denizaksulu wrote:Count Vlad (Drakula) himself was an Ottoman Officer. So was his brother. The brother was sent to crush the rebellious Count Vlad, Drakula got away and returned at a later stage to become the 'Kazikli Voyvoda, where he crushed the Ottoman armies and allegedly impaled 30,000 of them.
free_cyprus wrote:all i did was point out the scientific facts regarding the cypriots DNA i have mentioned this problem and asked not only the people in this forum to have a DNA test done but whole cyprus,
it seems to em most of the people in this forum and in general in cyprus greek speaking and turkish speaking will go to any lenths to deny our own identity as cypriots the only valid thing we have left and yet they even try and distroy that from us .
its not bad enough they have tortured u for centuries gave us their names gave us their riligions and so forth but now theyeven want to take away from us our only belief that we are cypriots, but even that has become a problem since most of you in thsi forum are greeks and turks then i kindly ask you where the hell is cypriot people if you are all greeks and turks history does not tell us that genocide was commited in cyprus, so there for cypriots must be cypriots
Okey,I have the article in front of me,Kifeas.
A study carried out in 1990 examined the blood samples of 116 TCs,303GCs,235 Mainland Turks and 174 mainland Greeks.This was done in the USA by DrErol Baysal under the supervision of Professor Huisman (an American) and with contributions of English,turkish,Cypriot and Greek scientists.
The result showed that DNA genes of the TCS and GCs were not as close as expected to their respective "motherlands"Turkey and Greece,but belonged to the same Cypriot gene pool which was not similar to any gene pool in the region.
"This was normal and expected," said Dr Baysal," and could be explained by the fact that Cyprus was an island community".
This study was published in "the British Journal of Haematology" in 1992.
Dr Erol Baysal is a DNA expert with similar studies in many parts of the world including Europe,Asia,Middle East,Far East,North Africa,and the USA.
He was born in Nicosia in 1960,studied in England and America,and was once the head of DNA section of the biggest Thalasemmy centre in the USA.
There you go everyone,scientific proof that Cypriots are biologically the same race. We have been killing ourselves all this time.
BirKibrisli wrote:Just found this thread from 2005....You might find it interesting,Oracle...Okey,I have the article in front of me,Kifeas.
A study carried out in 1990 examined the blood samples of 116 TCs,303GCs,235 Mainland Turks and 174 mainland Greeks.This was done in the USA by DrErol Baysal under the supervision of Professor Huisman (an American) and with contributions of English,turkish,Cypriot and Greek scientists.
The result showed that DNA genes of the TCS and GCs were not as close as expected to their respective "motherlands"Turkey and Greece,but belonged to the same Cypriot gene pool which was not similar to any gene pool in the region.
"This was normal and expected," said Dr Baysal," and could be explained by the fact that Cyprus was an island community".
This study was published in "the British Journal of Haematology" in 1992.
Dr Erol Baysal is a DNA expert with similar studies in many parts of the world including Europe,Asia,Middle East,Far East,North Africa,and the USA.
He was born in Nicosia in 1960,studied in England and America,and was once the head of DNA section of the biggest Thalasemmy centre in the USA.
There you go everyone,scientific proof that Cypriots are biologically the same race. We have been killing ourselves all this time. ... ol&start=0
Piratis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Just found this thread from 2005....You might find it interesting,Oracle...Okey,I have the article in front of me,Kifeas.
A study carried out in 1990 examined the blood samples of 116 TCs,303GCs,235 Mainland Turks and 174 mainland Greeks.This was done in the USA by DrErol Baysal under the supervision of Professor Huisman (an American) and with contributions of English,turkish,Cypriot and Greek scientists.
The result showed that DNA genes of the TCS and GCs were not as close as expected to their respective "motherlands"Turkey and Greece,but belonged to the same Cypriot gene pool which was not similar to any gene pool in the region.
"This was normal and expected," said Dr Baysal," and could be explained by the fact that Cyprus was an island community".
This study was published in "the British Journal of Haematology" in 1992.
Dr Erol Baysal is a DNA expert with similar studies in many parts of the world including Europe,Asia,Middle East,Far East,North Africa,and the USA.
He was born in Nicosia in 1960,studied in England and America,and was once the head of DNA section of the biggest Thalasemmy centre in the USA.
There you go everyone,scientific proof that Cypriots are biologically the same race. We have been killing ourselves all this time. ... ol&start=0
Ethnicity is not about genes. Ethnicity is about identity, which is usually derived from things like language, culture and religion. Most importantly people have the human right to identify themselves as they wish.
For example, the Turks, genetically, are not Turks. The real original Turks were from far east. Still we are not calling them something like "bastardized Kurds", we call them Turks, because that is the identity they choose.
Cypriots are among those people who created what being "Greek" means. We were speaking Greek on this island before the terms "Greek", "Hellenes" etc were created to describe our ethnicity. The Cypriots (=Greeks) are those who discovered the Greek Alphabet to write down their own language (Greek), when in mainland Greece most people were uneducated. You can't take from us our ethnicity and our contribution to the creation of our civilization just because it doesn't suit you.
But we don't even need to do such a deep analysis. The case here is that the vast majority of people wanted to unite with Greece, and some foreigners and a small minority denied this to us.
It is as if the TC minority had vetoed our EU accession despite being desirable by the vast majority of Cypriots, and then try to excuse their forceful and undemocratic act by trying to prove that Cyprus is in Asia and Cypriots Asians and that is why we shouldn't belong in EU. Well, we want to belong in EU, just like we wanted to be part of a Greek state, and we had every right to do it. Period. Whether you think we are European or not, or if we Greek or not, is totally besides the point. Think whatever you want. What you don't have the right to do is to force on us your will by undemocratic means.
Those who did not accept the democratically expressed wish of the Cypriot people and attacked us to deny from us our rights are those who are responsible for the conflict and the consequences of the conflict.
We are not talking about ethnicity here...We are talking about the GCs and TCs having the same gene pool,which is different to their respective "motherlands"...This supports my argument that We are one people divided by two manmade factors,language and religion...Take it or leave it...
So we don't have the right to force our will onto you,undemocratically!!!
But, in your mind, you have the right to force your will onto us democratically,beause you happen to be in the majority...Is that it???
The tyranny of the majority...That is what you want to practice in Cyprus??? Without the slightest sensitivity to the feelings of 20% of Cypriots...So what has changed in the last 50 odd years,Piratis...???
What have the average GC learned from our bloody history??? A big nothing,it sems...You wanted Enosis with Greece then,you want the tyranny of the majority now...No wonder we are heading for Partition,on Turkey's terms...
This is a wake up call to everyone..Throw your ethnic chips off your shoulders,stop thinking that Cypriots are this or that before they are Cypriots...
And lets talk about building a demcratic unitary country based on the rule of law,human rights and equal opportunity..
As long as you keep putting Greek or Turkish before Cypriot that will remain a dream...
Becuase you,Piratis,and many others from both sides are not prepared to say "we stuffed up big time by insisting on our ethnicity,lets throw it where it belongs,the dustbin of history,and move on as one people one nation..."
we stuffed up big time by insisting on our ethnicity,lets throw it where it belongs,the dustbin of history,and move on as one people one nation
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