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Do TCs want to live in a GC state as a minority?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: I

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
lovernomore wrote:Iam begining to belevie this piratis doe not is not human. It is a very clever computer program that respons automaticly to all the postes from Tcs. Maye sombody can send him a very bad virus and shut him up for ever.

Get all 24 volumes of Piratis’ yarns titled “Mein Cyprus Kampf”, a set of 6 double CDs presented in a beautiful leather case for just $99.99 + VAT! 8)

:shock: But hurry!!! There are limited stocks!

Don't delay, get it NOW!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was wondering what kind of virus loverboy has that would shut Piratis up.!

The love bug? :lol:

Would the 'Love Bug' work on Oracle?
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Re: I

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:32 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
lovernomore wrote:Iam begining to belevie this piratis doe not is not human. It is a very clever computer program that respons automaticly to all the postes from Tcs. Maye sombody can send him a very bad virus and shut him up for ever.

Get all 24 volumes of Piratis’ yarns titled “Mein Cyprus Kampf”, a set of 6 double CDs presented in a beautiful leather case for just $99.99 + VAT! 8)

:shock: But hurry!!! There are limited stocks!
Don't delay, get it NOW!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was wondering what kind of virus loverboy has that would shut Piratis up.!

The love bug? :lol:

Would the 'Love Bug' work on Oracle?

Good idea... you go first! :lol:
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Re: I

Postby zan » Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:33 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
lovernomore wrote:Iam begining to belevie this piratis doe not is not human. It is a very clever computer program that respons automaticly to all the postes from Tcs. Maye sombody can send him a very bad virus and shut him up for ever.

Get all 24 volumes of Piratis’ yarns titled “Mein Cyprus Kampf”, a set of 6 double CDs presented in a beautiful leather case for just $99.99 + VAT! 8)

:shock: But hurry!!! There are limited stocks!

Don't delay, get it NOW!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was wondering what kind of virus loverboy has that would shut Piratis up.!

The love bug? :lol:

Would the 'Love Bug' work on Oracle?

There is an old adage about a sausage and the Blackwall tunnel but I don't want to be smutty!!! 8)
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:07 pm

You already have !
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:20 pm

repeating the same arguments ad infinitum does not make them right...
You are indeed like a machine...You are programmed to churn out the following arguments...

1.Nobody asked you to come here,your ancestors invaded in 1571....

2.We have suffered terribly under the Ottoman yoke,but we forgive you...

3.Enosis was our right...You collaborated with foreign powers to stop us from achieving it...Because you wanted Taksim and you wanted to gain on our loss...

4.The EOKA were freedom fighters,they never posed any threat to the TCs...

5.The 1960 agreements and the constitution was forced upon us...Makarios had no choice but to sign it....His 13 ammendment proposals were legitimate and made only to facilitate better running of the government and more democracy...

6.The TCs are responsible for everything...It is all their fault...They started killing GC civilians in 58,pulled out of government in 63, to facilitate Taksim and gain on our loss...

7.It was the TMT that forced them into enclaves,the GCs and the goverment had nothing to do with it....They were not really afraid,there was nothing to be afraid of...

8. The Sampson coup was our internal affair,not aimed at the TCs at all...
Turkey had no right to jump the gun and invade...They were only intending to topple Makarios to stop him getting too freindly with the Soviets...

9. Turkey practised ethnic cleansing,drove 200,000 GCs out of their homes,violated their human rights...

10.We suffered more than you did and for longer...More GCs were killed and raped than TCs...It was all your fault anyway for starting it...Nobody asked you to come here in the first place...

11.All we want is full democracy,the majority rule with minority rights...You are standing in the way...

12. Cyprus has always been Greek and it is a Greek island now...Cypriots are Greek and will always stay Greek....If you don't like it you know what you can do...

How am I going so far????
Now here is my challenge to you,Piratis....
Put yourself in the place of an uncompromising,one-eyed TC and try to come up with the reciprocal arguments for each point I presented above...

I think it will do you a lot of good to try to put yourself in your equivalent TC's position...See what you come up with....
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:21 pm

miltiades wrote:You already have !

The rudest man on the Forum is offended??? :?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:26 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:You already have !

The rudest man on the Forum is offended??? :?

miltiades is not the rudest man on this Forum...Paphidis and GR hold that title together.... :D Get your facts straight ,man... :!: :!:
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Postby zan » Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:28 pm

:lol: :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:16 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:Piratis,
repeating the same arguments ad infinitum does not make them right...
You are indeed like a machine...You are programmed to churn out the following arguments...

1.Nobody asked you to come here,your ancestors invaded in 1571....

Which is a fact. The same of course happened with the Latins. But today the Latin minority accepts that the island should be ruled democratically by the Cypriots themselves, so what happened during Latin rule is irrelevant. Today they respect us, and we respect them. The same can not be said for the TC minority, who still today act as if we are living in the middle ages, and collaborate with Turkey to deny democracy and human rights to the Cypriot people.

2.We have suffered terribly under the Ottoman yoke,but we forgive you...

Thats right.

3.Enosis was our right...You collaborated with foreign powers to stop us from achieving it...Because you wanted Taksim and you wanted to gain on our loss...

Yes. Maybe in addition to the above you had some fear about union with Greece, but this fear was not a real one but one put into your heads by the UK and Turkey. Rhodes who also has a turkish minority and who joined Greece just a few years earlier (1947) is an evidence to this fact.

4.The EOKA were freedom fighters,they never posed any threat to the TCs...

They posed a thread to TCs only [b]after the TCs collaborated with the British and attacked us.

5.The 1960 agreements and the constitution was forced upon us...Makarios had no choice but to sign it....His 13 ammendment proposals were legitimate and made only to facilitate better running of the government and more democracy...


6.The TCs are responsible for everything...It is all their fault...They started killing GC civilians in 58,pulled out of government in 63, to facilitate Taksim and gain on our loss...

No. Who is responsible are the British colonialists and the Turkish imperialists. The TCs are just the pawns of Turkey.

7.It was the TMT that forced them into enclaves,the GCs and the goverment had nothing to do with it....They were not really afraid,there was nothing to be afraid of...

Wrong. There was a conflict, which TCs started, and therefore of course they should have been afraid because people were getting killed on both sides. But TMT did encourage them to do so, and along with Turkey they discouraged TCs from accepting a fair solution that would end the conflict.

8. The Sampson coup was our internal affair,not aimed at the TCs at all...
Turkey had no right to jump the gun and invade...They were only intending to topple Makarios to stop him getting too freindly with the Soviets...

The coup was a criminal act which the Cypriot people did not support, just like the many coups that happened in Turkey. Nobody invaded Turkey to protect the Greek or Kurdish minorities whenever a coup was happening there. The fact is that in 1974 no TC was killed by the coupists until after Turkey along with TCs invaded and started to put into action their partition plan by ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands of Greek Cypriots.

9. Turkey practised ethnic cleansing,drove 200,000 GCs out of their homes,violated their human rights...

Nobody denies this.

10.We suffered more than you did and for longer...More GCs were killed and raped than TCs...It was all your fault anyway for starting it...Nobody asked you to come here in the first place...

It is a fact that GCs suffered more and for longer. Still GCs do not seek revenge for what happened in the past, they just want their rights. On the contrary, the TCs who suffered for much less time (and due to a conflict they started), seek revenge and are trying to use the past as an excuse to continue to deny to us our rights.

11.All we want is full democracy,the majority rule with minority rights...You are standing in the way...

That is all we ever wanted and that is what the British and Turks never allowed. (with your help)

12. Cyprus has always been Greek and it is a Greek island now...Cypriots are Greek and will always stay Greek....If you don't like it you know what you can do...[/b]

Cyprus like every other place has minorities which are different from the main population and there is absolutely no problem with that. Yes, if you don't like living among Greeks, Cyprus is the wrong island to be. However I don't see why you can't finally accept us for what we are so we can all live in a mutli-ethnic nation in peace with each other.

How am I going so far????

Average ;)

Now here is my challenge to you,Piratis....
Put yourself in the place of an uncompromising,one-eyed TC and try to come up with the reciprocal arguments for each point I presented above...

I think it will do you a lot of good to try to put yourself in your equivalent TC's position...See what you come up with....

I am not interested in one sided arguments from either side. What I am interested is to the full truth, and truth can not be compromised.

So why don't you go over the points and try to correct me with facts and logical arguments, if you think I got any of them wrong?

I have no problem to acknowledge our wrong doings (e.g. crimes committed against you during the conflict) nor I will ever support criminals like Samson and his likes.

But you can not keep us responsible for things we are not. The intercommunal conflict was in fact started by the TCs in 1958. Also, non of all these would have happened if the British, the Turks and your minority, had accepted democracy and self-determination for the Cypriot people. If you had accepted this right instead of trying to impose your rule by force, then there would be no EOKA, no TMT, no liberation struggle, no inter-communal conflict and no suffering. Just a democratic peaceful referendum.

And the way to end this conflict today is for Turkey and you to finally stop insisting on these injustices that created the problem.
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Postby lovernomore » Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:56 pm

Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Piratis,
repeating the same arguments ad infinitum does not make them right...
You are indeed like a machine...You are programmed to churn out the following arguments...

1.Nobody asked you to come here,your ancestors invaded in 1571....

Which is a fact. The same of course happened with the Latins. But today the Latin minority accepts that the island should be ruled democratically by the Cypriots themselves, so what happened during Latin rule is irrelevant. Today they respect us, and we respect them. The same can not be said for the TC minority, who still today act as if we are living in the middle ages, and collaborate with Turkey to deny democracy and human rights to the Cypriot people.

2.We have suffered terribly under the Ottoman yoke,but we forgive you...

Thats right.

3.Enosis was our right...You collaborated with foreign powers to stop us from achieving it...Because you wanted Taksim and you wanted to gain on our loss...

Yes. Maybe in addition to the above you had some fear about union with Greece, but this fear was not a real one but one put into your heads by the UK and Turkey. Rhodes who also has a turkish minority and who joined Greece just a few years earlier (1947) is an evidence to this fact.

4.The EOKA were freedom fighters,they never posed any threat to the TCs...

They posed a thread to TCs only [b]after the TCs collaborated with the British and attacked us.

5.The 1960 agreements and the constitution was forced upon us...Makarios had no choice but to sign it....His 13 ammendment proposals were legitimate and made only to facilitate better running of the government and more democracy...


6.The TCs are responsible for everything...It is all their fault...They started killing GC civilians in 58,pulled out of government in 63, to facilitate Taksim and gain on our loss...

No. Who is responsible are the British colonialists and the Turkish imperialists. The TCs are just the pawns of Turkey.

7.It was the TMT that forced them into enclaves,the GCs and the goverment had nothing to do with it....They were not really afraid,there was nothing to be afraid of...

Wrong. There was a conflict, which TCs started, and therefore of course they should have been afraid because people were getting killed on both sides. But TMT did encourage them to do so, and along with Turkey they discouraged TCs from accepting a fair solution that would end the conflict.

8. The Sampson coup was our internal affair,not aimed at the TCs at all...
Turkey had no right to jump the gun and invade...They were only intending to topple Makarios to stop him getting too freindly with the Soviets...

The coup was a criminal act which the Cypriot people did not support, just like the many coups that happened in Turkey. Nobody invaded Turkey to protect the Greek or Kurdish minorities whenever a coup was happening there. The fact is that in 1974 no TC was killed by the coupists until after Turkey along with TCs invaded and started to put into action their partition plan by ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands of Greek Cypriots.

9. Turkey practised ethnic cleansing,drove 200,000 GCs out of their homes,violated their human rights...

Nobody denies this.

10.We suffered more than you did and for longer...More GCs were killed and raped than TCs...It was all your fault anyway for starting it...Nobody asked you to come here in the first place...

It is a fact that GCs suffered more and for longer. Still GCs do not seek revenge for what happened in the past, they just want their rights. On the contrary, the TCs who suffered for much less time (and due to a conflict they started), seek revenge and are trying to use the past as an excuse to continue to deny to us our rights.

11.All we want is full democracy,the majority rule with minority rights...You are standing in the way...

That is all we ever wanted and that is what the British and Turks never allowed. (with your help)

12. Cyprus has always been Greek and it is a Greek island now...Cypriots are Greek and will always stay Greek....If you don't like it you know what you can do...[/b]

Cyprus like every other place has minorities which are different from the main population and there is absolutely no problem with that. Yes, if you don't like living among Greeks, Cyprus is the wrong island to be. However I don't see why you can't finally accept us for what we are so we can all live in a mutli-ethnic nation in peace with each other.

How am I going so far????

Average ;)

Now here is my challenge to you,Piratis....
Put yourself in the place of an uncompromising,one-eyed TC and try to come up with the reciprocal arguments for each point I presented above...

I think it will do you a lot of good to try to put yourself in your equivalent TC's position...See what you come up with....

I am not interested in one sided arguments from either side. What I am interested is to the full truth, and truth can not be compromised.

So why don't you go over the points and try to correct me with facts and logical arguments, if you think I got any of them wrong?

I have no problem to acknowledge our wrong doings (e.g. crimes committed against you during the conflict) nor I will ever support criminals like Samson and his likes.

But you can not keep us responsible for things we are not. The intercommunal conflict was in fact started by the TCs in 1958. Also, non of all these would have happened if the British, the Turks and your minority, had accepted democracy and self-determination for the Cypriot people. If you had accepted this right instead of trying to impose your rule by force, then there would be no EOKA, no TMT, no liberation struggle, no inter-communal conflict and no suffering. Just a democratic peaceful referendum.

And the way to end this conflict today is for Turkey and you to finally stop insisting on these injustices that created the problem.

My english dont allow me to argue with this mashine,Bir is doin a good job.

All I want to say to piratis the mashine is......................................f**k off. You are a very badly desined machine. You are only good for the scrap.
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