You twist and turn and you don't even know where you are going Paphitis...
This is where I am going...
So far you have not been able to counter my factual argument:
Samarkeolog Wrote:
As for protection from Turkish Air Force bombings, it was Greek Cypriot extremists' attacks that caused Turkish military bombings.
Der Spiegel (19th August 1964 -
Google translation) said that,
Greek Cypriots attacked Kokkina for security and defensive purposes, as the TMT, the TCs and Turkey were smuggling weapons through the Kokkina Beachhead:
The First Cyprus Crisis
In the night from 20 to 21 December 1963, a car carrying weapons for Turkish Cypriots in the Omorfita, a district of Nicosia – where armed resistance was organized – was halted on a police roadblock. After a few minutes a large crowd, mainly consisting of Turkish Cypriots, assembled nearby and the situation heated up, resulting in exchange of fire in which one policeman and two Turks were killed. This mini-uprising of Turkish Cypriots ended by Christmas of the same year, but there more skirmishes followed, as since that time Turkey began systematically organising and arming students and men younger than 30 into small units, equipped with personal weapons, bazookas and mortars. Several loads of food and ammunition were shipped from Turkey to Cyprus during the following winter, mainly by small boats and by night, which were landing in the Kokkina area. Wrote:
When they attacked, Turkey bombed them back. So, the Greek Cypriots might have needed the Greeks to protect them from the Turks, but only because the Greek Cypriots attacked the Turkish Cypriots. If the Greek Cypriots hadn't attacked the Turkish Cypriots, the Turks wouldn't have attacked the Greek Cypriots.
If the TCs were not smuggling weapons from Turkey in order to further their campaign for
TAKSIM, then the GCs would not have attacked.
The GCs were merely defending their island as it was evident that Kokkina was a
major national threat to Cypriot Sovereignty, due to TMT weapon smuggling:
GR Wrote:
Had you done your homework you would’ve known that the Kokkina enclave was in fact a TMT forces enclave, which had a sea port that regularly received arms and other supplies from Turkish boats that fuelled the TC armed uprisings all over the island, and ultimately making it vital for Turkey’s goal of partition on Cyprus by providing her with a safe beachhead for a military ground invasion.
The fact that the TAF conducted the first aerial bombings on Cyprus as a result of the Kokkina threat by opposing forces is further concrete evidence of the importance of Kokkina for Turkey because had Kokkina fallen the entire Turkish ulterior motive for Cyprus would’ve fallen to pieces.
Therefore, the RoC government was correct in its evaluation that the Kokkina point was a major national threat and had to go! After all, the major population of Cyprus was an 82% overwhelming majority of Greek Cypriots that the Kokkina point was directly threatening.
So in order to defend the Kokkina beachhead, the TAF bombs Cyprus using these aircraft:
THK F-100 Super Sabres were very active over Cyprus in 1964. This artwork, reconstructed from several photographs showing different Turkish "Huns" in the 1960s, depicts one of F-100D in service with the THK at the time. The THK received also a sizeable batch of F-100Cs, but only from 1970 onwards. (Artwork by Tom Cooper) had dropped over 750lbs (340kg) of bombs and napalm:
Turkish jets had dropped 750lbs (340 kg) of bombs and napalm on their strongholds in north-west Cyprus.
"The whole area is on fire," said a spokesman for the Cypriot government.
"We cannot estimate casualties but there must be hundreds. Whole villages have been wiped out."
They also accused the Turkish government of landing troops on the north-west coast of the island. ... 037898.stm
Therefore, it still stands to reason that the main objective of the TMT, was TAKSIM. Enclaves, were established to mainly assist the TMT with their mission. They armed themselves to the teeth, by smuggling arms from Turkey to Kokkina, so thet they can continue with their terror campaign for TAKSIM.
The last paragraph is the essence of this thread.
Any thoughts gents?