saravakos wrote:typical uneducated responses from the 2 idiots on out of bullshit to spew??
saravakos wrote:typical uneducated responses from the 2 idiots on out of bullshit to spew??
Get Real! wrote:US warns Russia against selling missiles to Iran ... ussia_iran
saravakos wrote:You should be a comedian...maybe your KKK buddies will like your stand up show.
Get Real! wrote:yialousa1971 wrote:
Please can we keep things civil here ,we do not need to bring up Miltiades
personal life.![]()
I heard Miltiades is hoping for his Zionist friends to get the Anglo's and Americans to attack Iran next. So he can sell more pots and pans to their armies as it will be an even longer war than the Iraq one. As they say, "an army marches on it's stomach" and Miltiades has the Kitchen utensils to supply them.
Being a good Christian, Miltiades always follows the Bible...
“And they shall beat their pots & pans into bazookas…”
Free Spirit wrote:saravakos wrote:You should be a comedian...maybe your KKK buddies will like your stand up show.
When God put teeth in that hole in your face he ruined a perfectly good arse.
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