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Tassos Papadopoulos 1934 - 2008

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:56 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for at least saying you did state that the AP will be used as a basis, how many pages remain and how many go no one knows for sure but its more than likely more will stay than go this happened during the transition from AP1 to AP5.

Let me say this from the beginning, that you VP, with your attitude, is never going to be able to live with anyone where you are a numerical minority in a Democratic country, therefore, I recommend that you get your own country to live and run, but I'm afraid that will not be in Cyprus. If you want to live with all Cypriots, then you will need to adopt to how everyone else manages to live in a Democratic countries all over the world regardless of their numerical size. This was not meant to be as an insult to you, but an answer to your overall problem accepting your numerical minority status.

VP, stop flying in the clouds without wings and come down to earth before you crash down with your thesis on the AP being used as the basis for the present talks. I'm just taking your word for it that your lawyer friend has told you that it was, that the AP was being used as basis for the talks. Whether your friend is telling the truth or you for that matter is irrelevant, because no doubt, if some things that both sides agree with that's in the AP, why wouldn't they use it rather than have it rewritten. This does not make the AP being the basis for present talks. It is unavoidable that out of 9,000+ pages, that somethings will not be kept. The American Constitution was just ONE page when it was written, but the AP was over 9,000 pages, so some things will be kept, but I do not believe it has anything to do with Undemocratic policies and violations on Human Rights.

Viewpoint wrote:Lets look at what you have posted by choosing a few words and sentences, you say we will become a minority if we ask for safeguards and not a minority if we join the ranks of 800.000 GCs, I'm having problems understanding this as it is exactly what we are fighting against not be pushed aside by the 80% and reduced to a status where the majority of GCs can vote whatever they wish against our wishes, you expect us to leave it to chance and hope for the best experiencing what we have in the past at the hands of "democratic" GCs? You are more naive than I ever thought you were, what we need is a mechanism that will allow us the right to say no on sensitive issues which will effect our community/state more negatively than the state. Kifeas has acknowledged this addressed it and put forward a system that could work that allows TCs the opportunity to have effective say in their own future, and stops them being brushed to one side as would be the case if we took your recommendations. Its this approach that make me suspicious of your intentions and why on the whole I do not take you seriously as you not see the dangers in store for us and blindly try to push us into oblivion at the hands of GCs.

The TC's have always been a numerical minority in Cyprus and more than likely, will always be if a solution is found. But being a numerical minority does not mean that you have to be classified as a minority group or community, because everyone have equal protection under the law, just like no numerical minority in Switzerland is ever considered to being a minority group or community. Out of 4 major Swiss ethnic communities, 3 of them are numerical minorities, and yet they are not seen as minority groups or communities , either by themselves or by the numerical majority, which happens to be the Swiss Germans. Therefore, minority and majority is only relevant when numerical groups and communities want extra treatment that is not given to the majority. This automatically then labels the numerical minority into a minority group or community.

For example, if a gay person is not discriminated for their sexual orientation in the society as a whole from jobs to renting apartments, to opening a business, there would be no need to have extra laws to protect them by the bigots. This puts them into a official minority status. Same with women in the job place. Women are hardly a numerical minority in any country, but often they are considered as a minority group, because they have been given special protections that "men" do not have, because they have been discriminated mostly in the job place. The moment any group asks for special treatment that others do not get, they are then seen as a minority group no matter how big or small their numerical numbers are.Therefore, by you asking for special treatment for the TC's as a community, you are accepting for us being a minority community because you do not feel secure as an equal citizen to everyone else, the GC's.

So once we accept these special protections, we then become official minority group by our own request. No one is forcing us to become a minority group, but we are asking to become one ourselves. But it is more than that, because we are not asking for any special treatment, but the one that violates other Democratic and Human Rights, which is not the case in other situations where the numerical minorities has been given special treatments, which is what we call in the states, "affirmative action" where certain number of people from these "minority groups" will need to be in all ares of the job market regardless of their qualifications. Of course, this was seen unfair by those who were most qualified for those jobs, so in a way, it was reverse discrimination by putting someone to a job who was less qualified than others. We do not have a "affirmative action" practices when it comes to the government elected offices however, because everyone is Democratically elected by the people in a one man one vote system, as they are in all Democratic countries, including in the de facto state of the "trnc", therefore you do practice Democracy when it suits you, but want special treatment when it doesn't. So decide whether you believe in Democracy or not first before anything else.

Viewpoint wrote:Political equality to us means a balance between being forced to do everything the GCs force upon us and the right to say no to decisions that will effect the north state and TCs more negative than the GCs in the south state, this balance above all is vital to any solution as TCs will not joint take their chances by putting themselves at the mercy of the 800.000 GC who have yet to prove that their donkey which has a saddle on it is in fact a race horse, we have seen no sign of this in the past 4 years.

You can interpret "political equality" in anyway you want. What is important, what political equality means as it is practiced all over Democratic countries, and that is, one man one vote. You will have the same rights as everyone else, and if it wasn't, then how can one use the word "equality" in the same sentence, because it will become "political inequality" otherwise if one man one vote was not used. The 1% Romansch ethnic group in Switzerland have same political equality in every sense as their 69% ethnic Swiss Germans, no more no less. Does the votes by the overwhelming 69% Swiss Germans effect the outcome of the elections when it comes to national issues, you betcha, but non of these decisions made the 1% Romansch, the 10% Swiss Italians, or the 20% Swiss French any less Swiss than the 69% Swiss Germans, nor did it bring harm to them. You will have to accept, that the TC's are a numerical minority to the GC's and nothing more, because we are equal citizens to every one of them. Decisions taken by the government effects all citizens and not just one community, so I don't know what decision a government will take that will only effect the TC's and the north, and not the GC's who will also be living in the north.

The 800,000 GC's thousand you always talk about who are going to make a difference of the TC's lives with their votes is overstretched, because most citizens votes only effect them when they vote locally in selecting a representative in the government for their region. The north will have their local representatives chosen by those who live there and the same in the south. That is why it is important to have mixed ethnic groups living in each areas, because the locals will vote for someone that will represent them and their interest. The Federal Government will only look after the interest of the country as a whole and will have very little to do with each state, because each state will run their own affairs, as long as it does not violate the Federal Constitution, which will be to protect all citizens rights. In a True Federation Cyprus, it is not going to be Turkish Cypriot North and Greek Cypriot South drawn on ethnic lines. It will not be a seperate independent countries. So, what ever the government approves, it will be the best for both states and for the country of Cyprus, because there will be mixed ethnic groups living both in the north and the south.

Viewpoint wrote:How do you expect to combat discrimination and persecution when you have a majority which will sure keep TCs out of office out of official jobs and generally at arms length, what safeguards do you recommend? or do we leave things to chance yet again, without a secure and safe structure to guarantee the majority act fairly and equally to all those who live on this island there will never be a solution TCs can commit to.

This is the wonderful thing about True Federation, since most TC's will choose to live and work in the north, where they will be amongst their own ethnic group. This alone solves most of your question about discrimination and persecution, unless of course it is perpetrated by the same people of the same ethnicity. Both the states will have their own constitutions dealing with these issues, including in the Federal Government. You want to put all your concerns into the constitution and have laws against such practices. Nations live by laws, therefore we too have to live by laws. Is there an answer to every single problem that gives projection to every citizen, and the answer is NO, but citizens will be free to challenge any law that may seem a violation against their Democratic and Human Rights, and each of those cases won, will then become part of the fabric of laws that will govern everyone. By asking special "safeguards" in order to protect you may well be hurting someone else's Democratic and Human Rights, when all they are asking is, to be an equal citizens with you.

Viewpoint wrote:As for your last comment let me try to answer this simply I am the indigenous population of this island and want to be in the position of the English Scots or Welsh in the UK not the Pakistanis or Indians also in the UK, can you grasp the difference? Safeguards have to be in place to ensure or force, no guarantee that the GCs majority cannot ignore, push aside, discriminate against TCs who have to be included in all walks of life be it the government, official offices, representation etc.

You cannot claim to be indegiouns to the island of Cyprus with the GC's and then turn around and say that you want to be treated like the Scots , the Welsh and the English when you are demanding "safeguards" when the Scots , the Welsh and the English are not asking the same for themselves. Even the Indians and the Pakistanis are not asking for "safeguards" that will violates others rights. So VP, how are you like those people above, when all they doing is being an equal citizens to each other without "safeguards". So in short, you are nothing like the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Indians or the Pakistanis, or any other groups living in the UK.

Viewpoint wrote:Look at it this way do you feel that the 80% GC majority would ever vote for a song sung by a TC in Turkish to go into the Eurovision? This may sound like a very stupid question but its the underlying racists tone that is import, the 80% would never allow this to happen, think about it for just a few seconds, you want us to leave it to chance??? what if the was a safeguard that stated that every 3 years at least 1 has to be a TC with a Turkish or English song, lets say and hope the GCs showed they were not racist and voted a TC singer 2 years in a row this would make this safeguard redundant, so explain to me what so wrong with having the safeguard in the first place because for us without it is a big risk and no one TC will ever agree to leaving things to chance as you wish to do so.

Once again, you want to legislate rules that will violate others rights, including the TC's by the way. Lets take your above example for a minute. My answer would be to make all the songs to be sung in English no matter who sings it, and let the best song win, because this silly song contest is not going to elect any song if it's sung in Turkish or Greek. But look at what you are proposing. If only GC's are able to represent Cyprus for 2 years in a row, that would mean no Turkish song singer will be able to show their talents for 2 years, therefore no chance for exposure to be discovered, and the same for the GC's for that 1 year where only TC's will perform. But lets just say the GC's will go along with your idea, then they will say, "OK, you want to play that game, then lets do it on proportional basis", which means that they will do it for 4 years and the TC'as for 1 year. They will then propose everything down the line on 4:1 ratio, for the government, decision makings, jobs and so on. Is this what you want? Personally I would pull out of that silly contest, but as I said, I understand the point you are trying to make, but just where do you draw the line, because the GC's will want the same benefits as we want for ourselves, and the fact that they are the numerical majority, why should they accept anything less than their proportionate share. You can't always look at thing only from your own prospective. As they say, "walk a mile in other's shoes before making such demands". So, will you agree on a 4:1 ratio on everything if you want to have "safeguards" on everything for the TC community.?

Viewpoint wrote:You need to do a bit more research as I have inside information on the AP negotations and everything was geared to 1st May 2004 and the entry as 1 island with transition periods for the north to come inline with the south. Join then carry out amendments was the policy.

I will need to find that report for you that stated that if the AP resulted anything atother than keeping the RoC intact, that they would not have been allowed to become an EU member, and that they would have had to reapply under the new country name. The entry date as you stated was not the issue, but when that date was given, it was given to RoC and no other new name that may come along 5 years later.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:14 am

Kikapu I have to start by saying that you have tried admeriably to respond but you have completly pushed to one side the TC viewpoint for purely GC majority rule mentality which will never bring a solution. I will try to emphasise where you need to develop further thoughts on how to resolve matters which you feel will never occur by handing over the reigns and the futue of TCs into the hands of GCs whom we do not trust. For arguements and safety sake of the rights of the TCs feel to free to build on what I am putting forward rather than dismiss and brush to one side which is a great trait of GCs.

Let me say this from the beginning, that you VP, with your attitude, is never going to be able to live with anyone where you are a numerical minority in a Democratic country, therefore, I recommend that you get your own country to live and run, but I'm afraid that will not be in Cyprus. If you want to live with all Cypriots, then you will need to adopt to how everyone else manages to live in a Democratic countries all over the world regardless of their numerical size. This was not meant to be as an insult to you, but an answer to your overall problem accepting your numerical minority status.

As you know I was born and raised in a democratic country and lived there for 30 years, now for the past 16 years I have been residing in the TRNC which may be unrececognized but that doesnt mean it is not democratic. I have gotten my own country by returning to this island I truely believe that this is my country and where I belong and I aint going nowhere. I will not go back to being a minority in a democratic country as I was in the UK because that was never really mine whereas this island is. I dont for one second expect you to understand.

VP, stop flying in the clouds without wings and come down to earth before you crash down with your thesis on the AP being used as the basis for the present talks. I'm just taking your word for it that your lawyer friend has told you that it was, that the AP was being used as basis for the talks. Whether your friend is telling the truth or you for that matter is irrelevant, because no doubt, if some things that both sides agree with that's in the AP, why wouldn't they use it rather than have it rewritten. This does not make the AP being the basis for present talks. It is unavoidable that out of 9,000+ pages, that somethings will not be kept. The American Constitution was just ONE page when it was written, but the AP was over 9,000 pages, so some things will be kept, but I do not believe it has anything to do with Undemocratic policies and violations on Human Rights.

Lets say its a matter of interpretation and leave it at that as the 9000 pages will cover the majority of the subjects to be discussed and parts will be amended according to current negotaitions.

The TC's have always been a numerical minority in Cyprus and more than likely, will always be if a solution is found. But being a numerical minority does not mean that you have to be classified as a minority group or community, because everyone have equal protection under the law, just like no numerical minority in Switzerland is ever considered to being a minority group or community. Out of 4 major Swiss ethnic communities, 3 of them are numerical minorities, and yet they are not seen as minority groups or communities , either by themselves or by the numerical majority, which happens to be the Swiss Germans. Therefore, minority and majority is only relevant when numerical groups and communities want extra treatment that is not given to the majority. This automatically then labels the numerical minority into a minority group or community.

The German Swiss represent 40% where as there is a automatic balance of 60% of a combined effort than can be used to stop any legislation that would in effect be to the detrement of the other communities. That aside they do not share our history or mistrust they have developed and work as a confederation which you are totally against and closer to what the TCs side wants. Our 80% 20% balance does not allow us this opportunity, to say hey hold we dont really feel this is right and will cause our state hardship and problems. You cna surely see the difference and the dialema we are faced with due to the fact that we do not trust GCs to do the right thing by us, so we therefore need safety buffers to ensure they do not exploit the majority advantage against us.

For example, if a gay person is not discriminated for their sexual orientation in the society as a whole from jobs to renting apartments, to opening a business, there would be no need to have extra laws to protect them by the bigots. This puts them into a official minority status. Same with women in the job place. Women are hardly a numerical minority in any country, but often they are considered as a minority group, because they have been given special protections that "men" do not have, because they have been discriminated mostly in the job place. The moment any group asks for special treatment that others do not get, they are then seen as a minority group no matter how big or small their numerical numbers are.Therefore, by you asking for special treatment for the TC's as a community, you are accepting for us being a minority community because you do not feel secure as an equal citizen to everyone else, the GC's.

We do need that protection/safeguard against that male employer or the bigot because those people do exist, you have really answered your own question we see the GCs as a threat portrayed by the male employer or bigot so thats why safeguards are vital because being exposed and left to the mercy of those people who can if they wish make us our lives a misery is not what so accepting that we are a minority with community rights is better than the alternative of being dominated by GCs who will wish to convert the whole island into a GC state run by GCs for GCs with us thrown in as just another minority without safeguards and no community rights.

So once we accept these special protections, we then become official minority group by our own request. No one is forcing us to become a minority group, but we are asking to become one ourselves. But it is more than that, because we are not asking for any special treatment, but the one that violates other Democratic and Human Rights, which is not the case in other situations where the numerical minorities has been given special treatments, which is what we call in the states, "affirmative action" where certain number of people from these "minority groups" will need to be in all ares of the job market regardless of their qualifications. Of course, this was seen unfair by those who were most qualified for those jobs, so in a way, it was reverse discrimination by putting someone to a job who was less qualified than others. We do not have a "affirmative action" practices when it comes to the government elected offices however, because everyone is Democratically elected by the people in a one man one vote system, as they are in all Democratic countries, including in the de facto state of the "trnc", therefore you do practice Democracy when it suits you, but want special treatment when it doesn't. So decide whether you believe in Democracy or not first before anything else.

Who decides who is most qualified for the job? How do you guarantee that the best man for the job is picked? Tis is where you have trusted the majority 100% to do the right thing, what if they dont? what will be your fall back? how will ensure they do? and what preventative measure or as I say safeguards would you have in place to ensure that the majority do in fact pick the right man or are forced by those safeguards you feel are unnecessary.

If all perform to the "democratic" guide book you subscribe to then the safeguards I ask for will in a short while become redundant but why not allow me the guarantee net to ensure nothing goes wrong?

You can interpret "political equality" in anyway you want. What is important, what political equality means as it is practiced all over Democratic countries, and that is, one man one vote. You will have the same rights as everyone else, and if it wasn't, then how can one use the word "equality" in the same sentence, because it will become "political inequality" otherwise if one man one vote was not used. The 1% Romansch ethnic group in Switzerland have same political equality in every sense as their 69% ethnic Swiss Germans, no more no less. Does the votes by the overwhelming 69% Swiss Germans effect the outcome of the elections when it comes to national issues, you betcha, but non of these decisions made the 1% Romansch, the 10% Swiss Italians, or the 20% Swiss French any less Swiss than the 69% Swiss Germans, nor did it bring harm to them. You will have to accept, that the TC's are a numerical minority to the GC's and nothing more, because we are equal citizens to every one of them. Decisions taken by the government effects all citizens and not just one community, so I don't know what decision a government will take that will only effect the TC's and the north, and not the GC's who will also be living in the north.

Its not the one man one vote that is the problem its the representation and the effect of that represenation in the law/decision making mechanism of the country which s the important issue here. 80MPs from the south and 20MPs from the north can be elected, the key is how the balance will be struck can to 80MPs in the south make decisions for the north state on their own or do you at least need 1 MP vote form the north state?

One decision that comes to mind is to stop all trade with Turkey or to not allow international acceptance of universities in the north. you know full well that if power is totally handed over to hands that can abuse it, then abuse they will there has to be a balance between TC and GC MPs that will not allow senasative issues to be manipulated to the detrement or against the will of the other state.

The 800,000 GC's thousand you always talk about who are going to make a difference of the TC's lives with their votes is overstretched, because most citizens votes only effect them when they vote locally in selecting a representative in the government for their region. The north will have their local representatives chosen by those who live there and the same in the south. That is why it is important to have mixed ethnic groups living in each areas, because the locals will vote for someone that will represent them and their interest. The Federal Government will only look after the interest of the country as a whole and will have very little to do with each state, because each state will run their own affairs, as long as it does not violate the Federal Constitution, which will be to protect all citizens rights. In a True Federation Cyprus, it is not going to be Turkish Cypriot North and Greek Cypriot South drawn on ethnic lines. It will not be a seperate independent countries. So, what ever the government approves, it will be the best for both states and for the country of Cyprus, because there will be mixed ethnic groups living both in the north and the south.

The important issue here is who is going to make the laws that govern both states? the balance that will be struck up is the key, feel free to put forward your own idea or do you accept what Kifeas and I agreed on whereby on predetermined issues a certain number of GC and TC votes have to be obtained to pass the bill.

This is the wonderful thing about True Federation, since most TC's will choose to live and work in the north, where they will be amongst their own ethnic group. This alone solves most of your question about discrimination and persecution, unless of course it is perpetrated by the same people of the same ethnicity. Both the states will have their own constitutions dealing with these issues, including in the Federal Government. You want to put all your concerns into the constitution and have laws against such practices. Nations live by laws, therefore we too have to live by laws. Is there an answer to every single problem that gives projection to every citizen, and the answer is NO, but citizens will be free to challenge any law that may seem a violation against their Democratic and Human Rights, and each of those cases won, will then become part of the fabric of laws that will govern everyone. By asking special "safeguards" in order to protect you may well be hurting someone else's Democratic and Human Rights, when all they are asking is, to be an equal citizens with you.

Thats why we are in favor of a 2 state solution to avoid all the discrimiantion and disguised persecution you would see in a unitary state as experienced during 1963 to 1974. The only probem here is the risk of GCs swamping the north state purely for the right to rule thus electing GC MPs which could be countered by having a safety net of an pre agreed quota, hopefully this will also become redundant but the safeguard would be a just in case the majority do try to exploit this avenue.

You cannot claim to be indegiouns to the island of Cyprus with the GC's and then turn around and say that you want to be treated like the Scots , the Welsh and the English when you are demanding "safeguards" when the Scots , the Welsh and the English are not asking the same for themselves. Even the Indians and the Pakistanis are not asking for "safeguards" that will violates others rights. So VP, how are you like those people above, when all they doing is being an equal citizens to each other without "safeguards". So in short, you are nothing like the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Indians or the Pakistanis, or any other groups living in the UK.

Arent the Scots or Welsh indigenous to the UK? Scots have their own kingdom/state flag Parliament and currency, they have developed trust and a realtionships over many years we have not. We are noway to be classed as the Indians who went to the UK and never ruled or owned it, nor have they had our history so this comparision I will never accept, so dont even go there.

Once again, you want to legislate rules that will violate others rights, including the TC's by the way. Lets take your above example for a minute. My answer would be to make all the songs to be sung in English no matter who sings it, and let the best song win, because this silly song contest is not going to elect any song if it's sung in Turkish or Greek. But look at what you are proposing. If only GC's are able to represent Cyprus for 2 years in a row, that would mean no Turkish song singer will be able to show their talents for 2 years, therefore no chance for exposure to be discovered, and the same for the GC's for that 1 year where only TC's will perform. But lets just say the GC's will go along with your idea, then they will say, "OK, you want to play that game, then lets do it on proportional basis", which means that they will do it for 4 years and the TC'as for 1 year. They will then propose everything down the line on 4:1 ratio, for the government, decision makings, jobs and so on. Is this what you want? Personally I would pull out of that silly contest, but as I said, I understand the point you are trying to make, but just where do you draw the line, because the GC's will want the same benefits as we want for ourselves, and the fact that they are the numerical majority, why should they accept anything less than their proportionate share. You can't always look at thing only from your own prospective. As they say, "walk a mile in other's shoes before making such demands". So, will you agree on a 4:1 ratio on everything if you want to have "safeguards" on everything for the TC community.?

Yes I accept the 4;1 as a safeguard to ensure that we to get a look in, surely you must see why I want this, the GCs can use their majorty block vote to send a GC singer every year if they wish even if the TC singer/song is much much better, lets hope that you are right and they are democratic and always pick the best song and singer which would again make this demand redundant but why not have a safety net? if they choose a GC singer for 3 years in a row then surely you to must agree that we should protect our right to be chosen as well. Why do you expect us to leave things ot chance?

I will need to find that report for you that stated that if the AP resulted anything atother than keeping the RoC intact, that they would not have been allowed to become an EU member, and that they would have had to reapply under the new country name. The entry date as you stated was not the issue, but when that date was given, it was given to RoC and no other new name that may come along 5 years later.

Ok you do that.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:17 pm

Bananiot wrote:The organisers were looking for 20000, they got 1500! They were trying to politisise the funeral and RIK with Phileleftheros and Simerini tried their best, reviving the April 2004 atmosphere. It did not work.

There is a rumour doing the rounds that two Turkish Cypriot politicians (Serdar Denktash and Izzet Izcan) wished to attend the funeral but were told by the family, "It would be better if you did not attend." Would this have spoiled the image the organisers were trying to project?
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:56 pm

One can interprete the absence of Turkish Cypriots in a number of ways. If any of the living ex Presidents was to die, there would be quite a few Turkish Cypriots attending the service. Their presence would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:40 pm

Despite the demonising of Papadopoulos in this thread, he did get some good and balanced obituaries in the western press. This one for example from The Times. ... t=0&page=1

This was a full page obituary so that gives you an idea of the importance attached to the man.

As to the AP and its rejection, I think he could have dealt with it in a better way, but I do get the feeling that he was seeing each revision of the plan getting worse for the GC's as Turkey increased her demands for a settlement and the UN was duly complying. History will judge whether he did the right thing in asking for its rejection.

As things stand, Cyprus is on a very thin line. It is the economic situation that will eventually dictate what will happen. Currently, it shows thas the TC's in the north are on founadations made of quicksand and they will suffer greatly. It may be that 2009 will force the hand of the TC's as they see their economic situation deteriorate significantly. Wasn't that one of the reasons why many TC's rebelled agaist Denktas in 2003?
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Postby ARTEMIS » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:24 pm

you missed the fact that he was one of those who wrote the infamous AKRITAS PLAN......
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:43 pm

May god give him what he deserves, he was a demon to the TCs and never did anything to win them over, he was clearly a Turk hater no point in denying this and good riddens to bad rubbish, he had no positive effect in the plight for a solution in his lifetime nor I suspect in death.
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The Observer's obituary on TP

Postby utu » Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:20 am

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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:28 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu I have to start by saying that you have tried admeriably to respond but you have completly pushed to one side the TC viewpoint for purely GC majority rule mentality which will never bring a solution. I will try to emphasise where you need to develop further thoughts on how to resolve matters which you feel will never occur by handing over the reigns and the futue of TCs into the hands of GCs whom we do not trust. For arguements and safety sake of the rights of the TCs feel to free to build on what I am putting forward rather than dismiss and brush to one side which is a great trait of GCs.

Let me say this from the beginning, that you VP, with your attitude, is never going to be able to live with anyone where you are a numerical minority in a Democratic country, therefore, I recommend that you get your own country to live and run, but I'm afraid that will not be in Cyprus. If you want to live with all Cypriots, then you will need to adopt to how everyone else manages to live in a Democratic countries all over the world regardless of their numerical size. This was not meant to be as an insult to you, but an answer to your overall problem accepting your numerical minority status.

As you know I was born and raised in a democratic country and lived there for 30 years, now for the past 16 years I have been residing in the TRNC which may be unrececognized but that doesnt mean it is not democratic. I have gotten my own country by returning to this island I truely believe that this is my country and where I belong and I aint going nowhere. I will not go back to being a minority in a democratic country as I was in the UK because that was never really mine whereas this island is. I dont for one second expect you to understand.

VP, stop flying in the clouds without wings and come down to earth before you crash down with your thesis on the AP being used as the basis for the present talks. I'm just taking your word for it that your lawyer friend has told you that it was, that the AP was being used as basis for the talks. Whether your friend is telling the truth or you for that matter is irrelevant, because no doubt, if some things that both sides agree with that's in the AP, why wouldn't they use it rather than have it rewritten. This does not make the AP being the basis for present talks. It is unavoidable that out of 9,000+ pages, that somethings will not be kept. The American Constitution was just ONE page when it was written, but the AP was over 9,000 pages, so some things will be kept, but I do not believe it has anything to do with Undemocratic policies and violations on Human Rights.

Lets say its a matter of interpretation and leave it at that as the 9000 pages will cover the majority of the subjects to be discussed and parts will be amended according to current negotaitions.

The TC's have always been a numerical minority in Cyprus and more than likely, will always be if a solution is found. But being a numerical minority does not mean that you have to be classified as a minority group or community, because everyone have equal protection under the law, just like no numerical minority in Switzerland is ever considered to being a minority group or community. Out of 4 major Swiss ethnic communities, 3 of them are numerical minorities, and yet they are not seen as minority groups or communities , either by themselves or by the numerical majority, which happens to be the Swiss Germans. Therefore, minority and majority is only relevant when numerical groups and communities want extra treatment that is not given to the majority. This automatically then labels the numerical minority into a minority group or community.

The German Swiss represent 40% where as there is a automatic balance of 60% of a combined effort than can be used to stop any legislation that would in effect be to the detrement of the other communities. That aside they do not share our history or mistrust they have developed and work as a confederation which you are totally against and closer to what the TCs side wants. Our 80% 20% balance does not allow us this opportunity, to say hey hold we dont really feel this is right and will cause our state hardship and problems. You cna surely see the difference and the dialema we are faced with due to the fact that we do not trust GCs to do the right thing by us, so we therefore need safety buffers to ensure they do not exploit the majority advantage against us.

For example, if a gay person is not discriminated for their sexual orientation in the society as a whole from jobs to renting apartments, to opening a business, there would be no need to have extra laws to protect them by the bigots. This puts them into a official minority status. Same with women in the job place. Women are hardly a numerical minority in any country, but often they are considered as a minority group, because they have been given special protections that "men" do not have, because they have been discriminated mostly in the job place. The moment any group asks for special treatment that others do not get, they are then seen as a minority group no matter how big or small their numerical numbers are.Therefore, by you asking for special treatment for the TC's as a community, you are accepting for us being a minority community because you do not feel secure as an equal citizen to everyone else, the GC's.

We do need that protection/safeguard against that male employer or the bigot because those people do exist, you have really answered your own question we see the GCs as a threat portrayed by the male employer or bigot so thats why safeguards are vital because being exposed and left to the mercy of those people who can if they wish make us our lives a misery is not what so accepting that we are a minority with community rights is better than the alternative of being dominated by GCs who will wish to convert the whole island into a GC state run by GCs for GCs with us thrown in as just another minority without safeguards and no community rights.

So once we accept these special protections, we then become official minority group by our own request. No one is forcing us to become a minority group, but we are asking to become one ourselves. But it is more than that, because we are not asking for any special treatment, but the one that violates other Democratic and Human Rights, which is not the case in other situations where the numerical minorities has been given special treatments, which is what we call in the states, "affirmative action" where certain number of people from these "minority groups" will need to be in all ares of the job market regardless of their qualifications. Of course, this was seen unfair by those who were most qualified for those jobs, so in a way, it was reverse discrimination by putting someone to a job who was less qualified than others. We do not have a "affirmative action" practices when it comes to the government elected offices however, because everyone is Democratically elected by the people in a one man one vote system, as they are in all Democratic countries, including in the de facto state of the "trnc", therefore you do practice Democracy when it suits you, but want special treatment when it doesn't. So decide whether you believe in Democracy or not first before anything else.

Who decides who is most qualified for the job? How do you guarantee that the best man for the job is picked? Tis is where you have trusted the majority 100% to do the right thing, what if they dont? what will be your fall back? how will ensure they do? and what preventative measure or as I say safeguards would you have in place to ensure that the majority do in fact pick the right man or are forced by those safeguards you feel are unnecessary.

If all perform to the "democratic" guide book you subscribe to then the safeguards I ask for will in a short while become redundant but why not allow me the guarantee net to ensure nothing goes wrong?

You can interpret "political equality" in anyway you want. What is important, what political equality means as it is practiced all over Democratic countries, and that is, one man one vote. You will have the same rights as everyone else, and if it wasn't, then how can one use the word "equality" in the same sentence, because it will become "political inequality" otherwise if one man one vote was not used. The 1% Romansch ethnic group in Switzerland have same political equality in every sense as their 69% ethnic Swiss Germans, no more no less. Does the votes by the overwhelming 69% Swiss Germans effect the outcome of the elections when it comes to national issues, you betcha, but non of these decisions made the 1% Romansch, the 10% Swiss Italians, or the 20% Swiss French any less Swiss than the 69% Swiss Germans, nor did it bring harm to them. You will have to accept, that the TC's are a numerical minority to the GC's and nothing more, because we are equal citizens to every one of them. Decisions taken by the government effects all citizens and not just one community, so I don't know what decision a government will take that will only effect the TC's and the north, and not the GC's who will also be living in the north.

Its not the one man one vote that is the problem its the representation and the effect of that represenation in the law/decision making mechanism of the country which s the important issue here. 80MPs from the south and 20MPs from the north can be elected, the key is how the balance will be struck can to 80MPs in the south make decisions for the north state on their own or do you at least need 1 MP vote form the north state?

One decision that comes to mind is to stop all trade with Turkey or to not allow international acceptance of universities in the north. you know full well that if power is totally handed over to hands that can abuse it, then abuse they will there has to be a balance between TC and GC MPs that will not allow senasative issues to be manipulated to the detrement or against the will of the other state.

The 800,000 GC's thousand you always talk about who are going to make a difference of the TC's lives with their votes is overstretched, because most citizens votes only effect them when they vote locally in selecting a representative in the government for their region. The north will have their local representatives chosen by those who live there and the same in the south. That is why it is important to have mixed ethnic groups living in each areas, because the locals will vote for someone that will represent them and their interest. The Federal Government will only look after the interest of the country as a whole and will have very little to do with each state, because each state will run their own affairs, as long as it does not violate the Federal Constitution, which will be to protect all citizens rights. In a True Federation Cyprus, it is not going to be Turkish Cypriot North and Greek Cypriot South drawn on ethnic lines. It will not be a seperate independent countries. So, what ever the government approves, it will be the best for both states and for the country of Cyprus, because there will be mixed ethnic groups living both in the north and the south.

The important issue here is who is going to make the laws that govern both states? the balance that will be struck up is the key, feel free to put forward your own idea or do you accept what Kifeas and I agreed on whereby on predetermined issues a certain number of GC and TC votes have to be obtained to pass the bill.

This is the wonderful thing about True Federation, since most TC's will choose to live and work in the north, where they will be amongst their own ethnic group. This alone solves most of your question about discrimination and persecution, unless of course it is perpetrated by the same people of the same ethnicity. Both the states will have their own constitutions dealing with these issues, including in the Federal Government. You want to put all your concerns into the constitution and have laws against such practices. Nations live by laws, therefore we too have to live by laws. Is there an answer to every single problem that gives projection to every citizen, and the answer is NO, but citizens will be free to challenge any law that may seem a violation against their Democratic and Human Rights, and each of those cases won, will then become part of the fabric of laws that will govern everyone. By asking special "safeguards" in order to protect you may well be hurting someone else's Democratic and Human Rights, when all they are asking is, to be an equal citizens with you.

Thats why we are in favor of a 2 state solution to avoid all the discrimiantion and disguised persecution you would see in a unitary state as experienced during 1963 to 1974. The only probem here is the risk of GCs swamping the north state purely for the right to rule thus electing GC MPs which could be countered by having a safety net of an pre agreed quota, hopefully this will also become redundant but the safeguard would be a just in case the majority do try to exploit this avenue.

You cannot claim to be indegiouns to the island of Cyprus with the GC's and then turn around and say that you want to be treated like the Scots , the Welsh and the English when you are demanding "safeguards" when the Scots , the Welsh and the English are not asking the same for themselves. Even the Indians and the Pakistanis are not asking for "safeguards" that will violates others rights. So VP, how are you like those people above, when all they doing is being an equal citizens to each other without "safeguards". So in short, you are nothing like the English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Indians or the Pakistanis, or any other groups living in the UK.

Arent the Scots or Welsh indigenous to the UK? Scots have their own kingdom/state flag Parliament and currency, they have developed trust and a realtionships over many years we have not. We are noway to be classed as the Indians who went to the UK and never ruled or owned it, nor have they had our history so this comparision I will never accept, so dont even go there.

Once again, you want to legislate rules that will violate others rights, including the TC's by the way. Lets take your above example for a minute. My answer would be to make all the songs to be sung in English no matter who sings it, and let the best song win, because this silly song contest is not going to elect any song if it's sung in Turkish or Greek. But look at what you are proposing. If only GC's are able to represent Cyprus for 2 years in a row, that would mean no Turkish song singer will be able to show their talents for 2 years, therefore no chance for exposure to be discovered, and the same for the GC's for that 1 year where only TC's will perform. But lets just say the GC's will go along with your idea, then they will say, "OK, you want to play that game, then lets do it on proportional basis", which means that they will do it for 4 years and the TC'as for 1 year. They will then propose everything down the line on 4:1 ratio, for the government, decision makings, jobs and so on. Is this what you want? Personally I would pull out of that silly contest, but as I said, I understand the point you are trying to make, but just where do you draw the line, because the GC's will want the same benefits as we want for ourselves, and the fact that they are the numerical majority, why should they accept anything less than their proportionate share. You can't always look at thing only from your own prospective. As they say, "walk a mile in other's shoes before making such demands". So, will you agree on a 4:1 ratio on everything if you want to have "safeguards" on everything for the TC community.?

Yes I accept the 4;1 as a safeguard to ensure that we to get a look in, surely you must see why I want this, the GCs can use their majorty block vote to send a GC singer every year if they wish even if the TC singer/song is much much better, lets hope that you are right and they are democratic and always pick the best song and singer which would again make this demand redundant but why not have a safety net? if they choose a GC singer for 3 years in a row then surely you to must agree that we should protect our right to be chosen as well. Why do you expect us to leave things ot chance?

I will need to find that report for you that stated that if the AP resulted anything atother than keeping the RoC intact, that they would not have been allowed to become an EU member, and that they would have had to reapply under the new country name. The entry date as you stated was not the issue, but when that date was given, it was given to RoC and no other new name that may come along 5 years later.

Ok you do that.

Still no response Kikapu?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:02 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Still no response Kikapu?

By New Year's Day, the latest.!

You don't like my responses to you anyway, so I don't know why you are so eager to get some more, but you will get them soon.!
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