What an extraordinary example of media manipulations the events in Gaza are becoming.
We can sit in front of our televisions and witness the onslaught of a mighty military force, jets and helicopters buzzing overhead, tanks rolling through densely populated civilian areas with cannons blazing, distraught women and children being blasted into oblivion by aggressors intent upon destroying a duly (and democratically) elected government of the people, YET, we are expected to ally ourselves to such destruction and murder, merely because Bush, Blair and Olmert, did not approve of the election result.
Hamas, as under equipped as it IS, certainly displays more courage in defending itself against such oppression as do those that impose their will upon them.
Some see Israel's actions as justifiable, I see them as acts of bullying aggression.
The 'Wipe Israel off the map' LIE, seems to have taken hold in the minds of so many, which bolsters my first comment that 'The Media' have succeeded in manipulating the minds of those 'many'.
Public opinion has become worthless, Iraq was evidence enough of just how worthless it WAS, this latest fiasco is evidence of how worthless it still IS.