johbee wrote:Ooooooo, I guess you got me there. Actually I would just like to walk down the street without having to dodge cars abandoned on the pavement once in a while. Or be able to park my car in my garage without it being blocked by ignorant inconsiderate drivers. Or perhaps have the driver who crashed into the wall outside my house and did nearly a thousand pounds damage be at least given a ticket. He didn't have insurance, MOT, or road tax. Why didn't he get a ticket. Oh did I mention he owned a cabaret. He got off scott free. If he wasn't going to pay for the damage the least he could have done was arrange some other compensation! But I guess his other compensation was all spent on the cops!
Wow that sounds like major damage to a wall ... hope your Buildings insurance covered it, and pleased no one was injured.
Since you live in a City I guess there are many such traffic gripes (comes with Humans) and I could recount a few from living in 3 Cities in the UK which would make your blood boil ... White Van Drivers, eh!
I really don't think the Cyprus police are any worse than others ... Yeah, even when it comes down to turning a blind eye to a local "dignitary" (best bit about being a Magistrate I hear
