I called Laiki bank today and asked if they could send me a new pin number as I had lost the old one. One of my cards expired and I realized that I had a new card but I didn't have the pin number for it. The woman on the phone said the following shocking thing: "Mr Andreou it's going to cost 10 Euro for your new pin". I was in shock!
Are these people on some kind of hallucinogenic substance that's making them crazy?
I said to the woman "WHAT? You can't be serious... It costs 8.50 for a new cheque-book" This is extortionate! As you can expect, she said nothing.
I am issuing a warning to all of you. The only reason these "businesses" charge so much is because we allow them to do so. If we continue down this route they will be charging us for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING soon. Laiki made 300 million euro in profits last year and there is supposedly a crisis.
Let's end this madness NOW! Let's show these banks that we won't take their extortionate stealing anymore. Let's starve their little charges that amount to millions of euros each month.
Do the following and you will save so much in the long run:
1) Your bank probably charges you just for having an account with them. However they usually don't charge for an ebank account. This is exactly the same as a normal account but it belongs to their head-office and not any particular branch. Close your current account and open an ebank current account and save on quarterly charges that easily mount up to sizable sums.
2) If you can't close your account, STOP ALL STATEMENTS NOW! Go to your bank and ask them to NEVER send you statements. If you do this you will be saving the environment, and saving on ridiculous statement fees that occur monthly. If you need a statement just look online. You can print or even export to excel worksheets for some cool statistics.
3) Never withdraw money from a VISA account, they charge you for this even if you use their own ATMs.
4) If you have a Visa your not using, cancel it and never use it. A bank can give you a personal loan if you need it and it comes with HALF the interest rate. I learned the hard way, and in no time my VISA balance went to 1500 euro with nothing to show for it. Now i need a new TV and I'm making a loan to pay for my TV and the balance of my credit card, after which I will CANCEL it!
5) Go to COOPs instead of banks. I learned that while banks may be increasing interest rates (even though the ECB rate is falling), COOPs are actually keeping it the same or reducing it.
6) ALWAYS HAGGLE AT BANKS! This may sound strange but believe me it absolutely works. The banks can charge any interest rate they want for loans, visas, overdrafts etc. If you have such a facility first thing you need to do is pay it and CANCEL it, but if you can't then go and see the manager. My father complained to Laiki that our overdraft interest was too high and the manager said (without much discussion) that he'll reduce it by half a percent. If you have a personal loan you can get the interest reduced if you tell them you'll be leaving. Don't be embarrassed by ANYTHING. Nobody in the bank is your friend, they just seam kind. If they are not embarrassed to charge 3,42 euro for a statement then you shouldn't be embarrassed by asking for a better deal.
Let's do this guys and gals! I've already canceled my statements and I'm about to cancel my current account and move to a COOP. If you had done this 10 years ago today you would probably be enjoying a full months paycheck in savings! Don't wait another ten years.!!!!