karma wrote:zan wrote:karma wrote:Kifeas wrote:karma wrote:This is an ugly video, not funny at all..WB guys r dumbs too coz the people of Batman are Kurdish people , not Turkish origin
But still the mayor is the biggest idiot to keep himself busy with this stupidity instead of thousands of honor killings and honor suicides going on in his city for ages
http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/a ... 018794.php
Kurdish people??? Have you meant to say "mountain Turks?" Take your words back now, because the next time you cross the Turkish border, you are going to prosecuted on article 301 for insulting Turkishness! Set aside a Kurdish one, since when in Turkey there is any one other people outside the Turkish one? "Two people" only exist in Cyprus! In turkey there is only one people and only one nation!
damnn, how can I make this mistake
can u plz talk to Admin to delete this post and save my life plzz..
or I will have to be waiting for ur dolmadakia in Ankara jails for the next 25 years
How are those Greek Muslims getting on in that other place????
better than ''Christian'' or ''Mountain Turks'' living in Turkey for sure
Not the last time I heard them......I suppose thiat means that the world is not perfect then.