Moderator: Piratis
brother wrote:HEHEi wondeing if marinella will do it and post on the forum
is she that brave
pcgiannis wrote:brother wrote:HEHEi wondeing if marinella will do it and post on the forum
is she that brave
Hey brother, don’t push it. She gave an honest answer she did not back down, so I respect that.
That shows that she is brave, however, she could have the following physiological profile:
When she was young she found out that her best mates were all boys.
She was hanging out with boys more than girls.
She realised she watched football more than “Ready Steady Cook”.
She drunk beer instead of Pina Colada
But now at her 27th years she wants to be in touch with her feminine side. She is thinking “I will be more feminine if I show my tits to these boys” but what she does subconsciously is hunging out with the boys again.
My opinion is, she should show us her tits and we will decide if she is feminine or not, and I am sure somebody would ask her our.
Do you agree brother, is that fair?
brother wrote:May i add that if there is any other ladies out there that need an honest opinion are more than welcome to participate in this exercise, excluding marina, lisa, city and jewel as they are my friends and would not want to see them that way.
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