokkina, so thet they can continue with their terror campaign for TAKSIM.

Yes and no. A lot of the fighters were just terrified and trying to defend themselves. But the TMT leadership were extremists and did want taksim.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:36 pm

Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby samarkeolog » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:37 pm

Get Real! wrote:
samarkeolog wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Well, I did not deny that the 8 were not part of an armed group. I did state that the 8 were EOKA members.

This is exactly what I said:
Next the British released from jail eight Greek Cypriot EOKA fighters....

And this:
On 12 June 1958 eight innocent unarmed Greek Cypriot civilians from Kondemenos village were murdered by T.M.T. terrorists....

So the eight individuals were part of an armed group. But they were released in a TMT controlled area by the British and were unarmed at the time. The 8 GC's were murdered by TMT near the village of Geunyeli.

I agree that it was murder and thus unacceptable, but they were not 'civilians'.

The findings of the British Commission of Inquiry should answer all questions on the incident…

My computer won't let me save the PDF. I'll try again, maybe find it elsewhere.
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Postby doesntmatter » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Zan and I posted a link but you are too bloody lazy to read it, instead you prefer to be a clown and make a fool of yourself. :roll:

I am still looking for your link and cannot find it.

Try this for startes:

This is from a Turkish source....

Are you sure it is not "dubious"? :lol:

From what I heard, Turkey in order to manifest the partion of the of the island planned to gather all Cyprus Turks within a region. By placing militia at various points and enforcing these with new conscripts a permanent base of deployment was planned.Paphos was one the the regions planned for such a scope. Smaller villages were to be joined to these stations strengthening their defences against probable Greek attacks. By this way any Greek plans to attack and destroy unprotected villages to spread their cmplete sovereignty over the whole island would be impeded. By time these three regions would spread and integrate paving the way to the partition of the island without going into a major fighting. Details that reached us all indicated to the presence of such a plot.


Whilst all along, the GCs wanted to spread their complete sovereiggnty over the whole island:

By this way any Greek plans to attack and destroy unprotected villages to spread their cmplete sovereignty over the whole island would be impeded.

TMT also smuggled arms into Kokkina to further their TAKSIM objectives:

“ Erenköy, the first base for the supply of arms to the fighters of Cyprus, was also the first place to be put under alert. All arms and armament in nine underground burials was under voluntary protection. Every depot contained necessary arms that would be necessary for the defence of the village. Alevkaya village had one, Bozdag and Mansura villages 4 and Selcuklu and Erenkoy 1 depot.

He said the Turks had chosen the Mansoura – Kokkina area as a bridgehead for the creation of a Turkish cantomn. In this they were helped by the existence of Turkish Cypriot villages, facilities for the unloading of military material and men from Turkey, and favourable ground.

This Turkish bridgehead was the most important in the island, he said. One of the reasons was that it could be used for the bringing of supplies from the sea.

Are you trying to say that it was ok for the GCs to fight to "spread their complete sovereiggnty over the whole island" but was not ok for us to defend ourselves?

Well, in that case, why are the Palastiniens fighting and not just turning their homes and lands over to the Jews? :roll:
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:05 pm

doesntmatter wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Zan and I posted a link but you are too bloody lazy to read it, instead you prefer to be a clown and make a fool of yourself. :roll:

I am still looking for your link and cannot find it.

Try this for startes:

This is from a Turkish source....

Are you sure it is not "dubious"? :lol:

From what I heard, Turkey in order to manifest the partion of the of the island planned to gather all Cyprus Turks within a region. By placing militia at various points and enforcing these with new conscripts a permanent base of deployment was planned.Paphos was one the the regions planned for such a scope. Smaller villages were to be joined to these stations strengthening their defences against probable Greek attacks. By this way any Greek plans to attack and destroy unprotected villages to spread their cmplete sovereignty over the whole island would be impeded. By time these three regions would spread and integrate paving the way to the partition of the island without going into a major fighting. Details that reached us all indicated to the presence of such a plot.

Whilst all along, the GCs wanted to spread their complete sovereiggnty over the whole island:

By this way any Greek plans to attack and destroy unprotected villages to spread their cmplete sovereignty over the whole island would be impeded.

TMT also smuggled arms into Kokkina to further their TAKSIM objectives:

“ Erenköy, the first base for the supply of arms to the fighters of Cyprus, was also the first place to be put under alert. All arms and armament in nine underground burials was under voluntary protection. Every depot contained necessary arms that would be necessary for the defence of the village. Alevkaya village had one, Bozdag and Mansura villages 4 and Selcuklu and Erenkoy 1 depot.

He said the Turks had chosen the Mansoura – Kokkina area as a bridgehead for the creation of a Turkish cantomn. In this they were helped by the existence of Turkish Cypriot villages, facilities for the unloading of military material and men from Turkey, and favourable ground.

This Turkish bridgehead was the most important in the island, he said. One of the reasons was that it could be used for the bringing of supplies from the sea.

Are you trying to say that it was ok for the GCs to fight to "spread their complete sovereiggnty over the whole island" but was not ok for us to defend ourselves?

Well, in that case, why are the Palastiniens fighting and not just turning their homes and lands over to the Jews? :roll:

It's 399 pages! No wonder I didn't read it....Image

What exactly am I suppose to be looking for?

Either cut and paste the immediate text or provide a page number...
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:19 am

doesntmatter wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Greek Cypriots attacked Kokkina for security and defensive purposes, as the TMT, the TCs and Turkey were smuggling weapons through the Kokkina Beachhead:

The First Cyprus Crisis, Aware of Turkish problems and not content with independence, Greek Cypriots – lead by George Grivas - still sought Enosis, and tensions remained high.

Can you translate the above written in LARGE BLUE letters for me please. They are not pictures so you should have no problems translating. :wink: :lol:

Goerge Grivas was not even in Cyprus as he only arrived in late 1964, after the outbreak of violence...Image

You edited and change the contents of your posting that contains the quote "First Cyprus crisis" that contained the following:

The First Cyprus Crisis, Aware of Turkish problems and not content with independence, Greek Cypriots – lead by George Grivas - still sought Enosis, and tensions remained high.

It now contains none of the above that was posted by you, instead, you changed it to:

The First Cyprus Crisis

In the night from 20 to 21 December 1963, a car carrying weapons for Turkish Cypriots in the Omorfita, a district of Nicosia – where armed resistance was organized – was halted on a police roadblock. After a few minutes a large crowd, mainly consisting of Turkish Cypriots, assembled nearby and the situation heated up, resulting in exchange of fire in which one policeman and two Turks were killed. This mini-uprising of Turkish Cypriots ended by Christmas of the same year, but there more skirmishes followed, as since that time Turkey began systematically organising and arming students and men younger than 30 into small units, equipped with personal weapons, bazookas and mortars. Several loads of food and ammunition were shipped from Turkey to Cyprus during the following winter, mainly by small boats and by night, which were landing in the Kokkina area.

Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

You edited your posting twice and are now attempting to lie your way out.

Nice try Papitis, but your action only proves that you are a cheating, lying clown.

You edited and change the contents of your posting that contains the quote "First Cyprus crisis" that contained the following:

You edited your posting twice and are now attempting to lie your way out.

I edited my post simply to make it shorter and to make my point more concise, as may posts do get a bit to large at times.

It was not attempt to conceal any information or lie, because I ALWAYS include all links which allow the reader the opportunity to read the FULL content.

So get your facts right you incompetent idiot!
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:24 am

enosis was not declared because it would have meant that Turkey and Greece would have gone to war, two NATO allies.

I am still waiting for this evidence. :roll:

What are you avoiding? :lol:

Have you read the 399 page report? :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:53 am

Vital information which proves that ENOSIS was not the objective of Makarios or the reek Junta which deposed him on 15 Jul 08:

Grivas is an avid anti-Communist and has vowed to destroy the
party on Cyprus. The Communist Party supports Makarios and his
drive for an independent Cyprus. Another leftist faction, led by Vassos
Lyssarides, who is close to Makarios, is determined to block Grivas
by any means. It has about the same strength as the Grivas force.
Up to now, Makarios has held Lyssarides back and prevented a blood
bath involving these two radical extremes within the Greek Cypriot
community. Should the Grivas forces make any really determined and
forceful push to fulfill the general’s lifelong goal of enosis, there is a
good possibility that Makarios would allow Lyssarides to use all his
resources against Grivas.

4. General stated that Greece also believed in non-interference and
in a free, independent, sovereign state of Cyprus; Greece would abide
by the decision of the majority of the Greek Cypriots, most of whom
were nationalists, and these nationalists were the ones who had moved
against Makarios. It was immaterial whether these Greek Cypriot nationalists
moved with or without the prior blessing of Greece or
whether Greek officers subsequently assisted them. At this point he
went off on a tangent stating that neither Greece nor the Greek Cypriots
had asked for enosis, that GOT had obviously accepted these developments
in Cyprus, that Turks understood that the matter was an
internal Greek Cypriot affair.

The Turks were officially aware that the Junta had no intentions to declare ENOSIS:
8. In reply to question whether Greeks were in direct touch with
Turks, General stated we have not bothered the Turks; we have not declared enosis. Turks agree that “the principal thorn” (i.e., Makarios) is
gone and, “I am not in touch with the Turks.” He expressed view that
Greece and Turkey could now proceed at some future time to sit down,
talk and solve their differences. Indeed, according to Ioannides Greeks might even be willing to share profits of petroleum finds in a joint exploration
company; however, Greece would never surrender Aegean
continental shelf because this would mean Turkish control of Greek islands.
He also expressed belief that Greek and Turkish Cypriots could
probably solve their difficulties peacefully, quietly and amicably. He
even joked that in a year or perhaps more realistically ten, the Turks
might want to sell their share of Cyprus for increased percentage of
petroleum rights. Again in reply to direct question, General Ioannides
stated that he was not in contact with any Turkish official; however, he
added that Turks were “officially aware” that enosis was not the objective
at this point and that Greek Cypriots did not intend any bloody
action against Turk Cypriots.

Thanks for the link boys? :lol:
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