Turkey’s Dirty Harry...
“Harry Scott Gibbons” is the fictional invention of the Center for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. The idea is for Turkey to pretend that “foreign authors” are condemning the Republic Of Cyprus and promoting the Turkish invasion & occupation of Cyprus despite Turkey’s international condemnation, as bizarre as it may sound…
The site claims that…
“Harry Scott Gibbons is a journalist. He served in the Middle East, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and the United States and is the author of the book The Genocide Files, published by Charles Bravos, London, 1997.”
…yet, not the slightest shred of evidence exists that such a journalist exists let alone one that “served” on Cyprus. Another interesting point is the total lack of moral values this “journalist” displays in all his writings and reminiscent of the typical Turkish foreign policy psyche. Seriously, what is the probability that a complete foreigner will agree with Turkey’s stance 100%?
It is no surprise that the overall Cyprus Problem stance of the fictional “Harry Scott Gibbons” is the well-known and erroneous Republic of Turkey stance…
“The Cyprus problem was solved in July 1974, when the Turkish Armed Forces intervened in…”
http://www.sam.gov.tr/perceptions/Volum ... BONS_6.PDF
To conclude, anything written by the pen name of “Harry Scott Gibbons”, such as "The Genocide files" is not worth the paper it is written on.
Regards, GR.