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Israel finaly putting Hamas in its place

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Postby CBBB » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:14 pm

Free Spirit wrote:
CBBB wrote:Israeli naval ship clashes with aid boat directed to Gaza
An Israeli naval ship clashed on Tuesday with a small boat carrying foreign activists

So why should foriegn activists be sticking their noses in, did these morons object to the daily rocket and mortar attacks on Israel?
But, if an Israeli sneezes they're accused of germ warfare.

They were taking 3 and half tons of medical aid, which they obviously need and Isreal won't allow them to be supplied.

What is threatening about that?
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:16 pm

The Secretary General of the UN has constantly been critical of the Palestinians for their ongoing campaign to eliminate the state of Israel, which after all is the Israelis homeland; let's not foreget that.

Can you please point out which parts are Israel's homeland from these maps...Image


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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:23 pm

miltiades wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:Free-Spirit, the only government/country supporting Israel in these killings is the USA. The United nations and also the European union have condemned Israels actions. The people of Palestine need help, the hospitals are overwhelmed by the wounded, now running at over 1400, lack of supplies due to Israels actions have turned this into a humanitarian crisis. As for putting Hamas "in it's place" where exactly is that place? Israel have coveted Gaza for years and won't be happy till they have control of that whole area (in my opinion).

Tes , in your opinion , how should Israel have reacted finding its southern areas under daily rocket attacks from Hamas , an organization that does not recognize the right of Israel to exist and has as its manifesto the destruction of this nation.
The death of innocents is always regrettable and a crime against humanity
it its condemned by all civilized nations.

I do not condone violence at all, but I do think that Israel are using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Gaza has been under severe restrictions regarding basic food and medical supplies etc - one has to ask why this is still going on, and why the restrictions imposed by Israel were still in place during the last ceasefire? Where is the incentive for peace? and why are the UN and EU condemning Israels latest acts of violence with such vehemence? Please read the following: ... 07.doc.htm
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Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:53 pm

CBBB wrote:Isn't the disproportionate retaliation of Isreal similar to someone being shot dead for climbing a flag pole?

Silly analogy . The flag pole climber did not carry a rocket with him.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:56 pm

Simple solution. Hamas renounces violence , stops firing rockets into Israel and recognizes the right of Israel to exist .
Israel WILL BE FORCED to reciprocate .
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Postby Oracle » Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:36 pm

Amazing how a minority can be so destructive ..... :roll: I wonder who else has suffered under the hands of a belligerent minority that thinks it constitutes a chosen people, with extra-special Rights?

Good maps Paphitis!
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:59 pm

Oracle wrote:Amazing how a minority can be so destructive ..... :roll: I wonder who else has suffered under the hands of a belligerent minority that thinks it constitutes a chosen people, with extra-special Rights?

Good maps Paphitis!

There are many similarities to Cyprus!

We are lucky that the Turks are so incompetent and have achieved nothing in 34 years of occupation. :?
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Postby purdey » Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:16 pm

Let's look at Hamas for a moment. Very little support in Gaza or the West Bank, constantly trying to break all cease fires by firing rockets into Israel. Hiding in populated areas when Israel responds, and then thriving on civilian casualties, I have no time for these cowardly bastards and would love to see them destroyed.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:21 pm

purdey wrote:Let's look at Hamas for a moment. Very little support in Gaza or the West Bank, constantly trying to break all cease fires by firing rockets into Israel. Hiding in populated areas when Israel responds, and then thriving on civilian casualties, I have no time for these cowardly bastards and would love to see them destroyed.

The rest of the world has no time for cowardly airborne bombardment on defenceless civilians, except the US maybe. :?

My theory is that this military action has much to do with the impending Israeli elections and the incumbents trying to rally support for their heavy handed approach against the Palestinians. It is a pity that the Israeli's don't value the lives of innocent Palestinian victims. :(
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Postby DT. » Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:33 pm

purdey wrote:Let's look at Hamas for a moment. Very little support in Gaza or the West Bank, constantly trying to break all cease fires by firing rockets into Israel. Hiding in populated areas when Israel responds, and then thriving on civilian casualties, I have no time for these cowardly bastards and would love to see them destroyed.

There was a kid with half his head missing on tv last night.
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