brother wrote:Marinella where are you, this thread was made for you girl.

Brother dear, I don't know what you mean
Smiffy, where in Cyprus are you moving to?
Depending on your age and what you are looking for, the ideal place for you could vary.
Food-wise, the prices are pretty much the same, although when eating out in Cyprus, the food is MUCH better than the UK
Alcohol can be a lot cheaper here, depends where you shop.
Pubs and clubs, can be cheaper, again depending on location.
I personally have only been in Cyprus for a few months, still finding my feet

I'm not in the best clubbing location either, which saddens me greatly on a Saturday night
Cars are cheaper when new, but more expensive second hand - go figure
Accommodation is cheaper, and considering you can have a beautiful seaview for these prices, it's much better than the UK.
I'm sure the others can chip in with some more advice and prices for ya.