Yeah, let's all get pissed on Christmas Day,
The one day of the year
when foes embrace despite their race,
with shining smiles on every face
each heart filled with good cheer.
Yeah, let's all get pissed on Christmas Day,
Forget the days done by,
let guns fall silent, peace to all
awaiting the awakening call
then, let the bullets fly.
Yeah, let's all get pissed on Christmas Day,
The New Year lies ahead,
the thieves who brought about our grief
who, for this day, keep sword in sheath
cannot bring back the dead.
Yeah, let's all get pissed on Christmas Day,
Our Country is in danger,
those 'Leaders' of opposing views
who spread the lies and call it news
who deal with us just as they choose
"The dodgers of the flying shoes"
the hypocrites prepared to use
religious symbols as a ruse
designed to distort and confuse,
the message from the 'Manger'.
Yeah, let's all get pissed on Christmas Day,
let's numb our brains with liquor,
the 'Brits' will show you how it's done
the bearer's of the smoking gun
who promise all yet give up none
who spread the hate midst everyone
until their evil work is done
and Father will oppose his Son,
the plot grows, ever thicker.
Merry Christmas, from the starving millions who are unable to join you in your moments of merriment.