humanist wrote:VPTo try and get you to understand I am going to have to ask you a question that will help you understand the difference, who is charge and administers democraacy and human rights? The is a big difference in letting someone you do not trust dominate control and manipulate your future.
Mate you do have a point there ...... My response is simple I don't know. What I do know is that for the past 34 years neither your community has been satisfied or has benefited from the status quo neither has mine and Turkey can no longer picky back you. A solution has to be found and partition is not it.
My other point is that like it or not Cyprus is no longer running itself. The EU has a part in it and rights of all human beings in European nations are safeguarded by the EU constitution.
humanist you are being very naive the Cypriots in the UK are ruled over by the Brits who are the majority, you went to the UK accepting that fact and abide by what the Brits tell you to do, the lucky thing there is that the Brits are fair and try not to discriminate, put the GCs in the same situation give them the power and we are exposed left to their mercy which we do not and will not trust to be fair and not discriminate, why is it so difficult to understand, thats why we ask for safeguards to ensure everything is known and the majority are not allowed to exploit the minorities.
Dont make me laugh the EU cannot safeguard anyone, they have no task force what would happen if the majority acted like the Israelis?The world just watches on as innocent people get killed, so the EU and UN are not very good guardians thats why we ask for Turkey who have proven they step in when necessary.