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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Malapapa » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:20 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
YFred wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What do they dream of becoming?

They dream of becoming PM of the RoC? :lol: :lol: :lol:

With 80% racist GC voters they dont stand a chance in hell.

It's racist to suggest free Cypriots are any more racist than any other citizens of the free world.


It's gangsters like you who don't stand a chance in hell.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:24 pm

Malapapa wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
YFred wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What do they dream of becoming?

They dream of becoming PM of the RoC? :lol: :lol: :lol:

With 80% racist GC voters they dont stand a chance in hell.

It's racist to suggest free Cypriots are any more racist than any other citizens of the free world.


It's gangsters like you who don't stand a chance in hell.

Americans are far more Politically mature than GCs, we would never leave it to chance as we would never see any TC statesmen we if had to rely on GC votes.
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Postby Malapapa » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:32 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Americans are far more Politically mature than GCs,

Bollocks. You've been checked out of the real world for far too long, VP.

Viewpoint wrote:we would never leave it to chance as we would never see any TC statesmen we if had to rely on GC votes.

We, the gangsters don't stand a chance. TC statesmen, after we've dealt with the gangster trash in the north and brought them to justice, sure. Why not?
Last edited by Malapapa on Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:37 pm

Malapapa wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Americans are far more Politically mature than GCs,

Bollocks. You've been checked out of the real world for far too long, VP.

Viewpoint wrote:we would never leave it to chance as we would never see any TC statesmen we if had to rely on GC votes.

We, the gangsters don't stand a chance. TC statesmen, after we've dealt with the gangster trash in the north and brought then to justice, sure. Why not?

We are not stationery we travel and read world press all the time, you GCs are racists and would never vote for a TC MP let alone President, you are far form being politically mature, and the American example was your own arguement not mine. You appear to have a problem with me why dont you stop responding to my posts as your comical persistency is wearing thin, two can play at that game and I can assure you I can be far more abusive than you have been, last warning admin take note.
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Postby Malapapa » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:56 pm

Viewpoint wrote:You appear to have a problem with me

I don't like the cut of your jib, for sure. Your suggestion that a lawyer, going about his legitimate business, would be a target of extremists was particularly distasteful.

Viewpoint wrote:why dont you stop responding to my posts as your comical persistency is wearing thin,

You may think it comical but my posts to you are deadly serious, I can assure you.

Viewpoint wrote: two can play at that game and I can assure you I can be far more abusive than you have been, last warning admin take note.

A gangster is a member of a crime organisation. The Orams ruling clearly puts the "TRNC" in that category, and you are a firm proponent of this regime (for proof see VP's signature). My describing you as a gangster is therefore not a term of abuse but a statement of fact. Admin take note
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:39 am

I don't like the cut of your jib, for sure. Your suggestion that a lawyer, going about his legitimate business, would be a target of extremists was particularly distasteful.

When has pointing out the obvious become distasteful, people like this lawyer always become a target after such controversial decisions are made, its the same the world over. Isnt it time you realized the full consequencies of your actions whether good and bad you cannot stir up a hornets nests and rule out the possiblity of getting stung.

You may think it comical but my posts to you are deadly serious, I can assure you.

You obviously do not understand a clear warning that I can respond in the same manner and with far worse sarcasm and insults, if you still choose to leep the same stance then I will respond in kind.

A gangster is a member of a crime organisation. The Orams ruling clearly puts the "TRNC" in that category, and you are a firm proponent of this regime (for proof see VP's signature). My describing you as a gangster is therefore not a term of abuse but a statement of fact. Admin take note

Its not a ruling against the TRNC, our countrys name is not quoted on any documents, you yourself claim it doesnt exsist, if you persist with this childish approach then you leave me no option but to brand you a pezevenk someone who whores his wife out for money. I honestly hope you reconsider your overall attitude and adopt one which is more constructive and befitting to the forum.
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Postby YFred » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:59 am

Viewpoint wrote:Malapapa
I don't like the cut of your jib, for sure. Your suggestion that a lawyer, going about his legitimate business, would be a target of extremists was particularly distasteful.

When has pointing out the obvious become distasteful, people like this lawyer always become a target after such controversial decisions are made, its the same the world over. Isnt it time you realized the full consequencies of your actions whether good and bad you cannot stir up a hornets nests and rule out the possiblity of getting stung.

You may think it comical but my posts to you are deadly serious, I can assure you.

You obviously do not understand a clear warning that I can respond in the same manner and with far worse sarcasm and insults, if you still choose to leep the same stance then I will respond in kind.

A gangster is a member of a crime organisation. The Orams ruling clearly puts the "TRNC" in that category, and you are a firm proponent of this regime (for proof see VP's signature). My describing you as a gangster is therefore not a term of abuse but a statement of fact. Admin take note

Its not a ruling against the TRNC, our countrys name is not quoted on any documents, you yourself claim it doesnt exsist, if you persist with this childish approach then you leave me no option but to brand you a pezevenk someone who whores his wife out for money. I honestly hope you reconsider your overall attitude and adopt one which is more constructive and befitting to the forum.

VP lets face it, you don't have to say anything, if this lawyer likes Turkish kebab, then he will have to order it take away and delivered, however judging by his love for everything TRNC I think it unlikely that he will develop the taste for such delicacies.
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Postby Malapapa » Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:12 am

Viewpoint wrote:Its not a ruling against the TRNC, our countrys name is not quoted on any documents, you yourself claim it doesnt exsist,

It's illegitimacy is peppered all over the English High Court judgement.

Lord Justice Pill:
In July 1974, the army of the Turkish Republic invaded the north of the island and set up an administration for that part of the island its forces occupied. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (“TRNC”) was declared in 1983. It has not been recognised by any state apart from Turkey.

Viewpoint wrote: if you persist with this childish approach then you leave me no option but to brand you a pezevenk someone who whores his wife out for money.

:lol: What a desperado you are.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:21 am

YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:your not originally tc vp? or you where living in england for a long time beofore or duirng the war?

My parents are both TC I was born and raised in the UK now living in the beautiful TRNC.

I hope you realise how lucky you are.

I know YFred, I returned in time to raise my children here in the TRNC among our people, the standards in the UK have gone down hill.

It does depend on where you live. There are still very good pockets even in London. But I do envy you and intend to return after I retire. I am going to plant a vineyard in Lurucina to introduce the world to Lurucina Zivania.

I think I found my occupation post retirement... :lol:
YFred,will you let me help you making all that zivania if I return to Cyprus....???You can pay me in kind,all the zivania I can drink.... :lol:
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Postby YFred » Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:26 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
YFred wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:your not originally tc vp? or you where living in england for a long time beofore or duirng the war?

My parents are both TC I was born and raised in the UK now living in the beautiful TRNC.

I hope you realise how lucky you are.

I know YFred, I returned in time to raise my children here in the TRNC among our people, the standards in the UK have gone down hill.

It does depend on where you live. There are still very good pockets even in London. But I do envy you and intend to return after I retire. I am going to plant a vineyard in Lurucina to introduce the world to Lurucina Zivania.

I think I found my occupation post retirement... :lol:
YFred,will you let me help you making all that zivania if I return to Cyprus....???You can pay me in kind,all the zivania I can drink.... :lol:

You are welcome to stay there for free as long as you want, However although I have the land as yet not planted the vines or dug foundation for the villa and the swimming pool in the middle surrounded by the almond trees and figs. Now that is heaven and it has a beautiful view of the valley.
Its about 15 minutes drive away from Nicosia too I might add. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by YFred on Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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