zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Kikapu wrote:Miltiades,
Welcome back my friend. For a long time, I did not even know that you had gotten yourself into trouble. One minute we are having Turkish Coffee in London together, then I left for the States to go and get Obama elected, and in my absence, you got into a fight. Can't leave you alone for a minute. I even left Deniz in charge to look after you, but he screwed up also. !
Oh and by the way my friend, your predictions on the US elections were totally wrong by a long shot, just like VP's, Zan's and few others. I hope you have all learned your lessons when it come to the American Politics.!
Stay out of trouble, or else I'll send Zan over to have Turkish Coffee with you next time.! Consider yourself warned.!

Thanks a Ton Kiks. Remind me where I screwed up. Its my memory you see...

..............and that the first that goes with age, so I have been told, followed by more serious matters.!!

I believe that I covered myself when I said that they would in fact give it to the "Black man" so that he can take the flack for the depression about to hit home........You see...Democracy also allows you to help yourself lose...

Only a fool does not allow himself the privilege of cynicism...

Yes Zan, after I knocked some sense into you about True Democracy and you saw the poll numbers going towards Obama's way, you did come around towards the end and thought that perhaps Obama could win, because some others may not want the job due to the bad economy.! Your exact words were:
Zan wrote:It looks like I might have been wrong..Perhaps Obama might win after all......Why not make the first bllack president take the blame and flack for the next four years until a white one comes along and makes it all go away..... ... &start=230
I guess that's why McCain chose Palin, so that he can lose.!
Well, it worked.!
No Zan, the other candidates did not lose so that Obama can win, but rather, Obama won and others lost.............BIG TIME.! Obama will be the President for the next 8 years, because the economy we have now is already bad, and if it gets any worse, it will always be blamed on Bush, and as soon as the economy gets somewhat better in the next 4 years, Obama will get the credit for it plus another 4 years until 2016.!