Main_Source wrote:
Erolz, you dont get it. The Greek Cypriots are just as Greek as the Greeks in Samos, Crete or Rhodes.
I understand that this is the feeling of some GC even today - but certainly not all I would venture. I personally consider myself Cyrpiot or Turkish Cypriot. I deny that I am Turkish. I am sure there are GC that feel similarly.
Main_Source wrote:
Once again, I fully agree with the ideology with Enosis, considering what was going on in that point in time and Greek Cypriots wanting union with their 'motherland'...although, as the Junta in Greece later came into power, lets just say that I doubt that what would have happened to the TC would have been a good thing.
All I am saying is that it would imo been a lot better for all of us today if GC had cosidered themselves Cyriots or GC and not Greeks and wanted and worked for an independent Cypriot nation and not ENOSIS.
Main_Source wrote:
..and you really believe even if there was no intercommunal violance and the GC and TC were in harmony, Turkey would still have not found an excuse to invade!? Another, reason why GC wanted union with Greece.
Yes actually I do believe this. I think Turkey feared Cyprus as a Greek owned and controlled state and would have accepted it as an independent nation, the more so in proprtion to the degree which TC had real political power and influence in the independent state.
I actualy find the rationale that GC persued ENOSIS rather than indpendance beacause of fear of attack from Turkey being less if they were part of Greece than if they were indpendant a lot more convincing than the more usual suggestion that GC really wanted indpendance but did not think they could or were to political imature to get that so chose ENOSIS as a more 'viable' option. However I still find either of these rationales less compelling than the idea that the GC wanted ENOSIS and not indepenace was due primarily to nearly a 100 years of 'conditioning' by the Greek Orthdox church diseminating and expounding the mengali ideals to GC. My view is this played a much more significant role than non emotional rational 'weighting' of the possibilites of indepdance vs enosis and of security from Turkey of indpendance vvs enosis. These of course are my own personal views. I do not presnt them as truths, just opinions.
Main_Source wrote:
In a fantasy world. The British already agreed to leave Cyprus many times previously but made up one excuse after another, like having to stay because of the Suez Canal problem. How long were Greek Cypriots going to get a 'yes' then a 'no'??
I personaly think it is a fantasy to believe that without a resort to violence by GC (or Cypriots in general) that Cyprus would today still be a British colony. It may have happened longer than 1960 (though its also possible that if Cypriots had managed to find a common goal of independance of cyprus and persued it togeather its also in the realms of the possible that it would have been acheived earlier as well I think)