Give it another 100 years with so much in common it wont take long."""
Please tell me that you do not associate the T/Cs with such barbaric practice :
"""Men who kill because of honour are regarded very highly in prison and their feet are washed by inmates.
Mother’s who kill babies which were conceived out of wedlock only gets 4-8 years. If a mother kills a baby which was conceived in marriage, she gets a life sentence without parole or the death sentence.
Honour killings are not recorded in the judicial statistics but men who kill in the name of the honour get reduced sentences - usually 1\4 or1\8th less than the regular homicide.
The choice of weapon is usually associated with economical status, eg. a gun for richer families etc. Traditionally, they were thrown into the well.
Girls, some say, are not registered when they are born.
When a person expresses condolences to the dead girl’s family, the family acts in a rude way and says this is something to celebrate and not mourn. ""
How many T/Cs would endorse above . I will tell you exactly , VP AND HIS GANG BUT NOT ONE SINGLE
Link: http://honourkillings.gn.apc.org/facts.htm