FreeSpirit wrote:Oracle wrote:Once human beings put their faith in the belief of something so irrational as the existence of a "god" and ignore evidence to the contrary, they stop holding themselves responsible for what they do, and the consequences from their actions.
They are then "guiltless" in attempts to make this world free from evil such as freedom of speech, capitalism, pleasure etc. which they believe work against their god. This is how they get round acting immorally.
Unfortunately they are brainwashed from childhood, so we are generations away from removing these primitive capitulations to acting humanely.
Spot on
Whereas there is an absolute TRUTH in what you write in connection with the actions of those who seek to justify immorality by insisting that they are protecting/advancing their faith (faiths), one should also consider the fact that the pursuit of 'Pleasure, Capitalism and Freedom of Speech' can in itself become likened to a deity.
If the tenets of the religion one is indoctrinated with are adhered to strictly, there would possibly be 'Peace on Earth', since the value of such tenets lies with the objective of attaining it.
On the other hand, if one dismisses the existence of God (and I must confess that I personally do) the other pursuits can only be justified by insisting that such pursuits are WORTH attaining.
Unfortunately, the cruelties and destruction which follow such pursuits (as we have all witnessed I am sure) may be said to outweigh the advantages to the ordinary peoples of the world.
Sadly, 'Freedom of Speech' is too often interpreted as license to act in any manner one sees fit, thus the pursuits of 'Pleasure and Capitalism' (having become the likened deity) produce the same result as is common among the pious.
Greed is possibly at the root of every evil, whether it be Politically motivated or otherwise, I think one should NOT dismiss the existence of the 'Almighty' in quite such a cavalier fashion (I also) since there are so many unfortunates in the world who have nothing (other than their beliefs) to cling to. IMHO.