johbee wrote:Well Paphitis tell me again why I should leave? This is after all my home. Just because I don't like something and wish to voice my opinion then all of the sudden I should leave. As for the police the saga goes on. Last night when I went home the same fool was blocking my garage. I phoned the police once again and this time I got a helpful voice on the other end and they came out and gifted the idiot with an 85 Euro parking fine. Had they done this initially I doubt I would have had the same problem twice. As for leaving Cyprus I've been stuck here for nearly 20 years. Don't get me wrong I have a love hate relationship with Cyprus. Just like those affairs with most women, go so goes mine with Aphrodite. I seriously doubt I could ever go home. I have become Cypriotized. And don't think the Cypriots don't rant and rave about the same things I do. After all if nobody complained about the negative then nothing would improve. Lot's of things have improved in Cyprus over the years as a result of public demand. Anyone care to guess where I'm from? Give you a clue, it's not the U.K.
You don't sound like the stereotypical whinger to be a Brit, although this is what I initially thought.
I predict that you are either Russian, or eastern European. Please tell us anyway.
Firstly, the thing you have been complaining about for so long in this thread is also common in most other countries which are even the most wealthy in the world. I live in Australia, and if you called the police about something as trivial as that, it is highly unlikely they would attend. They do not even attend if your house is broken into. Basically, police resources are finite, and they need to prioritise. The police can not be everywhere and attend to every minor thing that occurs. This is the case in Australia, and I presume it is the same elsewhere like The UK, US etc etc. Now if these countries lack police resources, then how can you expect little Cyprus to have so many Police Officers and attend every minor matter?

It is just not possible.
Your best bet would be to speak to the person that blocks your driveway in an amicable fashion. But seeing that he has been fined, he will now think twice.
The message I am trying to give you is that The Cyprus Police are just like any other Police Force anywhere. And they do a good enough job as well. Crime in Cyprus is much lower when compared to other countries, so they must be doing something right.