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Genetic detective work could snap the Greek link

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Genetic detective work could snap the Greek link

Postby CBBB » Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:49 pm

Genetic detective work could snap the Greek link
By Elias Hazou

WHERE do you come from? Not in a trippy, philosophical sense, but rather, who are your ancestors? Knowledge of one’s past is often passed down by word of mouth, and sometimes if you’re lucky there are documents to look at. Tracing one’s lineage, in search perhaps of a famous ancestor or royalty, has become highly popular, and the Internet is full of sites promising to reproduce your family tree. Now science is joining the fray, supplementing stones-and-bones archaeology.

Conventional wisdom has it that we Cypriots are descended primarily from the ancient Greeks. That assumption, though still holding up, could now be challenged by DNA research into our genetic makeup.

It’s no secret of course that the many conquerors who passed through Cyprus - Franks, Venetians, Arabs and Turks - have left their genetic imprint on the island.

But now the Phoenicians, that long-lost civilisation of famous seafarers, have come into the picture, and in a big way.

Recent genetic research carried out in Lebanon and other locations around the Mediterranean basin has shown that one in 17 people in Cyprus may have a Phoenician direct male-line ancestor.

The project is the brainchild of Dr Pierre Zalloua and his research partner, National Geographic explorer Spencer Wells.

What has been discovered indicates that the genetic makeup of the Lebanese, especially those of the coastal areas, is Phoenician. Further, it was discovered that various percentages of the inhabitants of the islands of Malta, Sardinia, as well as parts of ancient Carthage in Tunisia, Gibraltar, Spain and the islands of the Aegean have Phoenician DNA running through their veins.

Zalloua and his team chose to work with the Y chromosome for this purpose, because its male specificity meant that it would have been carried by the predominantly male Phoenician traders.

The Y chromosome is passed from father to son only.

The reference of the genetic prototype for the Phoenician makeup is based on human remains discovered in Turkey, as well as a human jaw - perhaps up to 4,000 years old - found in a mountain cave at Raskifa, Lebanon.

Though the Y chromosome method has to date not been employed by Cypriot scientists to map out our ancestry, epidemiological studies have yielded some intriguing results.

The studies were initiated to answer the question why certain diseases that are common in central and northern Europe also occur in parts of Cyprus to a significant degree.

In doing so, they have inadvertently stumbled on a trail leading back to antiquity.

Constandinos Voskarides, Post-Doctorate Fellow with the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus, said the method could reveal a great deal about our past.

For example, cystic fibrosis - a hereditary disease affecting the mucus glands of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines - is caused by a mutation on a certain gene. The disease is common in countries such as France, Germany and Russia.

Research into the disease in Cyprus has homed in on the village of Athienou, where a substantial percentage of the population carries the guilty gene. The evidence confirmed archeological evidence that the site was the location of a substantial settlement of the Franks.

The university is seeking funds to carry out research similar to that of the Genographic Project, sponsored by IBM and National Geographic, which explores early human migratory patterns using genetic markers submitted by thousands of individuals.

Voskarides told the Sunday Mail the results would be used to determine the prevalence of Arab, Turkish and Greek genetic markers on the Cypriot population. This is done by comparing the findings to an enormous DNA database already available.

Other uses would include exploring genetic differences between geographical regions, for example, between Nicosia and Paphos.

Past genetic studies, though on a limited scale, have suggested that Greek and Turkish Cypriots are genetically closer to each other than they are with their respective “mother countries”. Popular culture has added to this, with the argument that Greek and Turkish Cypriots “look a lot alike”.

But looks aren’t everything, says Voskarides.

“The scientific community certainly suspects that DNA affects a person’s physical traits, but to date we’ve been unable to isolate a specific gene for such-and-such attribute.

“Take pigmentation, which is governed by how much melanin there is in your skin. The old myth that humans are divided into three races - black, white and yellow - has collapsed. In fact, scientists will tell you there are about 1,000 different types of pigmentation.”

Depending on the outcome, this research could open a Pandora’s Box were it found that the Greek element is not as strong as once thought. No doubt certain circles would be embarrassed if the results were not the “right ones”.

Take neighbouring Lebanon, where Dr Zalloua’s findings have already caused a stir, as longstanding assumptions of Arab ancestry are now on shaky ground.

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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:08 pm

Whilst the racists will be having a field day with each little finding that is released from this global project, at the end of the day, when viewed sanely, it is just serving to prove that as individuals we are more different than we are as groups! That we, as animals, adapt to our hotter or colder climates, and that we have migratory routes, which as tool makers and cave painters, already have good historical records.

The final nail in the coffin for creationists and religious adherents, as far as I'm concerned and not much more :D
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:30 pm

DNA aside even, that Greeks have sabotaged certain parts of the history of the Mediterranean is well known by taking advantage of the fact that surrounding countries didn’t really care as much about the past to counter it, but for us Cypriots it has a special significance due to our current predicament and I’m sure that much will surface as studies continue.

Even in this day, Greece would have enormous problems supporting a war on Cyprus with her modern navy due to the great distance between the two countries crippling logistics let alone 3-4 thousands of years ago when boats were most sea unworthy and trade routes most flimsy. Most boats that would set off on a long journey never made it.

The notion of a Greek mainland relationship with Cyprus via the flimsy boats of the past is fast disintegrating…
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:34 pm

So how would our current predicament be improved, by you attacking Greeks and "their" history, instead of the occupation army we presently face?

It's precisely because long journeys were hazardous, that often travellers upon reaching a destination, often settled there.
Last edited by Oracle on Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:51 pm

Oracle wrote:So how would our current predicament be improved, by you attacking Greeks and "their" history, instead of the occupation army we presently face?

Who can deny that the combined past actions of Greece, Turkey, and Britain, have been most catastrophic for Cyprus?

Our very population has been successfully poisoned to serve these foreigners against our interests and here you are asking how our current predicament can be improved???

Unless all Cypriots embrace and fully support their own country and denounce all these foreigners in a unanimous thrust we will not see the light of day…
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:So how would our current predicament be improved, by you attacking Greeks and "their" history, instead of the occupation army we presently face?

Who can deny that the combined past actions of Greece, Turkey, and Britain, have been most catastrophic for Cyprus?

Our very population has been successfully poisoned to serve these foreigners against our interests and here you are asking how our current predicament can be improved???

Unless all Cypriots embrace and fully support their own country and denounce all these foreigners in a unanimous thrust we will not see the light of day…

You are making a big mistake lumping all three countries together like that. It is convenient and easy, but not accurate and hence unsustainable as a working solution.

You have not proved Greece is foreign to Cyprus!

So your premise is baseless.

Yes Cyprus is rightly independent from Greece now ... but it was not for ALL of its millennial history and so Greece's interests in the island were those that any country feels for it outer boundaries.

Accept that fact, then you can move forward to strengthening your case against the real enemies of our country, instead of looking for scapegoats.

The root cause of this present predicament is just as likely to be because we failed to follow Greece's lead in 1821 and fight for our freedom from the Ottomans; so we remained a liability.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:22 pm

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:So how would our current predicament be improved, by you attacking Greeks and "their" history, instead of the occupation army we presently face?

Who can deny that the combined past actions of Greece, Turkey, and Britain, have been most catastrophic for Cyprus?

Our very population has been successfully poisoned to serve these foreigners against our interests and here you are asking how our current predicament can be improved???

Unless all Cypriots embrace and fully support their own country and denounce all these foreigners in a unanimous thrust we will not see the light of day…

You are making a big mistake lumping all three countries together like that. It is convenient and easy, but not accurate and hence unsustainable as a working solution.

You have not proved Greece is foreign to Cyprus!

So your premise is baseless.

Yes Cyprus is rightly independent from Greece now ... but it was not for ALL of its millennial history and so Greece's interests in the island were those that any country feels for it outer boundaries.

Accept that fact, then you can move forward to strengthening your case against the real enemies of our country, instead of looking for scapegoats.

The root cause of this present predicament is just as likely to be because we failed to follow Greece's lead in 1821 and fight for our freedom from the Ottomans; so we remained a liability.

Every deviation from Cypriotness serves to justify partition and it’s the sum of all these deviations from Cypriotness that will lead us to partition because what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander…

For as long as you insist on “Hellenic this” and “Hellenic that”, then so too will the Turkish Cypriots insist on “Turkic this” and “Turkic that” so you will have NO CHOICE but to ALSO recognize their deviation from Cypriotness if yours is to count.

If it becomes the general consensus that Cyporiotness is secondary and the only things that matter are “Hellenism” and “Turkishness” then you must be very stupid if you think you can avoid partition because your attitude is what is leading straight to it!
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:So how would our current predicament be improved, by you attacking Greeks and "their" history, instead of the occupation army we presently face?

Who can deny that the combined past actions of Greece, Turkey, and Britain, have been most catastrophic for Cyprus?

Our very population has been successfully poisoned to serve these foreigners against our interests and here you are asking how our current predicament can be improved???

Unless all Cypriots embrace and fully support their own country and denounce all these foreigners in a unanimous thrust we will not see the light of day…

You are making a big mistake lumping all three countries together like that. It is convenient and easy, but not accurate and hence unsustainable as a working solution.

You have not proved Greece is foreign to Cyprus!

So your premise is baseless.

Yes Cyprus is rightly independent from Greece now ... but it was not for ALL of its millennial history and so Greece's interests in the island were those that any country feels for it outer boundaries.

Accept that fact, then you can move forward to strengthening your case against the real enemies of our country, instead of looking for scapegoats.

The root cause of this present predicament is just as likely to be because we failed to follow Greece's lead in 1821 and fight for our freedom from the Ottomans; so we remained a liability.

Every deviation from Cypriotness serves to justify partition and it’s the sum of all these deviations from Cypriotness that will lead us to partition because what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander…

For as long as you insist on “Hellenic this” and “Hellenic that”, then so too will the Turkish Cypriots insist on “Turkic this” and “Turkic that” so you will have NO CHOICE but to ALSO recognize their deviation from Cypriotness if yours is to count.

If it becomes the general consensus that Cyporiotness is secondary and the only things that matter are “Hellenism” and “Turkishness” then you must be very stupid if you think you can avoid partition because your attitude is what is leading straight to it!

Just because Turkishness has no historical significance on this Island, does not qualify you to make the same claim for Hellenism.

Is it so difficult to entertain one without the other that you prefer to simplify it to absurdity?
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:01 pm

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:So how would our current predicament be improved, by you attacking Greeks and "their" history, instead of the occupation army we presently face?

Who can deny that the combined past actions of Greece, Turkey, and Britain, have been most catastrophic for Cyprus?

Our very population has been successfully poisoned to serve these foreigners against our interests and here you are asking how our current predicament can be improved???

Unless all Cypriots embrace and fully support their own country and denounce all these foreigners in a unanimous thrust we will not see the light of day…

You are making a big mistake lumping all three countries together like that. It is convenient and easy, but not accurate and hence unsustainable as a working solution.

You have not proved Greece is foreign to Cyprus!

So your premise is baseless.

Yes Cyprus is rightly independent from Greece now ... but it was not for ALL of its millennial history and so Greece's interests in the island were those that any country feels for it outer boundaries.

Accept that fact, then you can move forward to strengthening your case against the real enemies of our country, instead of looking for scapegoats.

The root cause of this present predicament is just as likely to be because we failed to follow Greece's lead in 1821 and fight for our freedom from the Ottomans; so we remained a liability.

Every deviation from Cypriotness serves to justify partition and it’s the sum of all these deviations from Cypriotness that will lead us to partition because what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander…

For as long as you insist on “Hellenic this” and “Hellenic that”, then so too will the Turkish Cypriots insist on “Turkic this” and “Turkic that” so you will have NO CHOICE but to ALSO recognize their deviation from Cypriotness if yours is to count.

If it becomes the general consensus that Cyporiotness is secondary and the only things that matter are “Hellenism” and “Turkishness” then you must be very stupid if you think you can avoid partition because your attitude is what is leading straight to it!

Just because Turkishness has no historical significance on this Island, does not qualify you to make the same claim for Hellenism.

Is it so difficult to entertain one without the other that you prefer to simplify it to absurdity?

Those who adore Hellenism can easily pack up and move right next to the Acropolis for all I care, just as those who adore Turkishness can easily pack up and move right into an Istanbul minaret for all I care.

At the very least show a little respect to those Cypriots who have NO CONNECTIONS whatsoever with Greece or Turkey, or even a desire to join them in any way or form, but who recognize, respect, and support the SOVEREIGNTY of Cyprus.

Please leave the people of this country alone!

Thank you.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:23 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:Just because Turkishness has no historical significance on this Island, does not qualify you to make the same claim for Hellenism.

Is it so difficult to entertain one without the other that you prefer to simplify it to absurdity?

Those who adore Hellenism can easily pack up and move right next to the Acropolis for all I care, just as those who adore Turkishness can easily pack up and move right into an Istanbul minaret for all I care.

At the very least show a little respect to those Cypriots who have NO CONNECTIONS whatsoever with Greece or Turkey, or even a desire to join them in any way or form, but who recognize, respect, and support the SOVEREIGNTY of Cyprus.

Please leave the people of this country alone!

Thank you.

Hellenism is not just at the foot of the Acropolis :wink:

No one is asking everyone to become Hellenic by accepting that it is the historical background of Cyprus .... indeed most Sri Lankans, Soviets, and even Brits who are now our compatriots, will tell you much the same GR!

Indeed it is those who wish to change the rich, noble, millennial ancestry of my birthplace and homeland and hence do not respect its true sovereignty, who should ask themselves why they wish to change the Island's backbone, to suit their own short-term wishes?

You should love Cyprus unconditionally GR! and not be ashamed of its past, merely so that you can blame its present predicament on the fact it was born/baptised Greek!
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