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Do TCs want to live in a GC state as a minority?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:22 am

""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:53 pm

We are assuming that in any future setup there will be no minorities, since the system will be based on the equality of the two communities and that will take care of the issue.

It does not work like that. There will always be minorities, even if these are not ethnically defined. Any social grouping can invoke protection as a minority in a democracy. The people who live around a proposed new airport and oppose its construction are a minority and have the right to protection by a democracy.

The assumption that the TCs are the only minority that needs constitutional protection is indicative of the overall attitude, which is very Cypriot.

We are so engrossed in the so called Cyprob that we are forgetting all the other problems that are growing around us.

Let us wave our magic wand and solve the Cyprob yesterday. The newly formed government will have a HUGE list of problems to deal with, among which are:

the settlers as a new minority affecting BOTH communities, a drug problem that has been building up over a decade, illegal immigration, overdevelopment, water shortages, etc.

Our politicians will have no excuse. They will have to prove competence and then we will face the real problem which has been that of incompetence all along.
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:09 pm

miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:
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Postby wallace » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:17 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:

Lot's must have happenend in your life ah for you feeling so sorry for your self :lol: :lol: You want to talk about it? Come on....throw your frustrations in the group zannyboy :D
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:19 pm

wallace wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:

Lot's must have happenend in your life ah for you feeling so sorry for your self :lol: :lol: You want to talk about it? Come on....throw your frustrations in the group zannyboy :D

You got it wrong Walli.....I am not feeling sorry for myself....I am standing up for myself......Being an honest person I am giving you the reasons.... 8)
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:27 pm

miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

Miltiades, giving to TCs an official minority status would give them more than what you get in the UK, not less.

Personally I have no problem with what you say. What I care about is freedom, democracy - one person one vote, and human rights.

In Cyprus we have other minorities as well. Do you think the official minority status was given to the Armenians, Latins and Maronites in order to reduce their rights? No. On the contrary it was given in order to give some additional rights and protection to them.

For example we could say that the TC minority will be guaranteed the 18% of positions in the government and the parliament. Are Cypriots in the UK guaranteed any position in the British government or parliament? No.

If the TCs do not want these additional things and they are happy to live along with the rest of Cypriots in the way you are happy to live along with the other British citizens in the UK without any additional rights, then great.

If they want to be given some additional rights based on the argument that they are a minority and therefore potentially more vulnerable, then they could have certain additional rights to guarantee things like their proportional representation, but not anything that would violate the human and democratic rights of others.

So by offering to the TC an official minority status I am offering to them more than what you are offering to them, and more than what you as a Cypriot in the UK is offered by the British state.

Here is what Turkey thinks about giving an official minority status to the Kurds:

Deputy Prime Minister Devlet Bahceli on Saturday said Turkey could not grant minority status to Kurds because that would legitimate the separatist war waged by Kurdish rebels.

Turkey has so far refused, saying Kurds enjoy equal rights with Turks before the law. Only non-Muslims have minority status in Turkey under the 1923 Lausanne Agreement and rights such as that of education in their own languages. ... urds/2571/
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:35 pm

We are NOT a minority and have never been afforded that status... We are fully paid up partners and always have been. You are not living up to the Constitution by which you have had resolutions passed and you say you are living to......Either you tell the world the truth and the treaty is dead or you accept it...Yiu cannot have it both ways.. :roll:
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:46 pm

zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:

So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

If you then found that you are incompatible with the native population, then why didn't you just go back from where you came from so you can live along with common minded people?

You can't invade our country, and then expect us to leave from half of our homeland and gift it to you or give Ottoman style privileges to you on our expense, just because you decided you are incompatible with us.

And by the way, since you are treated as a "wog" in the UK, why did you go there? Why didn't you go to Turkey instead?
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:56 pm

zan wrote:We are NOT a minority and have never been afforded that status... We are fully paid up partners and always have been. You are not living up to the Constitution by which you have had resolutions passed and you say you are living to......Either you tell the world the truth and the treaty is dead or you accept it...Yiu cannot have it both ways.. :roll:

For most part of our history you have been absolutely nothing since you didn't even exist on our island.

So do you want the minority status with all the benefits that come with it, or you want the non-status that Turkey gives to the Kurds? Nothing else is given to you on our expense, and the foreigners that you collaborate with can not give you anything more than an illegal shit hole.

So either take our very generous offer which your motherland can not accept to give to the Kurds, or just rot in the pseudo state until the time that we will liberate our lands.
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Postby zan » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:58 pm

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
miltiades wrote:PIRATIS WROTE:
""""In a united democratic Cyprus TCs will be a minority and that is what VP and most TCs do not want, because they got used to have more than what belongs to them by collaborating with foreigners. """"

Miltiades's interpretation: In a united democratic Cyprus there will be no majorities or minorities , all citizens will be equal under the law of the land and protected by the ECHR . Once minorities enter the equation then some 300 thousand UK Cypriots may well be defined as another minority , I will never see Bir, Kikapu , Deniz , Iceman Halil , Cem , Kafenes and many many more as mere minorities. If they are a minority then so Am I .
I'm not a minority in the UK , I have a British nationality as well as a Cypriot one that makes me very much a part of the majority here in the UK and in Cyprus along with all other Cypriots
Im a firm believer in the unification of our island which would one day lead to multi Cypriot political parties , just as Karoyian , an Armenian member of the present government is not classified as part of a minority , there is no reason why a future T/C political activist belonging to a multi Cypriot party should be refered to as "minority".
There are realities entrenched in our long history , ancient ruins for instance , that can never be detached from the identity of the island and no one should be suggesting that such realities are substituted or ignored.

I too was accepted in my first job as "One of the good wogs"......You can live in your idealistic bullshit world Miltiades but the real world does not function that way.....The fact that the only politicians that will make it in the "RoC" who are not Greek will have to walk like a Greek and talk like a Greek....Any others need not apply. You have no idea about what it is to be TC and the need to want to preserve your history and self respect.... :roll:

So what you are saying is that TCs are so different from GCs, and basically incompatible with us? Why did Turks came to Cyprus then? Cyprus was already inhabited by a majority of Greek Cypriots when the Turks came.

If you then found that you are incompatible with the native population, then why didn't you just go back from where you came from so you can live along with common minded people?

You can't invade our country, and then expect us to leave from half of our homeland and gift it to you or give Ottoman style privileges to you on our expense, just because you decided you are incompatible with us.

And by the way, since you are treated as a "wog" in the UK, why did you go there? Why didn't you go to Turkey instead?

I was 4 years old you moron!!!! :roll:

The rest of your drivel I will not even bother to answer at the moment bt would like others to read the rubbish you write...I fear they switched off from you a long time ago though... :lol:
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