Costs... well it's definetely not cheap, depends what kindof lifestyle you lead.... Eating at restaurants will set you back quite a bit...
Let's say a beer in a bar is 2 CYP for a pint and a cocktail at 3 CYP. MaccyD's menu will set you back max 3 CYP if I remember correctly, but it's been ages since I've been to one of them. If you cook at home, you'll save huge amounts of money. Or just load yourself on some Amdocs hotsnacks

I tried them, they are good.... Also depends if you're coming alone or with a family. If you're working alone supporting a family, it will get rather expensive.
Nightlife? Different zones in Limassol... most common would prolly be the Galatex strip in the "tourist area", though not many tourists left in Limassol nowadays. Lots of bars all along one strip and about 4 clubs. Must warn you, as hospitable as Cyprus may be, when it comes to nightlife, the bouncers are definetely the least hospitable people on the planet... in-fact, they're downright complete assholes.... generally... so don't mess, if they turn you away, don't bother complaining and forget about using those free entrance cards if you don't look british or have a couple of cute lasses hangin onto your arm.
This area is not so much low-class as, well, its just do whatever u want, dress however u want kinda thing.... there are more uppity-uppity kinds of places, like the "Privelege" club, which is nice in its own way, but a bit too uppity-uppity for my tastes, found it quite boring.... good to go to chill with a group of friends, not for wild nights. Others include, crap the name eludes me now, exactly opposite the Cineplex cinema complex there's another popular club which I;ve heard is pretty good, though I've never been.
There are 2 cafe-type areas, one in Enaerios (aka Kanika), lots of cafes along that strip and a new area besides the old-port, surrounding the Limassol Castle, developed by Lanitis Group.
Have I missed anything? Yeah usualy assortment of bowling, movies, fast food, funfair sometimes comes in summer... oh and 2 beachside cafe-club type venues, 1 opposite mcdonalds which was being renovatedlast time I saw it, and another one further along that strip which used to be called COHIBAR, though I dunno if it still exists..... There was another one called Waves right by where i live, but errr it was bombed......
Word-of-warning in Galatex, if someone tries to pick a fight, don't go macho..... back away. This is not as common or unprovoked as people think, but it does happen, and there is no fairplay here..... doesn't matter if you are alone, and you think the guy wants to fight u alone, you'll be surrounded by his gang of buddies in minutes.... and the police generally speaking don't care for minorities..... sad, but just telling you how it is, cos I've been in that situation
Again, no worries cos its not common, but still....