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Do TCs want to live in a GC state as a minority?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:12 pm

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
Piratis wrote:So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%??? :roll:

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

Contradicting yourself in One post Piratis......Nice :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A "GreeK State" EY!!!!!:lol: Collaborating with a foreign country ey!! :lol:

:roll: Uniting with the rest of Greece is what the Cypriot people wanted. So who are you to impose to the Cypriot people what they can do with their own island?

If you still don't understand the difference here it is even easier:

Cyprus, would be part of the Greek state because the vast majority of Cypriots are Greek and they themselves wanted to be part of a Greek state.

On the other hand Cyprus was under the British and Ottoman empires because this is what the FOREIGNERS not the Cypriots wanted.

Get it? And those foreigners used your small minority in order to get what they want in Cyprus against the will of the native Cypriot people.

Rhodes united with Greece in 1948 and it has a Turkish minority on it. Do you have a problem with Rhodes being part of the Greek state Zan? Is Rhodes "foreign" to Greece?

The same happened with all other Greek territories. Initially only a small part of Greece was liberated. Then in the next 100+ years gradually more and more Greek islands and territories united(=enosis) with the rest of Greece.

Several of those territories islands have Turkish minorities on them. So what? Does it mean that Greeks could not have their own free Greek state encompassing all the Greek territories and islands because there was some Turkish minority on them??

The vast majority of Germans wanted Jews dead......

The alternative to your majority wants is what we have now....We are part of Cyprus and you do not have the right to put a partner in peril because of your wants....Simple human rights.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:21 pm

We didn't want to kill anybody. Committing genocides is your expertise, as you did with the 1.5 million Armenians. And just like the Nazis you also invade other countries and occupy them illegally. So you should compare yourselves with the Nazis, not us.

What we want is freedom from foreign unwanted rulers and the right of the Cypriot people to decide the destiny of their island in a democratic way. The TCs like every other Cypriot would have the right to cast their vote in a referendum to decide the destiny of Cyprus. It is not a "human right" of a minority to impose undemocratically whatever they feel like by cooperating with the invaders of our island. If this is a "human right" then why don't Turkey gives this "human right" to the Kurds? Do the Kurds have less human rights than the TCs?

In fact imposing your will undemocratically on the whole population of Cyprus violated our human rights, just like you have been doing since the day you set your foot on this island.
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Postby zan » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:28 pm

Piratis wrote:We didn't want to kill anybody. Committing genocides is your expertise, as you did with the 1.5 million Armenians. And just like the Nazis you also invade other countries and occupy them illegally. So you should compare yourselves with the Nazis, not us.

What we want is freedom from foreign unwanted rulers and the right of the Cypriot people to decide the destiny of their island in a democratic way. The TCs like every other Cypriot would have the right to cast their vote in a referendum to decide the destiny of Cyprus. It is not a "human right" of a minority to impose undemocratically whatever they feel like by cooperating with the invaders of our island. If this is a "human right" then why don't Turkey gives this "human right" to the Kurds? Do the Kurds have less human rights than the TCs?

In fact imposing your will undemocratically on the whole population of Cyprus violated our human rights, just like you have been doing since the day you set your foot on this island.

Those that did not leave were set upon mate and that is the facts....Same for the Jews.....Making life impossible for the TCs was what it was all about...That a majority has no right to do. We are a fundamental part of Cyprus and always will be...You have no right to erase that fact..Majority or not.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:15 pm

So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%???

The situation was hardly democratic back then, the strong conquered the weak, and the people on this island who were for your information not Greek but a mixture of all the conquerers prior to the Ottomans and Brits were the weak and had to live under the conquerer this was the way it was so comparing apples and pears does not make sense.

The 18% are a substantial number to stand up for what they believe is right and against what is wrong, the majority wanted the Jews dead thats democractic isnt it if you look at it from a numbers angle, the majority in Iran voted for women to be stoned to death if the committed adultery, thats also democratic isnt it? Your "democratic" move to gift this island to Greece was seen as our death warrant so we had to fight against it with every means we had available and we would do the same today.

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

The Kurds do not have the constitutional rights granted to us via international agreements which contain your signature even today. Thats why they are at war with the Turkish government today, they are fighting to etablish there own state, just like we are fighting for our rights against narrow minded bigots who continue to demand our rights be taken away.

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

Says the person whos head was not on the chopping block, forgive us for fearing for our lives and not wanting to become Greek muslims in Greece. You were the ones who signed a structure to combat the mistakes of the past 1958-1960, instead of working with the TCs to improve and build a proud Cypriot people you chose to disregard and brush aside a large part of the population to impose your will and dominance all over the island, we had to fight back and fight back we did by siding with those that promised to help us stay alive.

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

I am disappointed and despair that you have not changed one iota in understanding that what you have quoted above will never happen becuase we to will not capitualte to GC demands, compromise is called for from both sides which with your mindset displays this will never be possible backs my belief that agree division is the only real solution available, its just a matter of time before everyone sees this reality.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:19 pm

Piratis wrote:So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%??? :roll:

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

Piratis says,' the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?'. I dont give a Euro who the devil you are, but statements like that shows you as a 'Comedien par excellence'. Idiotic statements like that shows your utter idiocy and 'I dont give a FUCK about TCs in Cyprus' attitude. What a plonker. :lol: It is people like you who have split OUR island, now we (Cypriots) are paying the price.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:23 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

I am disappointed and despair that you have not changed one iota in understanding that what you have quoted above will never happen becuase we to will not capitualte to GC demands, compromise is called for from both sides which with your mindset displays this will never be possible backs my belief that agree division is the only real solution available, its just a matter of time before everyone sees this reality.

You want to compromise democracy? You don’t want to “capitulate” to democracy??? ...because that's what Piratis is saying he wants. :lol:

It's yourself you should be disappointed with for insisting that most of your people live in 3rd world Turkic conditions while a handful have all the fun… maybe you’re one of them. :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:26 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Piratis wrote:So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%??? :roll:

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

Piratis says,' the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?'. I dont give a Euro who the devil you are, but statements like that shows you as a 'Comedien par excellence'. Idiotic statements like that shows your utter idiocy and 'I dont give a FUCK about TCs in Cyprus' attitude. What a plonker. :lol: It is people like you who have split OUR island, now we (Cypriots) are paying the price.

Isn't a 40% representation in the House of Reps by an 18% minority an "unfair privilege" at the other's expense?
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:27 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Piratis wrote:So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%??? :roll:

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

Piratis says,' the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?'. I dont give a Euro who the devil you are, but statements like that shows you as a 'Comedien par excellence'. Idiotic statements like that shows your utter idiocy and 'I dont give a FUCK about TCs in Cyprus' attitude. What a plonker. :lol: It is people like you who have split OUR island, now we (Cypriots) are paying the price.

Nobody has split the Island except the Turks. And that is a FACT. You can make up your own opinions, but you can't make up facts Deniz.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Piratis wrote:So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%??? :roll:

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

Piratis says,' the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?'. I dont give a Euro who the devil you are, but statements like that shows you as a 'Comedien par excellence'. Idiotic statements like that shows your utter idiocy and 'I dont give a FUCK about TCs in Cyprus' attitude. What a plonker. :lol: It is people like you who have split OUR island, now we (Cypriots) are paying the price.

Isn't a 40% representation in the House of Reps by an 18% minority an "unfair privilege" at the other's expense?

As majority you had much less to fear than TCs. Dont play the fool GR. You perfectly know very well what we mean. What little rights we did have with the 30:70 ratio would have been eroded even more.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:35 pm

Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Piratis wrote:So it was fine for Cyprus to be under Ottoman (or British) rule without the blessing of the 82% of the population (actually the 100% initially) and with native Cypriots as slaves, but not OK to be part of a free Greek state without the blessing of the 18%??? :roll:

Does Turkey take the blessing of the 20% of Kurds for anything they will do??

There was absolutely no risk for the lives of TCs with union with Greece. The only thing you would lose would be the unfair privileges granted to you on our expense by the invaders of Cyprus.

In 1958 you attacked us and you re-started the war against us. 1960 was not a "clean slate". How the hell could it be a "clean slate" when British got bases on our land, Turks got to keep troops on Cyprus, and the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?

The fact is that you re-started the war in 1958 and this war did not end in 1960 with your victory as you would hope. There will be no end in the war with your victory. The war will go on until Cyprus is free and democratic and your minority will accept to be like every other minority in every other country, and stop collaborating with foreigners trying to have unfair and disproportional gains of power and land on our expense by helping those foreigners get what they want from our island.

Piratis says,' the small TC minority was given so many unfair privileges on our expense?'. I dont give a Euro who the devil you are, but statements like that shows you as a 'Comedien par excellence'. Idiotic statements like that shows your utter idiocy and 'I dont give a FUCK about TCs in Cyprus' attitude. What a plonker. :lol: It is people like you who have split OUR island, now we (Cypriots) are paying the price.

Nobody has split the Island except the Turks. And that is a FACT. You can make up your own opinions, but you can't make up facts Deniz.

Your demands for Enosis, caused the splitting of the Island. You may have changed your mind now but the seeds were sown. The final cut came in 1974, and you dont need me to tell you what happened.
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