BirKibrisli wrote:Piratis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Piratis wrote:The "Treaty of Guarantee" as well as the 1960 constitution are nothing more than what was imposed on the Cypriot people by force, when Turks and British collaborated and attacked us in order to oppress our revolution for freedom and self-determination. In fact the intercommunal conflict started in 1958 by the TCs as part of their collaboration with the British.
Those treaties served exclusively the interests of those foreigners who made them, as well as their Turkish minority in Cyprus, who they used as the means and as the excuse to deny to Cyprus its freedom, and later rewarded them with unfair privileges on the expense of the vast majority of Cypriots.
In 1963 Makarios simply proposed changes to the constitution which were supported by the vast majority of Cypriots, and which would have made the constitution much more democratic and fair.
Unfortunately the TC minority who were used to have unfair privileges on the expense of the native Cypriot people since the time of the Ottoman rule, rejected the proposals and restarted the conflict with the aim to maintain their unfair privileges that were granted to them by the Turks and the British on the expense of every other Cypriot.
If Turkey thinks that that such disproportional and unfair "partnerships" should be made between the majority and ethnic minorities, then they can practice what they preach in their own country by doing such partnerships with the Kurdish and Greek minorities that live in Turkey. (not only they don't do that, but instead they don't even give to them their minority and human rights!)
What we believe is right for Cyprus, is what is right for every other modern civilized state. Democracy (=majority rule + minority rights), human rights and equality of all citizens without apartheid and racist discriminations. It is time for the Turks to recognize that we are not living in the Middle Ages, and that Cyprus is not part of their empire, and that they can not anymore divide the people of Cyprus into higher class Muslims and lower class Christians and expect such thing to be tolerated by us.
Republic of Cyprus today is ruled democratically by its own people (TCs are free to participate as well) and this is what makes it 100% legitimate, more so than any foreign imposed undemocratic and unfair "partnership" would.
We are only bound by what is right, which is freedom, democracy and human rights and not by anything that some Turks or British want to force on our island to serve their own interests on our expense.
What a pity,Piratis,that all through the 50s you were not concerned with Independence,but wished to gift our homeland to Greece on a plate...The demand for Enosis is the key to all that followed...When you admit that and apologise to all Cypriots for turning their island into a civil war site,then you will have the moral authority to throw your stones at the TCs...Not before..
So our "crime" was our desire for
freedom? Being independent means to have the power to decide the destiny of your own territory, and that is
exactly what we wanted, our self-determination.
Here is the UN resolution about decolonization which clearly defines "integration into an independent State" as a legitimate option for the people being decolonized. Why was this denied to us? To serve the interests of some foreigners and some small minority, on our expense? ... ration.htmOur desire for freedom in a free Greek State is not something that started in the 50s, but something that started from day one of the Greek revolution. All Greeks were under Ottoman rule and all of us wanted to be free in a our own state. We didn't want to be split into several small protectorates to make it easier for some others to manipulate us.
During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.
Just like in 1821 the Turks attacked us in order to stop us from having our freedom, the exact same thing they did in 1958 along with the British.
So are you going now to blame us because we wanted our freedom, instead of blaming yourselves for attacking us in order to deny to us our freedom and our rights, and gain on our expense disproportional and unfair privileges?
The fact is that the Cypriot people never ventured out of their own island to harm anybody, it is others who kept invading us. All we ever wanted is our
freedom and
self-determination so we, not some foreigners, could determine the destiny of our own island.
We are not going to apologize for revolting for our freedom. It is you who should apologize for helping foreigners to deny to the Cypriot people their freedom, and collaborating with foreigners so you can gain unfair and disproportionate privileges that were given to you as a reward for assisting them to oppress our revolution and maintain control over Cyprus against the will of the vast majority of Cypriots.
I have said before that given the times and our history your demand for Enosis with Greece was understandable...But your "freedom" ,meant slavery for a sizeable majority who had legitimate fears for their future...
This is what you fail to see...There was no way the TCs would accept Enosis,whichever emotional cloth you wrapped it in...The smart thing to do was to fight for indepedence making sure that the TCs would be fighting by your side...The moment you made Enosis your sole and non-negotiable ambition you set the two communities on the collision course...
The rest is history...Sure others took advantage of this,but it was the GCs who gave them the weapon to shoot down the only opportunity Cypriots had of becoming truly free and independent...Your stubborn refusal to accept the GC part in all this is what leads me to believe that in your heart you (Piratis) are after revenge and punishment...The demand for Enosis was to punish the TCs,and your refusal to apportion any blame to the GCs now shows that at least you,Piratis,have carried the historical bitterness and hatred of the TCs and ,in them,the Turks,all the way to the present...

There are no slaves in Greece. The only thing you would loose would be the
unfair and disproportional privileges, that were granted to you by the invaders of Cyprus.
You collaborated with foreigners because they promised to you Ottoman style privileges on our loss. Makarios was the
very first to propose an independent Cyprus,
not you, it didn't even pass your mind.
Tell me Bir, would it make any difference for TCs if:
1) They were a minority within the Greek state
2) They were a minority within a Cypriot state
I am 100% sure it would make
absolutely no difference in the way they acted. The moment that the British and the Turks would promise to them unfair and disproportional gains on the expense of the majority, they would again act in the exact same way even if our aim was an independent state.
This is proven beyond any doubt by now. Today and for many decades union with Greece is out of the question but the TCs at no point accepted to drop their unfair privileges on our loss. On the contrary they demand for even more!
Tell me Bir, for what exactly do you hold GCs responsible?
For fighting for our freedom against the foreign rulers?
For not giving up our Greek identity which we have kept for 1000s of years?
For not tolerating injustices against us?
For not doing whatever you demanded (as if you were still our Ottoman rulers and we had to obey your every desire)?
Yes, in the conflict which you started crimes were committed from both sides. I accept that innocent TCs died as well in those conflicts. But thats about it with the GC responsibilities. You can't blame GCs for the conflicts, because TCs are the ones who started them. And self-determination (which could lead to enosis) was nothing less than our
right not a crime that we should apologize to anybody for.