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Working in Cyprus, Amdocs Ltd.

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Working in Cyprus, Amdocs Ltd.

Postby s_ahu » Tue May 24, 2005 8:59 am

I am an Indian, joining Cyprus, Amdocs Ltd., in july in Limassol.
I'm looking for contact with somebody who work (or worked) for this company. I'd like to know about the place, working conditions, living conditions etc. I'd very grateful for any help.

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Postby tcklim » Tue May 24, 2005 9:16 am

I have never worked for Amdocs personally, but have been inside their vast offices in both parts of Limassol (one near the Port, one on the main seaside strip near the castle). The offices are huge and have strong security. From what I saw when I went in to help them service their printers, the working conditions looked very good indeed and they seemed to really take care of their workforce. I.e many of the places I went had hot-snacks available all day, fridges etc. Each employee had their cubicle space and the noticeboard had a weekly newsletter for all employees and pictures from a staff party...

All-in-all looked very good indeed. I did notice the majority of the workforce was Indian also.
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Postby s_ahu » Tue May 24, 2005 9:41 am

Hey thnx tcklim, by the way what does a normal average living per single costs there in Limassol..??
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Re: Amdocs

Postby cannedmoose » Tue May 24, 2005 10:31 am

tcklim wrote:All-in-all looked very good indeed. I did notice the majority of the workforce was Indian also.

With EU immigration laws now in force, how is this possible? Surely the company should have to justify to the immigration service why a Cypriot or EU citizen is unable to do the job before employing someone from outside?
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Postby s_ahu » Tue May 24, 2005 12:45 pm

I am waiting for some guidance...
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Postby cannedmoose » Tue May 24, 2005 12:49 pm

So am I? Is Cyprus being the 'soft underbelly' when it comes to foreign workers? :shock:
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Postby s_ahu » Tue May 24, 2005 12:52 pm

I respect your concern cannedmoose.. but i think the employer has to be questioned for this. I would sincerely appreciate if someone can provide me more headways.
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Postby sk » Tue May 24, 2005 9:32 pm

hi! i would say about 650cyp a month is ok....about 250 out of 650 will be for rent and the rest for bills ,eating,going out etc...and saving some money also...
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Re: Working in Cyprus, Amdocs Ltd.

Postby TVSET » Tue May 24, 2005 9:40 pm

s_ahu wrote:Hi,
I am an Indian, joining Cyprus, Amdocs Ltd., in july in Limassol.
I'm looking for contact with somebody who work (or worked) for this company. I'd like to know about the place, working conditions, living conditions etc. I'd very grateful for any help.

Amdocs is renting huge office spaces from the company I work for (Francoudi & Stephanou Ltd). Watching people from Amdocs, I'd say they are taken care of very well. They have food and snacks within the office, most of them have cars, and many of them gain in weight over a few month. So my guess would be that they are OK. :)
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Re: Amdocs

Postby TVSET » Tue May 24, 2005 9:45 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
tcklim wrote:All-in-all looked very good indeed. I did notice the majority of the workforce was Indian also.

With EU immigration laws now in force, how is this possible? Surely the company should have to justify to the immigration service why a Cypriot or EU citizen is unable to do the job before employing someone from outside?

Short answer: with all the EU laws, Cyprus is still a koumbare country. :)

Long answer: it is very easy to justify employment of a foreigner to Immigration authorities. Especially for a such huge company as Amdocs, which employs few hundred, if not thousand, aliens. Example: "The company is looking for a software developer, with fluency in Hindu and English languages, willing to rellocate for extensive periods of times for work in India." What are the chances of finding a Cypriot with English and Hindu language knowledge? What are the chances of the said Cypriot working in IT? What are the chances of the said Cypriot not being employed and duely paid yet? You get the picture... :)
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