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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Expatkiwi » Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:24 am

Get Real! wrote:
It doesn’t specify here who forced them to flee, but if you read the UN report I posted earlier in which Secretary General CLEARLY condemns…

"The result has been a seemingly deliberate policy of self-segregation by the Turkish Cypriots"

…then it becomes elementary that the TMT henchmen were forcing Turkish Cypriots to move into enclaves to prove their point that the two communities could not coexist.

Not necessarilly, GR: These people would go into a siege mentality if they think EOKA or other pro-enosis paramilitaries are prowling around unchecked. In any case, it seems that the RoCy government gave at least tacit approcal of these actions by not making an effort to stabilize things.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:33 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Top class discussion here between Kikapu and Birkibrisli.
Excellent points from two different angles of view.

The only thing I would like to add is that every Cypriot is a different personality. Some people see the wrong doings of the other side only, understand their own suffering only, don’t care and don’t want to hear or understand anything that concerns the other side. Some people are just Turk or Greek haters. Their own side are Angels the other side are all Evil.
Some other people can extend their understanding and empathy to the other side. And some others chose to side with what their own side calls the "enemy". Expecting the majority of the people to develop empathy for the other community as a necessary pre-requisite for a solution like my friend Bir said, is a noble expectation but is against human nature.
My friend kikapu said this can only happen after a fair solution, but I don’t think that will happen either,even if the solution is fair for all. The percentages may increase, but the majority will still not have any empathy for the past sufferings for the other community.Simply because they never had first hand experience.
What I think will happen is that the majority from both sides will put the past behind, and start building bridges, empathy and understanding from there on.

That much for human nature. Expecting too much from the people will just make you crazy.
On the other hand here we have the concept of what the majority of the people think or want at a given time.
Imo anyone who will try to discover a way to make the majority think in a certain way will just end up crazy again. These things are completely uncontrollable. They change with the wind. Once upon a time 96% of the GCs wanted Enosis. Slowly slowly that changed. And it did not change because of the Turkish invasion it changed long before that when the Gcs discovered they can do much better economically than Greece. Money is honey you know…
Bir said VP represents the majority of TCs because the majority of them today want partition. Well so be it, however the majority of TCs in 2003-4 wanted unification no matter what.Imo if Christofias and Talat come to an agreement before April that will get at least 80% of the TC and GC vote. So where does that put VP? (to be honest I think VP will then be in that 80% forgetting about her partitionist friends)

Coming to the essense of my friends’ discussion which as I understood has to do with the red lines of each community: Imo each side has to take reasonable risks if a solution would ever be reached. Surely a confederation is not going to be accepted by GCs. Imo the TCs must take the reasonable risk of a strong Federation as exists in other countries. The risk here is that maybe the GCs will return en masse and spoil the very concept of bizonality and slowly slowly absorb the TCs. It’s an risk I know, but a reasonable one because the chance of this ever happening is very low.Very few GCs will ever chose to go back living lonely among TCs. Perhaps the risk taken by the TCs could be countered with another risk by the GCs by accepting quotas. The reasonable element in this risk for the GCs is that most propably the quota will never be reached.

Same goes for Turkey’s guarantees. It seems these are absolutely necessary for the TCs feeling of safety. If me as a GC would know those guarantees are not going to be used unilaterally to start a new war, and their mandate was within Nato, or together with some EU force, I could take the risk of accepting them for a limited period.(Certainly not for ever and certainly not until Turkey joins the EU). Countering the risk taken by the GCs, the TCs should also take the risk of the Turkish Guarantees not be purely Turkish but with some other accepted military power.

I am really incapable of understanding the fears of the TCs joining the GCs in a United Federal Cyprus in a strong federation. If the situation was the reverse and the TCs were in the EU already, with higher standard of living, and much better economy, me as a GC would risk my joining them without second thought, given the fact they already accepted my ruling the internal affairs of my Fed state, and the political equality of the Fed parts. I believe this risk has already been accepted by the TCs, and that those who now prefer partition are just skeptics, waiting to see if the final agreement is worthy enough.

Hello,dear PYRO...I was thinking about you the other day....I missed your logical,sensible,and compassionate approach to our Problem...I hope all is well with you and your loved ones...

As you so rightly point out,if there will be a solution it will be based on a compromise....both sides will have to dig deep and find some point in their red lines where they can give and take... The majority of the TCs lean towards Partition because they have deep suspicions of the GC motives...This is based on their past experiences and not,as certain people keep harping on,because they want Turkey to gain anything over GC's loss...When this point is truly appreciated by the GCs,I am sure the TCs will accept a Strong Federation,as long as their political supremecy and physical security are guaranteed,to their satisfaction...I know the GCs also have deep fears about the TC motivations...The fundamental probably beeing an intension to have Enosis with Turkey down the line...

Knowing the TC mentality I would say that is not a real possibility,especially after their experiences with the settlers over the past 30 years...The fact is,without a solution Partition or annexation by Turkey is a near certainty...It is one risk the GCs will have to take,otherwise what they fear will happen anyway....I hope I am making sense...

And please don't disappear again,dear compatriot...We need your calming influence and logical analysis more than ever on this Forum... :wink: :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:56 am

Get Real! wrote:
Murataga wrote:
U.N. Secretary General`s report S/5950 of September 1964

"180. UNIFCYP carried out a detailed survey of all damage to properties throughout the island during the disturbances, including the Tyllria fighting. It shows that in 109 villages, most of them Turkish Cypriot or mixed villages, 527 houses have been destroyed while 2000 others have suffered damage from looting. ... In many Turkish villages, crowded by the arrival of displaced persons, there is an acute shortage of medical facilities."

It doesn’t specify here who forced them to flee, but if you read the UN report I posted earlier in which Secretary General CLEARLY condemns…

"The result has been a seemingly deliberate policy of self-segregation by the Turkish Cypriots"

…then it becomes elementary that the TMT henchmen were forcing Turkish Cypriots to move into enclaves to prove their point that the two communities could not coexist.

You are making an elementary mistake,GR!,if you believe the TMT had enough clout to force the TCs to do anything...sure they were doing their best to segregate the communities,but their best would not have been anywhere nearly enough had there not been the fear of the EOKA and the indiscriminate killings and massacres of the 63/64 period.....These put the fear of death in every Cypriot,myself included,and we really didn't need much coersion from the TMT to seek shelter in safer areas...You need to understand that no place was really totally safe for the TCs at the time...I will tell you something I personally experienced,and you can dismiss it if you like... I was living in the walled TC section of Nicosia. During the initial GC attack on our enclave every able bodied person had to go and defend our positions on the wall...My father took his shotgun and all the ammunition he could find,but left me with one handgranade...He took me aside and gave me his final instructions...If the GC fighters came to the door before he got back,I was to gather my mother and sisters around me and pull the pin...He made me promise I would do it...I was 12 years old GR!...what were you doing for light entertainment ,at home,at that age????
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:16 am

Expatkiwi wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It doesn’t specify here who forced them to flee, but if you read the UN report I posted earlier in which Secretary General CLEARLY condemns…

"The result has been a seemingly deliberate policy of self-segregation by the Turkish Cypriots"

…then it becomes elementary that the TMT henchmen were forcing Turkish Cypriots to move into enclaves to prove their point that the two communities could not coexist.

Not necessarilly, GR: These people would go into a siege mentality if they think EOKA or other pro-enosis paramilitaries are prowling around unchecked. In any case, it seems that the RoCy government gave at least tacit approcal of these actions by not making an effort to stabilize things.

The difference being that I’ve provided UN credible evidence to back my theory and you haven’t! Here, eat some more...

From the 2nd paragraph…

In the two months of intercommunal violence that followed TMT's 1958 false flag operation, Greek Cypriots were expelled from Omorphita/Küçük Kaymaklı, and Turkish Cypriots were expelled from an uncertain number of villages. 'Many [of those] Turkish [Cypriot] villages were burned'. I've also learned of other false flag operations, which I will record later (here or elsewhere).

Further down on the 5th paragraph…

From 1958, there was also intra-communal violence against symbolic sites. EOKA and TMT tried to destroy the bicommunal, anti-nationalist class struggle, not primarily by attacking the others, but by attacking their own. They frightened their own into "appropriate national(ist) behaviour". Trade unionists were intimidated or killed. Sites of left-wing activism were blown up or burnt down.

On the 7th of June 1958, the Turkish Consulate Press Office was bombed; however, it was not bombed by EOKA. It was bombed by TMT. Either unaware Turkish Cypriots or TMT agents rioted and Greek Cypriots were expelled from a mixed district in Nicosia. Turkish Cypriot nationalist extremists then turned over or torched the evacuated Greek Cypriot homes.

Lots of Turkish Cypriots fled from mixed or isolated villages. According to Nancy Crawshaw, Turkish Cypriot nationalist extremists were responsible for most of the hundreds of individual arson attacks against homes and religious sites, but according to Keith Kyle, '[m]any Turkish [Cypriot] villages were burned' wholly.

On the 8th paragraph…

On the 25th of March 1962, TMT bombed Bayraktar Mosque and Ömeriye Mosque, then murdered Ayhan Hikmet and Muzaffer Gürkan when they revealed that TMT were responsible. They bombed Bayraktar Mosque again on the 23rd of January 1963, and it was probably TMT who bombed Ömeriye Mosque again on the 30th of May.

http://human-rights-archaeology.blogspo ... -1963.html

They've got no legs to stand on...
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:22 am

Who is still unsure what the TMT was all about? ... ganization
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:48 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:I can see where you are coming from,dear Kikapu,but life is not a chess game...In a chess game (and I've never learned chess,so correct me if I am wrong) there is always a winner and a loser...Perhaps you can draw as well,I don't know,but that means the game is never finished....

In life,especially life of a nation or a community,things are never black and white...To get along in life you must develop the ability to see and deal with all the shades life throws at you...

Actually, Bir, the game of chess is not Black & White as the game is being played. It is very much like life and any business or settlement negotiations which includes all shades of grey. The only time that is Black & White with the game of chess, apart from the board and the pieces (in general), is that very last move of the piece that determines the outcome of the game to be a win, loss, voluntary agreed draw or an involuntary draw in the form of "stalemate", where there can be no legal moves possible. I sometimes think this is where the Cyprus problems lie, in this form of "stalemate".!

BirKibrisli wrote:It is one thing to talk about what you want from the TCs in a united Cyprus,it is another thing to join those who see everything in black and white terms... And critices the TCs for seeing things in black and white as you get my meaning? I am making myself clear?The GCs here with the notable exception of Bananiot and miltiades,see everything in black and white...They were right in demanding ENOSIS with Greece,the TCs were wrong to oppose it...The EOKA fighters were heros,the TCs who thought otherwise were wrong...Makarios was right to want to change the constitution,the TCs who opposed it were wrong...There was nothing wrong with the treatment of the TCs during 63-74 period,the TCs who say otherwise are liers and exaggerators....etc etc...You get my gist...

I can't argue with much of what you have stated above and naturally each community have their own ways of looking at the past and what their desires were. But they are stating the truth as they saw/see it however, because if the TCs did not do this or the other, than there would be no problems in Cyprus according to the GCs. Same for the TCs, had the GCs did not do that and do this, then there would be no partition today. But the core problem for both sides all started with the creation of the 1960 Constitution that left the door open for either side to bring about Enosis or Taksim, just because True Democracy was not established, because the majority were not given their proportionate power and felt cheated and became resentful, and the TCs were given more than deserving which made them to become smug and arrogant, which in the end, such equal power given to each community, in the form of "Veto Power", was to become the death nail into any functioning country, specially each side wanting Enosis and Taksim.

Is it possible, had True Democracy was established in Cyprus with the 1960 Constitution that the GCs would not have seen a threat from the TCs and Turkey in their quest for Taksim, that they would have never seek Enosis with Greece.? I ask this, because at later stage when the GCs felt like they were in power solely between 1963-1974, they no longer were interested in Enosis. But since True Democracy was not established in 1960, it became a race between the communities as to who was going to achieve Enosis and Taksim first. In the end, Taksim is believed to have crossed the line first but has not been officially accepted as being the final result, but one thing for sure, the GCs have stopped looking for Enosis in the 1960's.

BirKibrisli wrote:When you just keep criticising the TCs and fail to say anything at all about the senarios I painted above,you stop being an objective observer who sees both sides of the equation,and become one who sees things from one side only...I used to do this myself,for the same reasons you suggested elsewhere,and it took me some time to realise what I was doing...I was essentially siding with the GC nationalists and putting the boot into my own people...I was not being part of the solution,I was being part of the problem...I am sorry but that is how I consider your position now...

There is a difference between making constructive criticism of my own peoples wrong doings and not agreeing with the GCs positions. Just because I do not criticise the GCs position on which ever topic it may be on, which I use to do a lot by the way when I first came to the CF, which didn't make the wrong doings of the TCs side to mean any less , it does not mean I agree with them on their position all the time. If you can show me where I give support in all their positions then you will have the right to state that I agree with them on everything. I agree on issues that revolves around Universally accepted principles such as Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and now the EU Principles. To go against these principles will go totally against my own principles and values as someone who has lived in the western Democratic society for the last 44 years.

When ever Bananiot criticizes his own people, you will never see me criticize Bananiot or Miltiades in doing so. If I were to do that, you can say that I'm supporting all the GCs positions. It is a waste of time to go back and forth arguing about what the other side is doing wrong, when in fact my own side is not much better. It is far better to criticize your own side to get the message across that we will not tolerate our own peoples wrong doings, or else we become just collaborators and guilty by associations. I'm sorry, but I do not want any part of my sides own wrong doings to be accepted as being warranted and to be accepted, therefore, I will continue to criticize when need be. It is the least of any citizen of any country and community should do, and that is to hold their county and community accountable to their actions. Only in non democratic countries one cannot do this, or else they will end up in jail, or worse, be killed.

BirKibrisli wrote:No,I think you are putting the cart before the horse...You are saying we can have PEACE first and then empathy and understanding etc....I insist it sould be the other way around...I go back to my couple analogy...This couple had a short marriage full off physical and emotional abuse from both sides...They have been apart now for a long time...Nothing has been done to deal with their age old problems,and heal the trauma...Now you are saying these people can come back together without counselling and other expert assistance,without showing any remorse or regret, and hope to have a new start and make it a success...Impossible dream...

Your wife and husband analogy doesn't rally work, Bir, I'm sorry to say, because these are two people who initially wanted to be together, they had a life together, they had equal partnership since they each represented 50% to the marriage as two people. So, once they broke up and then wanted to resume their relationship once again, in order for them to go and seek counselling is in fact they would have already agreed to give it another chance before they have even gave empathy and understanding to the other person. That is to come after the counselling is done, by talking about their problems from the past and to make them better. Well, that's what the settlements talks are all about, it is that “counselling” you are talking about. It is to make a new understanding how they will continue with their lives in the future. This is what the settlement talks are all about. The couples wanting to make changes from the past mistakes, is what these settlement talks are all about, is to find an alternative to the past mistakes. So your Husband and Wife analogy is working, but not in the way you thought. It is once these settlements talks have been accepted by both sides that the healing of the past begins and empathy and understanding sinks in and becomes the norm. This is why I say, you are putting the cart before the horse. If it was the other way around, all the Cypriots would be in the streets together in demanding their leaders to accept a settlement already, just because the people themselves have forgiven each other to their past mistakes. That's not the way things are.!

BirKibrisli wrote:I have no problems with True Federation,if it could be achievable...In fact my position has not changed..I am for a Unitary state with full democracy and human rights,without the slightest regard to our ethnic origins...That would be the ideal solution for me..But it is not going to happen...Neither is your True Federation...It is too big a step now for the TCs...Viewpoint keeps telling you every day,and you know as well as I do that is the majority what is the point in insisting on it...I can understand the GCs insisting on it,as they believe that is a political tactic in the age of full "democracy",and they hope and believe too perhaps,that enough international pressures will be put on Turkey to accept it,BUT IT WONT HAPPEN... So why are you,Kikapu,insisting on it??? Can't you see that by doing that now you are making sure no solution is found now and possibly never...???

I accept True Federation based on True Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles, because in the end is what is going to keep Cyprus intact as well as save the TCs from extinction. It is also, because it will be impossible to make the GCs accept anything less and go back to the 1960 type of a settlement after enjoying full democracy for the last 30+ years and now being part of the EU. You cannot put the Democracy genie back in the bottle. It is time that the TCs matured to accept the above principles if they have no desires to continue with the dream of Taksim. If they still have those Taksim dreams, then they will insist on having more of the same with the Annan plan where Turkey will control the north as well as the south through a Confederation type of a system. If you thought that a True Federation is not attainable, forget about a Confederation in the way what Turkey wants as you have seen in their recent demands. Now, Bir, you tell me, does what Annan Plan and Turkey demands sounds to you like it is peace for Cyprus and not partition.? Well, to me it is all partition and segregation, is the reason why I support True Federation which is what was agreed to, a BBF, which the "F" stands for Federation and not Confederation, which would be BBC instead.

You need to be careful linking VP and the majority TCs as being one, and if they are, then the status quo will continue. Lets look at what VP himself represents. He is a loyalist to Turkey and the settlers. He does not see himself as a Cypriot. He is a Fascist. He is a Racist. He is a NeoPartionist. He has no problems keeping and selling GC land. He supports Confederation as in the form of the Annan Plan. If the average TC feels the same way in the north, then there can be no peace, because they will not accept True Democracy which will kill their dreams of a permanent partition or keep the north of Cyprus as a pure TC land in the form of a Confederation. If the majority GCs will accept the above for a settlement, then the TCs can have what they want, but as the AP proved, they said OXI by 76%, and in my view, for someone who believes in democratic values, the GCs were correct in saying OXI to the AP, because if they had not, today we would not have had peace, but further turmoil of a system far worse than the 1960 constitution. I don't even think the RoC would have been a EU member, since the RoC would have ceased to exist as soon as the AP was accepted, which would have suited the TCs and Turkey, so that True Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles would not have applied to Cyprus, and Turkey would have had full control of the island and went ahead with her EU chapter talks. It would have been the case of “Mission Accomplished”.!

I'm sorry to say this, but those who supported the AP knowing full well it was not a peace plan but rather it was a partition plan, were doing disservice to all Cypriots. I'm sure many thought it was a peace plan because who knew what was in the 9,000+ pages. Most did not know, and despite that, all those who voted from both sides, voted against the AP by 55.5% vs. 44.5%. Today that percentage will be much higher, so what is the point in asking for anything but a True Federation, because it is the only plan that will secure the integrity of Cyprus for all Cypriots and kill any partition dreams of Taksim. Do you now see why I support True Federation for Cyprus, because I have lived in one for 25 years, the USA, and even the similar system of government in Switzerland, as a Confederation country, is much better than what AP was by light years .!

BirKibrisli wrote:We all do not know it,Kikapu...Ask Oracle,Epsilon,GR,Paphidis,Piratis,boomerang,B 25, polio...need I go on???
Why dont you tell us what you think we know,and see if we all agree...Sweping this under the carpet will not work...Lets see how many of us know exactly what happened and how many are still in denial...

I'll ask them to tell me that TCs did not suffer and that the TCs did not die. Anyone who says they have not are talking rubbish because you, me , Denis, Halil, YFred and many more have all witnessed it. I believe what they are saying, the GCs also suffered in the hands of the TCs and the Turkey, which is also true, is it not.??

BirKibrisli wrote:The 1960 syetem did not fail because there were not enough democracy or human rights...It failed becuase nobody gave a damn about these noble notions,and both sides had their own hidden ,or not so hidden,agendas..That is why it failed...without addressing this,openly and honestly and objectively,we cannot move on...

It failed because it allowed the parties to walk away from the government so to create a constitutional crises. This is what happens when government seats are allocated based on ethnic lines and then you give each side a "Veto Power" to bring the government to it's knees. Therefore, the weakness of the constitution was utilized by each side to seek their own destiny in the form of Enosis and Taksim, because the Constitution was not going to protect them, so they would seek the protection of Greece and Turkey by the communities. Little did they know, that all they were doing was helping Greece and Turkey to partition the island for themselves and leave the Cypriots in the cold. We can see what is happened to the TCs in the north, who have been swamped by the settlers. As soon as the TCs lose their government seats in the north in the coming years, where will they be, because they have already lost their voting power to the settlers. All their leaders were concerned about was to deliver the north to Turkey and the south to Greece. The GCs changed course in the 1960's in wanting Enosis, but the TCs are still trying to deliver the north to Turkey.

BirKibrisli wrote:Again,I understand why the GCs would have that suspicion or assumption about the TC motives...It suits them as it gives them the ammunition to press on with the democracy and human rights argument...But why do you,Kikapu ,feel the same way...??? Why do you not give the TCs the benefit of the doubt,and think they are truly fearful of GC intentions,given the past experiences???

We are now in the EU, therefore there is no way the GCs are going to accept any non Democratic settlement that does not include the EU Principles, nor will the EU accept it, so what is the point in wanting something that cannot be in what the TCs want. If the TCs (Turkey) does not want to permanently partition Cyprus by having some disguised plans in the form of a AP, then why not have a True Federation with all their concerns discussed and protected. To make sure of their security, we can have NATO in Cyprus until a time comes where they will not be needed. The GCs are giving into BBF with rotating presidency and a majority TCs in the north state which is a major benefit to the TCs from the 1960's, but the TCs will also need to give back in what they had in the 1960's. At the moment all I see is, the TCs want all that was in the 1960's agreement, and a BBF in the form of a Confederation which is no assurance to the GCs that the island will not be partitioned anyway, so they would rather keep the status quo than give into the TCs and Turkey in what they demand. It’s not going to happen.!

BirKibrisli wrote:I know that the TCs are too traumatised by the past events to trust anyone else but Turkey in the short term...Asking that they give up this protection altogether you are making the same mistake as the GCs...You are asking the impossible and hoping that international pressure will bring it about,despite the genuine TC fears...You too are disregarding the TC concerns...It does not matter if these concerns are real or imaginary....But they must be taken into account...That is the reality,Kikapu...Frustrating as it might be...

Then tell me Bir, what is it that the GCs should do to accommodate the TCs concerns, because lets face it, it is not the TCs who are in control of their own destiny, but Turkey. Don't you think the TCs living in the north state as they are now will have security in numbers.? They will run their own state with the laws generated in that state as long as it does not violate the Federal Laws. Having NATO forces to act as security, which will also include Turkish soldiers. Is having a rotating presidency and equal number of upper house seats in the senate, providing they give 50% of the north back to the GCs to become part of the south state.? Are these not enough.? At some point the TCs will need to trust the GCs as the GCs will need to trust the TCs, specially the RoC being in the EU, but if there are some that will not, then it is only fair to ask that they re-settle in Turkey with the settlers until a time comes where they can see a working system in Cyprus with the remaining TCs in Cyprus where they can come back when they are feeling secure. What else needs to be done, other than violating the rights of the majority once again as it was done with the 1960 constitution, the 2004 Annan Plan.? Why is it that TCs can only feel secure if they can only violate others rights, but when it comes to their rights, they must be above everyone else’s.? Is this a logical way to have peace, I ask.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:45 pm

Kikapu wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:I can see where you are coming from,dear Kikapu,but life is not a chess game...In a chess game (and I've never learned chess,so correct me if I am wrong) there is always a winner and a loser...Perhaps you can draw as well,I don't know,but that means the game is never finished....

In life,especially life of a nation or a community,things are never black and white...To get along in life you must develop the ability to see and deal with all the shades life throws at you...

Actually, Bir, the game of chess is not Black & White as the game is being played. It is very much like life and any business or settlement negotiations which includes all shades of grey. The only time that is Black & White with the game of chess, apart from the board and the pieces (in general), is that very last move of the piece that determines the outcome of the game to be a win, loss, voluntary agreed draw or an involuntary draw in the form of "stalemate", where there can be no legal moves possible. I sometimes think this is where the Cyprus problems lie, in this form of "stalemate".!

BirKibrisli wrote:It is one thing to talk about what you want from the TCs in a united Cyprus,it is another thing to join those who see everything in black and white terms... And critices the TCs for seeing things in black and white as you get my meaning? I am making myself clear?The GCs here with the notable exception of Bananiot and miltiades,see everything in black and white...They were right in demanding ENOSIS with Greece,the TCs were wrong to oppose it...The EOKA fighters were heros,the TCs who thought otherwise were wrong...Makarios was right to want to change the constitution,the TCs who opposed it were wrong...There was nothing wrong with the treatment of the TCs during 63-74 period,the TCs who say otherwise are liers and exaggerators....etc etc...You get my gist...

I can't argue with much of what you have stated above and naturally each community have their own ways of looking at the past and what their desires were. But they are stating the truth as they saw/see it however, because if the TCs did not do this or the other, than there would be no problems in Cyprus according to the GCs. Same for the TCs, had the GCs did not do that and do this, then there would be no partition today. But the core problem for both sides all started with the creation of the 1960 Constitution that left the door open for either side to bring about Enosis or Taksim, just because True Democracy was not established, because the majority were not given their proportionate power and felt cheated and became resentful, and the TCs were given more than deserving which made them to become smug and arrogant, which in the end, such equal power given to each community, in the form of "Veto Power", was to become the death nail into any functioning country, specially each side wanting Enosis and Taksim.

Is it possible, had True Democracy was established in Cyprus with the 1960 Constitution that the GCs would not have seen a threat from the TCs and Turkey in their quest for Taksim, that they would have never seek Enosis with Greece.? I ask this, because at later stage when the GCs felt like they were in power solely between 1963-1974, they no longer were interested in Enosis. But since True Democracy was not established in 1960, it became a race between the communities as to who was going to achieve Enosis and Taksim first. In the end, Taksim is believed to have crossed the line first but has not been officially accepted as being the final result, but one thing for sure, the GCs have stopped looking for Enosis in the 1960's.

BirKibrisli wrote:When you just keep criticising the TCs and fail to say anything at all about the senarios I painted above,you stop being an objective observer who sees both sides of the equation,and become one who sees things from one side only...I used to do this myself,for the same reasons you suggested elsewhere,and it took me some time to realise what I was doing...I was essentially siding with the GC nationalists and putting the boot into my own people...I was not being part of the solution,I was being part of the problem...I am sorry but that is how I consider your position now...

There is a difference between making constructive criticism of my own peoples wrong doings and not agreeing with the GCs positions. Just because I do not criticise the GCs position on which ever topic it may be on, which I use to do a lot by the way when I first came to the CF, which didn't make the wrong doings of the TCs side to mean any less , it does not mean I agree with them on their position all the time. If you can show me where I give support in all their positions then you will have the right to state that I agree with them on everything. I agree on issues that revolves around Universally accepted principles such as Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and now the EU Principles. To go against these principles will go totally against my own principles and values as someone who has lived in the western Democratic society for the last 44 years.

When ever Bananiot criticizes his own people, you will never see me criticize Bananiot or Miltiades in doing so. If I were to do that, you can say that I'm supporting all the GCs positions. It is a waste of time to go back and forth arguing about what the other side is doing wrong, when in fact my own side is not much better. It is far better to criticize your own side to get the message across that we will not tolerate our own peoples wrong doings, or else we become just collaborators and guilty by associations. I'm sorry, but I do not want any part of my sides own wrong doings to be accepted as being warranted and to be accepted, therefore, I will continue to criticize when need be. It is the least of any citizen of any country and community should do, and that is to hold their county and community accountable to their actions. Only in non democratic countries one cannot do this, or else they will end up in jail, or worse, be killed.

BirKibrisli wrote:No,I think you are putting the cart before the horse...You are saying we can have PEACE first and then empathy and understanding etc....I insist it sould be the other way around...I go back to my couple analogy...This couple had a short marriage full off physical and emotional abuse from both sides...They have been apart now for a long time...Nothing has been done to deal with their age old problems,and heal the trauma...Now you are saying these people can come back together without counselling and other expert assistance,without showing any remorse or regret, and hope to have a new start and make it a success...Impossible dream...

Your wife and husband analogy doesn't rally work, Bir, I'm sorry to say, because these are two people who initially wanted to be together, they had a life together, they had equal partnership since they each represented 50% to the marriage as two people. So, once they broke up and then wanted to resume their relationship once again, in order for them to go and seek counselling is in fact they would have already agreed to give it another chance before they have even gave empathy and understanding to the other person. That is to come after the counselling is done, by talking about their problems from the past and to make them better. Well, that's what the settlements talks are all about, it is that “counselling” you are talking about. It is to make a new understanding how they will continue with their lives in the future. This is what the settlement talks are all about. The couples wanting to make changes from the past mistakes, is what these settlement talks are all about, is to find an alternative to the past mistakes. So your Husband and Wife analogy is working, but not in the way you thought. It is once these settlements talks have been accepted by both sides that the healing of the past begins and empathy and understanding sinks in and becomes the norm. This is why I say, you are putting the cart before the horse. If it was the other way around, all the Cypriots would be in the streets together in demanding their leaders to accept a settlement already, just because the people themselves have forgiven each other to their past mistakes. That's not the way things are.!

BirKibrisli wrote:I have no problems with True Federation,if it could be achievable...In fact my position has not changed..I am for a Unitary state with full democracy and human rights,without the slightest regard to our ethnic origins...That would be the ideal solution for me..But it is not going to happen...Neither is your True Federation...It is too big a step now for the TCs...Viewpoint keeps telling you every day,and you know as well as I do that is the majority what is the point in insisting on it...I can understand the GCs insisting on it,as they believe that is a political tactic in the age of full "democracy",and they hope and believe too perhaps,that enough international pressures will be put on Turkey to accept it,BUT IT WONT HAPPEN... So why are you,Kikapu,insisting on it??? Can't you see that by doing that now you are making sure no solution is found now and possibly never...???

I accept True Federation based on True Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles, because in the end is what is going to keep Cyprus intact as well as save the TCs from extinction. It is also, because it will be impossible to make the GCs accept anything less and go back to the 1960 type of a settlement after enjoying full democracy for the last 30+ years and now being part of the EU. You cannot put the Democracy genie back in the bottle. It is time that the TCs matured to accept the above principles if they have no desires to continue with the dream of Taksim. If they still have those Taksim dreams, then they will insist on having more of the same with the Annan plan where Turkey will control the north as well as the south through a Confederation type of a system. If you thought that a True Federation is not attainable, forget about a Confederation in the way what Turkey wants as you have seen in their recent demands. Now, Bir, you tell me, does what Annan Plan and Turkey demands sounds to you like it is peace for Cyprus and not partition.? Well, to me it is all partition and segregation, is the reason why I support True Federation which is what was agreed to, a BBF, which the "F" stands for Federation and not Confederation, which would be BBC instead.

You need to be careful linking VP and the majority TCs as being one, and if they are, then the status quo will continue. Lets look at what VP himself represents. He is a loyalist to Turkey and the settlers. He does not see himself as a Cypriot. He is a Fascist. He is a Racist. He is a NeoPartionist. He has no problems keeping and selling GC land. He supports Confederation as in the form of the Annan Plan. If the average TC feels the same way in the north, then there can be no peace, because they will not accept True Democracy which will kill their dreams of a permanent partition or keep the north of Cyprus as a pure TC land in the form of a Confederation. If the majority GCs will accept the above for a settlement, then the TCs can have what they want, but as the AP proved, they said OXI by 76%, and in my view, for someone who believes in democratic values, the GCs were correct in saying OXI to the AP, because if they had not, today we would not have had peace, but further turmoil of a system far worse than the 1960 constitution. I don't even think the RoC would have been a EU member, since the RoC would have ceased to exist as soon as the AP was accepted, which would have suited the TCs and Turkey, so that True Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles would not have applied to Cyprus, and Turkey would have had full control of the island and went ahead with her EU chapter talks. It would have been the case of “Mission Accomplished”.!

I'm sorry to say this, but those who supported the AP knowing full well it was not a peace plan but rather it was a partition plan, were doing disservice to all Cypriots. I'm sure many thought it was a peace plan because who knew what was in the 9,000+ pages. Most did not know, and despite that, all those who voted from both sides, voted against the AP by 55.5% vs. 44.5%. Today that percentage will be much higher, so what is the point in asking for anything but a True Federation, because it is the only plan that will secure the integrity of Cyprus for all Cypriots and kill any partition dreams of Taksim. Do you now see why I support True Federation for Cyprus, because I have lived in one for 25 years, the USA, and even the similar system of government in Switzerland, as a Confederation country, is much better than what AP was by light years .!

BirKibrisli wrote:We all do not know it,Kikapu...Ask Oracle,Epsilon,GR,Paphidis,Piratis,boomerang,B 25, polio...need I go on???
Why dont you tell us what you think we know,and see if we all agree...Sweping this under the carpet will not work...Lets see how many of us know exactly what happened and how many are still in denial...

I'll ask them to tell me that TCs did not suffer and that the TCs did not die. Anyone who says they have not are talking rubbish because you, me , Denis, Halil, YFred and many more have all witnessed it. I believe what they are saying, the GCs also suffered in the hands of the TCs and the Turkey, which is also true, is it not.??

BirKibrisli wrote:The 1960 syetem did not fail because there were not enough democracy or human rights...It failed becuase nobody gave a damn about these noble notions,and both sides had their own hidden ,or not so hidden,agendas..That is why it failed...without addressing this,openly and honestly and objectively,we cannot move on...

It failed because it allowed the parties to walk away from the government so to create a constitutional crises. This is what happens when government seats are allocated based on ethnic lines and then you give each side a "Veto Power" to bring the government to it's knees. Therefore, the weakness of the constitution was utilized by each side to seek their own destiny in the form of Enosis and Taksim, because the Constitution was not going to protect them, so they would seek the protection of Greece and Turkey by the communities. Little did they know, that all they were doing was helping Greece and Turkey to partition the island for themselves and leave the Cypriots in the cold. We can see what is happened to the TCs in the north, who have been swamped by the settlers. As soon as the TCs lose their government seats in the north in the coming years, where will they be, because they have already lost their voting power to the settlers. All their leaders were concerned about was to deliver the north to Turkey and the south to Greece. The GCs changed course in the 1960's in wanting Enosis, but the TCs are still trying to deliver the north to Turkey.

BirKibrisli wrote:Again,I understand why the GCs would have that suspicion or assumption about the TC motives...It suits them as it gives them the ammunition to press on with the democracy and human rights argument...But why do you,Kikapu ,feel the same way...??? Why do you not give the TCs the benefit of the doubt,and think they are truly fearful of GC intentions,given the past experiences???

We are now in the EU, therefore there is no way the GCs are going to accept any non Democratic settlement that does not include the EU Principles, nor will the EU accept it, so what is the point in wanting something that cannot be in what the TCs want. If the TCs (Turkey) does not want to permanently partition Cyprus by having some disguised plans in the form of a AP, then why not have a True Federation with all their concerns discussed and protected. To make sure of their security, we can have NATO in Cyprus until a time comes where they will not be needed. The GCs are giving into BBF with rotating presidency and a majority TCs in the north state which is a major benefit to the TCs from the 1960's, but the TCs will also need to give back in what they had in the 1960's. At the moment all I see is, the TCs want all that was in the 1960's agreement, and a BBF in the form of a Confederation which is no assurance to the GCs that the island will not be partitioned anyway, so they would rather keep the status quo than give into the TCs and Turkey in what they demand. It’s not going to happen.!

BirKibrisli wrote:I know that the TCs are too traumatised by the past events to trust anyone else but Turkey in the short term...Asking that they give up this protection altogether you are making the same mistake as the GCs...You are asking the impossible and hoping that international pressure will bring it about,despite the genuine TC fears...You too are disregarding the TC concerns...It does not matter if these concerns are real or imaginary....But they must be taken into account...That is the reality,Kikapu...Frustrating as it might be...

Then tell me Bir, what is it that the GCs should do to accommodate the TCs concerns, because lets face it, it is not the TCs who are in control of their own destiny, but Turkey. Don't you think the TCs living in the north state as they are now will have security in numbers.? They will run their own state with the laws generated in that state as long as it does not violate the Federal Laws. Having NATO forces to act as security, which will also include Turkish soldiers. Is having a rotating presidency and equal number of upper house seats in the senate, providing they give 50% of the north back to the GCs to become part of the south state.? Are these not enough.? At some point the TCs will need to trust the GCs as the GCs will need to trust the TCs, specially the RoC being in the EU, but if there are some that will not, then it is only fair to ask that they re-settle in Turkey with the settlers until a time comes where they can see a working system in Cyprus with the remaining TCs in Cyprus where they can come back when they are feeling secure. What else needs to be done, other than violating the rights of the majority once again as it was done with the 1960 constitution, the 2004 Annan Plan.? Why is it that TCs can only feel secure if they can only violate others rights, but when it comes to their rights, they must be above everyone else’s.? Is this a logical way to have peace, I ask.!

Excellent debate, I congratulate both of you, but from the response you can clearly see the biased of Kikapu, Bir why dont you ask Kikapu to state a few points/issues where he supports the TC stance? he cannot name one let alone a few.
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Postby boulio » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:37 pm

My father took his shotgun and all the ammunition he could find,but left me with one handgranade...He took me aside and gave me his final instructions...If the GC fighters came to the door before he got back,I was to gather my mother and sisters around me and pull the pin...He made me promise I would do it...I was 12 years old GR!...what were you doing for light entertainment ,at home,at that age????

at least you had a habdgrenade to pull a pin and save yourselfs,what about all those girls raped and killed by the turkish army?whish they had a grenade to save themselves :wink:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:39 pm

VP you are not reading carefully. Read all of Kikapu's solution proposals, and you will find out.

The only difference between Kikapu and others is that he doesn't excuse everything based on the events of the 60's. You know very well how Kikapu was affected perhaps much more than the average TC was.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:46 pm

boulio wrote:
My father took his shotgun and all the ammunition he could find,but left me with one handgranade...He took me aside and gave me his final instructions...If the GC fighters came to the door before he got back,I was to gather my mother and sisters around me and pull the pin...He made me promise I would do it...I was 12 years old GR!...what were you doing for light entertainment ,at home,at that age????

at least you had a habdgrenade to pull a pin and save yourselfs,what about all those girls raped and killed by the turkish army?whish they had a grenade to save themselves :wink:

Only a GC can equate a hangrenade with saving life, typical.
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