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Do TCs want to live in a GC state as a minority?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:22 pm

zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:

So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

If you then found that you are incompatible with the native population, then why didn't you just go back from where you came from so you can live along with common minded people?

You can't invade our country, and then expect us to leave from half of our homeland and gift it to you or give Ottoman style privileges to you on our expense, just because you decided you are incompatible with us.

And by the way, since you are treated as a "wog" in the UK, why did you go there? Why didn't you go to Turkey instead?

I was 4 years old you moron!!!! :roll:

The rest of your drivel I will not even bother to answer at the moment bt would like others to read the rubbish you write...I fear they switched off from you a long time ago though... :lol:

So why did your parents move to UK instead of Turkey? Or they were compatible with UK, but you are not?

And yes, better stay silent when you have nothing better to say to support your position. Put some smilies, some swearing, some derogatory comments, and hope that all that can replace your non-existing arguments. And don't forget to copy paste some 20 pages of Turkish propaganda in the end, just to cover your inability to support your own position.
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:28 pm

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:

So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

If you then found that you are incompatible with the native population, then why didn't you just go back from where you came from so you can live along with common minded people?

You can't invade our country, and then expect us to leave from half of our homeland and gift it to you or give Ottoman style privileges to you on our expense, just because you decided you are incompatible with us.

And by the way, since you are treated as a "wog" in the UK, why did you go there? Why didn't you go to Turkey instead?

I was 4 years old you moron!!!! :roll:

The rest of your drivel I will not even bother to answer at the moment bt would like others to read the rubbish you write...I fear they switched off from you a long time ago though... :lol:

So why did your parents move to UK instead of Turkey? Or they were compatible with UK, but you are not?

And yes, better stay silent when you have nothing better to say to support your position. Put some smilies, some swearing, some derogatory comments, and hope that all that can replace your non-existing arguments. And don't forget to copy paste some 20 pages of Turkish propaganda in the end, just to cover your inability to support your own position.

We had an aunt in Australia and a cousin, who we called aunt because of her age, in the UK...My father secured a two room, for seven people, accommodation at my aunts place in the UK and a job......Decisions are hard to make when you are running for your life....Having a British passport was a decider as well....

The rest...Still drivel my friend...You are living in your own racist world.....
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:37 pm

zan wrote:....Having a British passport was a decider as well....

Oh so Turkey (being so much nearer :roll: ) would not take you, in your plight, because you had a British passport ... yet they would happily invade Cyprus and bring a few more of you lot here to re-colonise!

Clever Turkey, out with the old, in with the new. :roll:

I think you should change your Signature to say "Unwanted by Turkey, Replaced by Settlers!"
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:53 pm

Oracle wrote:
zan wrote:....Having a British passport was a decider as well....

Oh so Turkey (being so much nearer :roll: ) would not take you, in your plight, because you had a British passport ... yet they would happily invade Cyprus and bring a few more of you lot here to re-colonise!

Clever Turkey, out with the old, in with the new. :roll:

I think you should change your Signature to say "Unwanted by Turkey, Replaced by Settlers!"
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:26 pm

Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are refusing to see my point,Piratis...
As long as you insist that Cyprus is Greek,the TCs will insist that half of it is Turkish...So Partition will be inevitable...You know this and you keep saying it...So I assume you are a partitionist...That is fine...But if you think Turkey will accept a 82-18 split you are mistaken...If Cyprus is to be officially divided between Greeks and Turks,the solution will be at least as good as the status quo for the Turks...Or better...Those of us who want to be Cypriots and live in a united Cyprus democratically will lose big time...I am being realistic...I have never suggested that you forget about your ethnic origins....It is impossible in any case...What I am suggesting is that you see the reality,the fact that insisting of rubbing your Greekness in the faces of the TCs will only make them climb further up Turkey's lap...And I am suggesting that you stop harping on about what happened in 1571...They were imperial times,where the mighty got what they wanted...There was no democracy those days...The British colonised Australia 200 years after the Ottomans Colonised Cyprus...They tried to totally wipe out the original inhabitants...And almost suceeded in just over 200 years...The Ottomans were in power for over 300 years...When they left the GCs were still very much in the majority,with all their cultural and religious institutions in tact...Yet you are blaming the TCs today for the excesses of the Ottoman rule...You are ruled by the bitterness and the desire fior revenge against the TCs today...I can read it in every post of yours...If you were truly interested in democracy,you would be using democratic means to achieve it...Not threatening to wipe out half of Cyprus "when the balance of power changes"...To achieve full democracy you need to convince the TCs that they will be safe under the new enlightened regime...To do that you should not keep showing them the red rug to a bull,your claim that Cyprus is Greek...You should accept your part in bringing about the present situation,and accept the fact that it was the Greek and Turkish nationalist virus which helped bring Cyprus to the brink of Partition...And you take action to show them you have learned the lessons of the past...That we should put our best foot forward,our Cypriotness,and try to unite our country around our shared identity,not around our differences...By insisting on highlighting our differences you essentially become a provocateur,making sure that the past hatreds will keep boiling along...You are making the same mistake our parents and grandparents did back in the 40s and 50s,that of riding roughshot over the fears and trepitations of the TCs...Instead of Enosis you are now using the plea for Democracy....No one will take you seriously until you show some regard for the historical and present plight of the TCs...That is my point...It shall remain my point till I see some signs that you are sincere and mature in your wish for fully democratic majority rule,and you are truly comitted to protecting minority and human rights of all....All I see now is a wolf in sheeps clothing using the democracy mantra to beat the TCs over the head... :(

No Bir, I get your point, and you are absolutely wrong. You also repeat things that I already gave clear answers to (e.g. Ottomans), aren't you reading my posts?

You waste your energy on an irrelevant issue.

So lets say that for the sake of argument we would agree that Cyprus is not Greek.

Wouldn't the Turkish speaking Muslim Cypriots still be a (linguistic/religious/ethnic) minority within a country with Greek speaking Christian Cypriots as the majority? They would. (unless you would also suggest to change the language and religion of everyone).

So go and read the initial post of VP again. According to him (and he is right) TCs do not want to live as a minority. It doesn't matter what you label the majority (Greeks, Greek Cypriots, Greek speaking Cypriots, Christians, non Turkish) , it doesn't matter what you label Cyprus (Greek, European, not Turkish) the result is always the same: In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners.

The TCs want partition (standard style, Annan style, etc) because that would give them a lot more land and a lot more power than what belongs to them. That is the main reason that most TCs want partition, which of course non of them would admit publicly, and unfortunately you seem to be too blind to see. (but as Kikapu said, this was privately admitted to him by his relatives, and anybody with a bit of sense can understand that this is the case with the majority of TCs)

So now lets go back to the "Cyprus is Greek" that bothered you so much. Tell me what would we gain if we accept your demand and say that Cyprus is not Greek?

The sympathy from you and a 1000 more TCs, 100 of which could then maybe accept a free and democratic Cyprus without privilages and land granded to TCs by foreigners? Thats about it, and that is practically zero.

On the other hand what we would lose would be very significant: We would alienate our closest ally, and Turkey would have achieved her objective of isolating Cyprus so it will be easier for them to manipulate us. As I said before this is why they didn't want us to join the EU either, "Cyprus is European" bothered them for the exact same reasons that "Cyprus is Greek" bothers them.

If I knew that it would make a positive difference if I changed my position on this issue, then I would. For me such labels are not important. But it is obvious that this will not make any difference for the vast majority of TCs (of which you are not part of) and it will make absolutely no difference to Turkey, which after all is the one who has the total control over the position of the Turkish side on the Cyprus issue.

So if you want to discuss the real issue of this thread, then maybe you should tell to VP what you told to me about the Aboriginals of Australia. Because VP seems to think that a "minority" is just the "Indians in the UK" and that somehow the 18% of TCs are not a minority and they actually deserve the powers and land granted to them by foreigners on the expense of every other Cypriot.

Finally you can think whatever you want about me. I am a true democrat, and I do not seek collective punishment for any group due to actions of the past, I only care about what each individual is doing during his life time, and during my lifetime I supported no crimes and no illegalities (apart from minor things like braking the speed limit).

When some are trying to use a tiny distorted fraction of the past in order to depict us as the "evils" who deserve to have their lands and their rights taken away, then I am sorry Bir, but I will continue to correct them and say the truth. But, unlike them, I will still support that each Cypriot should have the 100% of their human and democratic rights regardless of what some previous generations of his community did, and I am even willing to forgive those who today insist on commiting crimes and illegalities, as long as they recognize their mistake and change.

If however they do not change, and they insist on keeping our land under occupation and violate our human and democratic rights, then we have every right to fight against them and defeat them if we are given the chance, and nobody can deny to us our right to defend the sovereignty of our island from foreign invaders and those who collaborate with them.

Piratis,I have no doubt you think you are doing the best for the GCs...But I think you are the one who is wrong..By insisting on the ONE THING that will make any TC see red,you are sabotaging our chances of reunification...As miltiades keep pointing out,if we put our Cypriotness first we would be removing the tags of "majority" and "minority"...

Democracy that you champion is essentially a regime of compromise...
But by failing to compromise on the very point which has brought us to this impass you declare yourself unfit to be trusted with running any democratic state...You have come up with many names to describe the GCs(see the enlarged section above) ,but left out the only one which will get us out of this trouble...You have not called GCs plain "Cypriots"...This shows me you are really hang up on our differences which makes me very suspicious of your motives...

You say most of the TCs want partition...But by not compromising you are working to cement the Partition already achieved by the TCs...And by claiming that the overwhelming reason TCs want the status quo to become official is economic gain you are oversimplifying what is esentially a very complex emotional and political power struggle involving not just us Cypriots...

And I can only repeat what I said before...The cause or the catalyst of all our troubles so far is our insistence on elevating our ethnicity above our nationality....I cannot see how after all we have been through you can still believe that the answer to all our problems now is repeating the same mistake... one can deny that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots consider themselves as decendants of Greeks...But there is no need to shout this from rooftops...And this doesn't mean Cyprus is Greek....The minute you utter that phrase you are excluding a lot of people who live in Cyprus and consider Cyprus as their homeland...Especially now that Cyprus is a member of the EU,and many people of different ethnic backgrounds are making Cyprus their home,claiming that Cyprus is just one thing (Greek) makes little sense...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:40 pm

Piratis wrote:So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

Piratis...You are now distorting history...Turks never came to Cyprus...
The Ottomans came to Cyprus...They did not call themselves Turks..In fact the Turks were one of the oppressed minorities in the Ottoman empire for a long time...The people who ended up being called Turkish Cypriots have very little resemblance to the Turkic tribes which started to invade Anatolia around 900AD...Just look at us for God' sake...I challenge you to pick me out in a crowd of GCs as the TC....Especially if I shaved my moustache off... :wink: :) Biologically or genetically there is no difference between us....We are the same people....Our differences are in our heads...That simple and that complex.... :(
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Postby wallace » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:51 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

Piratis...You are now distorting history...Turks never came to Cyprus...
The Ottomans came to Cyprus...They did not call themselves Turks..In fact the Turks were one of the oppressed minorities in the Ottoman empire for a long time...The people who ended up being called Turkish Cypriots have very little resemblance to the Turkic tribes which started to invade Anatolia around 900AD...Just look at us for God' sake...I challenge you to pick me out in a crowd of GCs as the TC....Especially if I shaved my moustache off... :wink: :) Biologically or genetically there is no difference between us....We are the same people....Our differences are in our heads...That simple and that complex.... :( was the ottomans :lol: And in 1974 it were the smurfs that invaded Cyprus :shock:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:24 pm

wallace wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

Piratis...You are now distorting history...Turks never came to Cyprus...
The Ottomans came to Cyprus...They did not call themselves Turks..In fact the Turks were one of the oppressed minorities in the Ottoman empire for a long time...The people who ended up being called Turkish Cypriots have very little resemblance to the Turkic tribes which started to invade Anatolia around 900AD...Just look at us for God' sake...I challenge you to pick me out in a crowd of GCs as the TC....Especially if I shaved my moustache off... :wink: :) Biologically or genetically there is no difference between us....We are the same people....Our differences are in our heads...That simple and that complex.... :( was the ottomans :lol: And in 1974 it were the smurfs that invaded Cyprus :shock:

Well you indeed got that right. :roll: :roll: .....................
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:37 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are refusing to see my point,Piratis...
As long as you insist that Cyprus is Greek,the TCs will insist that half of it is Turkish...So Partition will be inevitable...You know this and you keep saying it...So I assume you are a partitionist...That is fine...But if you think Turkey will accept a 82-18 split you are mistaken...If Cyprus is to be officially divided between Greeks and Turks,the solution will be at least as good as the status quo for the Turks...Or better...Those of us who want to be Cypriots and live in a united Cyprus democratically will lose big time...I am being realistic...I have never suggested that you forget about your ethnic origins....It is impossible in any case...What I am suggesting is that you see the reality,the fact that insisting of rubbing your Greekness in the faces of the TCs will only make them climb further up Turkey's lap...And I am suggesting that you stop harping on about what happened in 1571...They were imperial times,where the mighty got what they wanted...There was no democracy those days...The British colonised Australia 200 years after the Ottomans Colonised Cyprus...They tried to totally wipe out the original inhabitants...And almost suceeded in just over 200 years...The Ottomans were in power for over 300 years...When they left the GCs were still very much in the majority,with all their cultural and religious institutions in tact...Yet you are blaming the TCs today for the excesses of the Ottoman rule...You are ruled by the bitterness and the desire fior revenge against the TCs today...I can read it in every post of yours...If you were truly interested in democracy,you would be using democratic means to achieve it...Not threatening to wipe out half of Cyprus "when the balance of power changes"...To achieve full democracy you need to convince the TCs that they will be safe under the new enlightened regime...To do that you should not keep showing them the red rug to a bull,your claim that Cyprus is Greek...You should accept your part in bringing about the present situation,and accept the fact that it was the Greek and Turkish nationalist virus which helped bring Cyprus to the brink of Partition...And you take action to show them you have learned the lessons of the past...That we should put our best foot forward,our Cypriotness,and try to unite our country around our shared identity,not around our differences...By insisting on highlighting our differences you essentially become a provocateur,making sure that the past hatreds will keep boiling along...You are making the same mistake our parents and grandparents did back in the 40s and 50s,that of riding roughshot over the fears and trepitations of the TCs...Instead of Enosis you are now using the plea for Democracy....No one will take you seriously until you show some regard for the historical and present plight of the TCs...That is my point...It shall remain my point till I see some signs that you are sincere and mature in your wish for fully democratic majority rule,and you are truly comitted to protecting minority and human rights of all....All I see now is a wolf in sheeps clothing using the democracy mantra to beat the TCs over the head... :(

No Bir, I get your point, and you are absolutely wrong. You also repeat things that I already gave clear answers to (e.g. Ottomans), aren't you reading my posts?

You waste your energy on an irrelevant issue.

So lets say that for the sake of argument we would agree that Cyprus is not Greek.

Wouldn't the Turkish speaking Muslim Cypriots still be a (linguistic/religious/ethnic) minority within a country with Greek speaking Christian Cypriots as the majority? They would. (unless you would also suggest to change the language and religion of everyone).

So go and read the initial post of VP again. According to him (and he is right) TCs do not want to live as a minority. It doesn't matter what you label the majority (Greeks, Greek Cypriots, Greek speaking Cypriots, Christians, non Turkish) , it doesn't matter what you label Cyprus (Greek, European, not Turkish) the result is always the same: In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners.

The TCs want partition (standard style, Annan style, etc) because that would give them a lot more land and a lot more power than what belongs to them. That is the main reason that most TCs want partition, which of course non of them would admit publicly, and unfortunately you seem to be too blind to see. (but as Kikapu said, this was privately admitted to him by his relatives, and anybody with a bit of sense can understand that this is the case with the majority of TCs)

So now lets go back to the "Cyprus is Greek" that bothered you so much. Tell me what would we gain if we accept your demand and say that Cyprus is not Greek?

The sympathy from you and a 1000 more TCs, 100 of which could then maybe accept a free and democratic Cyprus without privilages and land granded to TCs by foreigners? Thats about it, and that is practically zero.

On the other hand what we would lose would be very significant: We would alienate our closest ally, and Turkey would have achieved her objective of isolating Cyprus so it will be easier for them to manipulate us. As I said before this is why they didn't want us to join the EU either, "Cyprus is European" bothered them for the exact same reasons that "Cyprus is Greek" bothers them.

If I knew that it would make a positive difference if I changed my position on this issue, then I would. For me such labels are not important. But it is obvious that this will not make any difference for the vast majority of TCs (of which you are not part of) and it will make absolutely no difference to Turkey, which after all is the one who has the total control over the position of the Turkish side on the Cyprus issue.

So if you want to discuss the real issue of this thread, then maybe you should tell to VP what you told to me about the Aboriginals of Australia. Because VP seems to think that a "minority" is just the "Indians in the UK" and that somehow the 18% of TCs are not a minority and they actually deserve the powers and land granted to them by foreigners on the expense of every other Cypriot.

Finally you can think whatever you want about me. I am a true democrat, and I do not seek collective punishment for any group due to actions of the past, I only care about what each individual is doing during his life time, and during my lifetime I supported no crimes and no illegalities (apart from minor things like braking the speed limit).

When some are trying to use a tiny distorted fraction of the past in order to depict us as the "evils" who deserve to have their lands and their rights taken away, then I am sorry Bir, but I will continue to correct them and say the truth. But, unlike them, I will still support that each Cypriot should have the 100% of their human and democratic rights regardless of what some previous generations of his community did, and I am even willing to forgive those who today insist on commiting crimes and illegalities, as long as they recognize their mistake and change.

If however they do not change, and they insist on keeping our land under occupation and violate our human and democratic rights, then we have every right to fight against them and defeat them if we are given the chance, and nobody can deny to us our right to defend the sovereignty of our island from foreign invaders and those who collaborate with them.

Piratis,I have no doubt you think you are doing the best for the GCs...But I think you are the one who is wrong..By insisting on the ONE THING that will make any TC see red,you are sabotaging our chances of reunification...As miltiades keep pointing out,if we put our Cypriotness first we would be removing the tags of "majority" and "minority"...

Democracy that you champion is essentially a regime of compromise...
But by failing to compromise on the very point which has brought us to this impass you declare yourself unfit to be trusted with running any democratic state...You have come up with many names to describe the GCs(see the enlarged section above) ,but left out the only one which will get us out of this trouble...You have not called GCs plain "Cypriots"...This shows me you are really hang up on our differences which makes me very suspicious of your motives...

You say most of the TCs want partition...But by not compromising you are working to cement the Partition already achieved by the TCs...And by claiming that the overwhelming reason TCs want the status quo to become official is economic gain you are oversimplifying what is esentially a very complex emotional and political power struggle involving not just us Cypriots...

And I can only repeat what I said before...The cause or the catalyst of all our troubles so far is our insistence on elevating our ethnicity above our nationality....I cannot see how after all we have been through you can still believe that the answer to all our problems now is repeating the same mistake... one can deny that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots consider themselves as decendants of Greeks...But there is no need to shout this from rooftops...And this doesn't mean Cyprus is Greek....The minute you utter that phrase you are excluding a lot of people who live in Cyprus and consider Cyprus as their homeland...Especially now that Cyprus is a member of the EU,and many people of different ethnic backgrounds are making Cyprus their home,claiming that Cyprus is just one thing (Greek) makes little sense...

Bir I believe I gave answers to everything and there is nothing more to discuss.

You can keep your position I will keep mine. You seem to think the issue is about tags and labels, but I think the issue is about power and land.

Rhodes also has a Turkish minority and it united with Greece in 1948. What was different in Rhodes is that the Turkish minority there was not given arms and incentives to fight against the majority to stop Rhodes, another Greek island, to become part of the free Greek Republic.

The Cyprus Problem is a problem of Turkish expansionism, not a problem of tags and labels. The TC minority is simply the excuse that is used by Turkey to manipulate Cyprus.

How did you really dream about it Bir. That we will change some tags and labels and TCs will drop all the power and land gains promised to them by Turkey on our expense and come to join us in a united democratic Cyprus? This dream of yours is totally Utopian. Not only the TCs themselves wouldn't put labels and tags above land and power, but even if in some magical way they did, it wouldn't matter anyway, because Turkey and not the TCs is the one who has the absolute control of the position of the Turkish side on the Cyprus issue.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:46 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

Piratis...You are now distorting history...Turks never came to Cyprus...
The Ottomans came to Cyprus...They did not call themselves Turks..In fact the Turks were one of the oppressed minorities in the Ottoman empire for a long time...The people who ended up being called Turkish Cypriots have very little resemblance to the Turkic tribes which started to invade Anatolia around 900AD...Just look at us for God' sake...I challenge you to pick me out in a crowd of GCs as the TC....Especially if I shaved my moustache off... :wink: :) Biologically or genetically there is no difference between us....We are the same people....Our differences are in our heads...That simple and that complex.... :(

We can never satisfy you Bir. In Greece they call them Muslims, they don't like it, they say they are Turks. I respect how you want to be called, and I call you Turkish. Again you don't like it! :wink:

I agree with you that biologically or genetically there is no difference between us. Genetics and biology was never the problem.
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