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Tassos Papadopoulos 1934 - 2008

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:57 am

doesntmatter wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:More respect to VP for entertaining this clown.......At the very least Kikapu will have Kofi Annn as is cell mate... :wink: :lol:

Isn't it time for you to go and lick your balls, Zan.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I don't know which one of you to raise my eyebrows....The "Take al quotes out of context" or Mutley.... :lol:

You should've never let us in on your secret pastime... :lol:

Are you the Mutley he is talking about? :lol:

That depends on whether he meant "mutley" or "mutely"... :?

You are definitely not "mutely" so you must be the Mutley he is talking about. :lol:

:shock: Why that dirty little… $&@%*# !
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:41 pm

kentish wrote:kikapu this is the first time i have read a non anti turkish rant from you and what in the main is fairly balanced views .however everything you say in your last post depends on gc's accepting a reckon "most GC's will go for it"but in my opinion most gc's will go for nothing that does not give them total domination of the whole island.they will never give anything so you cannot negotiate with someone that is never prepared to these circumstances negotiatin does not exist.
my guess is that nothing will change in relation to the relationship of greek and turk on the island for at least another 20 years

kikapu this is the first time i have read a non anti turkish rant from you and what in the main is fairly balanced views

I don't know what the hell I was thinking Kentish, when I made a post that you thought it was balanced and not anti Turkish.! I must be losing my touch.! :lol:

Perhaps I'm opening your eyes a little bit in things what you have always believed in to be the truth but I'm giving you another angle to look at things other than what the propagandist on this forum have been saying.!

Kentish, where the hell you have ever read anything that I wrote was anti Turkish, anti TC, anti anything that had to do with any nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture, custom, or even one's choice in their sexual practices.! Don't confuse direct and constructed criticism as being anti Turkish or anti anything else for that matter.! You should feel privileged to have me on the forum to speak openly on issues most TC's shy away from, and not because they do not feel the same way as I do, but only because they can only say so much to protect themselves from attacks by the Fascists.!

Let me set you straight Kentish. The only ranting that I do around here, are against morally corrupted individuals, the Fascist, the "trnc's" non legal status, the TC leaders and their demands that violate Democracy, Human Rights and International Laws, Turkey's foreign policy on Cyprus, and last but not least, the Liars. I, as a free thinking person can pick issues with those on the list above and at the same time have complete respect for the communities of any ethnicity or nationality. You have to understand, that I am a Cypriot from the island of Cyprus first and then a Turkish Cypriot. Most of you can deny this for yourselves all you want and pretend otherwise, but I will not, and when I make comments regarding Cyprus, I do so in the best interest for Cyprus and all of it's citizens, the TC's, GC's, Cypriot Armenians, and so on down the line, and if you too are also a Cypriot, then you should understand where I'm coming from. If not now, perhaps you will in the future.!

however everything you say in your last post depends on gc's accepting a reckon "most GC's will go for it"but in my opinion most gc's will go for nothing that does not give them total domination of the whole island.they will never give anything so you cannot negotiate with someone that is never prepared to these circumstances negotiatin does not exist.
my guess is that nothing will change in relation to the relationship of greek and turk on the island for at least another 20 years

That is a very bold statement Kentish. Tell me, how do you know what you write is the truth. By what example can you go by to back your statement. The 1960 Constitution was a disaster from the beginning which was written by others to cause us Cypriots problems, and problems it caused. It was totally undemocratic, violated Human Rights of many, and it was Racist, and not only against the GC's, but also towards the TC's. How can one have a policy on a small island where everyone knew each other with such Racist rules and not expect to have problems.

Then 40+ years went by in which there were hardly any negotiations to find a better solution for the island, and after 1974, Denktash could no longer be bothered with any kind of a peace settlement after he agreed to BBF which is what's on the table to negotiate today, because as far as Denktash was concerned, the Cyprus problem was once and for all was now over. But that was far from the truth for the TC's, because they had to live since then in isolation and as "outcasts" in the eyes of the international community. Their rightful legal place in the world has been taken away from them in order to partition part of Cyprus for the benefit of few who till today do not want peace. The only time peace was again discussed, was because the RoC was getting into the EU, so the Annan Plan was drafted, and once again, not by the Cypriots themselves, but by the same foreign powers that drafted the 1960 Constitution, only this time it was far worse than before, if that was ever possible, but it was.

So Kentish, in reality, there has only been two attempts made in the last 50 years for the Cypriots to live together on the island peacefully, and both times it was screwed up by those who drew the plans. You really have to wait and see how the Cypriots will do themselves before you can claim any credit to your above statement. Unfortunately, as we watch these talks go on, we can see tampering by the outsiders once again, to try and impose their desires over the desires of all Cypriots to have a Democratic country like all other European countries that we belong to, specially now that we are in the EU. If we cant trust True Democracy for Cyprus and her citizens, then how can we trust anything that violates Democracy, Human Rights and International Laws. I choose not to follow the latter, and that's the reason as to why I rant, and the ranting will continue until I see better days for all of us in our country of Cyprus.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:58 pm

Kikapu wrote:
kentish wrote:kikapu this is the first time i have read a non anti turkish rant from you and what in the main is fairly balanced views .however everything you say in your last post depends on gc's accepting a reckon "most GC's will go for it"but in my opinion most gc's will go for nothing that does not give them total domination of the whole island.they will never give anything so you cannot negotiate with someone that is never prepared to these circumstances negotiatin does not exist.
my guess is that nothing will change in relation to the relationship of greek and turk on the island for at least another 20 years

kikapu this is the first time i have read a non anti turkish rant from you and what in the main is fairly balanced views

I don't know what the hell I was thinking Kentish, when I made a post that you thought it was balanced and not anti Turkish.! I must be losing my touch.! :lol:

Perhaps I'm opening your eyes a little bit in things what you have always believed in to be the truth but I'm giving you another angle to look at things other than what the propagandist on this forum have been saying.!

Kentish, where the hell you have ever read anything that I wrote was anti Turkish, anti TC, anti anything that had to do with any nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture, custom, or even one's choice in their sexual practices.! Don't confuse direct and constructed criticism as being anti Turkish or anti anything else for that matter.! You should feel privileged to have me on the forum to speak openly on issues most TC's shy away from, and not because they do not feel the same way as I do, but only because they can only say so much to protect themselves from attacks by the Fascists.!

Let me set you straight Kentish. The only ranting that I do around here, are against morally corrupted individuals, the Fascist, the "trnc's" non legal status, the TC leaders and their demands that violate Democracy, Human Rights and International Laws, Turkey's foreign policy on Cyprus, and last but not least, the Liars. I, as a free thinking person can pick issues with those on the list above and at the same time have complete respect for the communities of any ethnicity or nationality. You have to understand, that I am a Cypriot from the island of Cyprus first and then a Turkish Cypriot. Most of you can deny this for yourselves all you want and pretend otherwise, but I will not, and when I make comments regarding Cyprus, I do so in the best interest for Cyprus and all of it's citizens, the TC's, GC's, Cypriot Armenians, and so on down the line, and if you too are also a Cypriot, then you should understand where I'm coming from. If not now, perhaps you will in the future.!

however everything you say in your last post depends on gc's accepting a reckon "most GC's will go for it"but in my opinion most gc's will go for nothing that does not give them total domination of the whole island.they will never give anything so you cannot negotiate with someone that is never prepared to these circumstances negotiatin does not exist.
my guess is that nothing will change in relation to the relationship of greek and turk on the island for at least another 20 years

That is a very bold statement Kentish. Tell me, how do you know what you write is the truth. By what example can you go by to back your statement. The 1960 Constitution was a disaster from the beginning which was written by others to cause us Cypriots problems, and problems it caused. It was totally undemocratic, violated Human Rights of many, and it was Racist, and not only against the GC's, but also towards the TC's. How can one have a policy on a small island where everyone knew each other with such Racist rules and not expect to have problems.

Then 40+ years went by in which there were hardly any negotiations to find a better solution for the island, and after 1974, Denktash could no longer be bothered with any kind of a peace settlement after he agreed to BBF which is what's on the table to negotiate today, because as far as Denktash was concerned, the Cyprus problem was once and for all was now over. But that was far from the truth for the TC's, because they had to live since then in isolation and as "outcasts" in the eyes of the international community. Their rightful legal place in the world has been taken away from them in order to partition part of Cyprus for the benefit of few who till today do not want peace. The only time peace was again discussed, was because the RoC was getting into the EU, so the Annan Plan was drafted, and once again, not by the Cypriots themselves, but by the same foreign powers that drafted the 1960 Constitution, only this time it was far worse than before, if that was ever possible, but it was.

So Kentish, in reality, there has only been two attempts made in the last 50 years for the Cypriots to live together on the island peacefully, and both times it was screwed up by those who drew the plans. You really have to wait and see how the Cypriots will do themselves before you can claim any credit to your above statement. Unfortunately, as we watch these talks go on, we can see tampering by the outsiders once again, to try and impose their desires over the desires of all Cypriots to have a Democratic country like all other European countries that we belong to, specially now that we are in the EU. If we cant trust True Democracy for Cyprus and her citizens, then how can we trust anything that violates Democracy, Human Rights and International Laws. I choose not to follow the latter, and that's the reason as to why I rant, and the ranting will continue until I see better days for all of us in our country of Cyprus.!

This from someone who has never been to the TRNC or can clarify exactly how he intends to place safeguards in place that will act a net not allowing GCs to push to one side the fears and concerns of TCs by the GCs who will us their numerical advantage to manipulate and exploit any void or opening that will allow them to take full control of the whole island.
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