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Heil Comrade, heil Hitler!

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Re: Heil Comrade, heil Hitler!

Postby Oracle » Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:39 pm

Kifeas wrote:President Christofias, in an interview last evening with CyBC, claimed to be seeing some logic in Mr. Talat’s formula in which he (Talat) maintains that the more the departure from a 50:50 share in the federal government and institutions, the more the powers and authorities the TC constituent state should “retain,” even up to the extent that it may as well be looked upon as an almost sovereign “nation-state” into a look like confederation.

So the blackmail as I see it (I am sure I will be corrected if wrong) is that either we GCs accept having 0.25% of our individual voting rights in the New Revised Government in return for allowing us access back to the whole of our island; or accept that partition may occur as is now, but with a negotiable return of some land, if we accept a proportion less than the whole one vote per person we would otherwise expect of a democracy untouched by Turks.
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Re: Heil Comrade, heil Hitler!

Postby Kikapu » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:24 pm

Kifeas wrote:President Christofias, in an interview last evening with CyBC, claimed to be seeing some logic in Mr. Talat’s formula in which he (Talat) maintains that the more the departure from a 50:50 share in the federal government and institutions, the more the powers and authorities the TC constituent state should “retain,” even up to the extent that it may as well be looked upon as an almost sovereign “nation-state” into a look like confederation.


I don't know exactly what Christofias said and in what contexts, but if we are to take a Federation system of the USA, each and every individual state almost acts like a "sovereign state". This is what I have been trying to tell those TC's who sees BBF Federation as being bad for them and it should be BBF Confederation instead. The only thing that individual states cannot do on their own, is to make foreign policies for the USA, but only the representatives from those states in the Congress. Central Federal Government will have a lot of power at Federal level, but individual states also have enormous State Powers in how they run their own states without interferences from the Federal Government, as long as state constitutions does not violate it's own Federal Constitution and Laws. One thing Talat will not be able to do with the "Turkish Cypriot state", is make Constitutional laws that keeps the north only "Turkish" and the same goes for the south, that it will not be made pure "Greek", because freedom of movement and voting rights for all Cypriots along with all the other Democratic and Human Rights laws will be protected by the Federal Government, along with no right to secede from the union by any state without the approval of Super Majority of all Cypriots plus other hurdles. Unless I got your post wrong, I did not expect anything less for either side in a Federation States settlement.

Confederation can only happen if the GC's "gift" the north to the TC's in a "virgin birth" concept, and if that were to happen, then I doubt very much that the TC's would even be interested in having a Union with the GC's to form some kind of a Micky Mouse government, or that the GC's even would be interested themselves. The TC's would rather prefer to be on their own as they have been trying for the past 25 years by trying to get recognition, which has failed. With the "gift" from the GC's of the north, and you are looking at a 2 independent sovereign states. If this is what the majority of TC's and GC's want, then they should cut all the crap and talk seriously about land giveback from the north to the south where most GC refugees are able to return back to their land, and still be in the "Greek Cypriot state", and where the TC's only need to compensate the very few GC's whose land will remain in the "Turkish Cypriot state". From then on, let both sides decide what kind of relationship they would like to maintain with each other. My guess is, it will serve all Cypriots to keep the then controlled borders open if the north does not get into the EU. But in all reality, I can see the wall going up between the 2 states at the first sign of friction, if not before.!
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