Honda joker 1998. 90cc exlent condition colure blackstardust just had complete engine rebuild and service well maintained phone 23831477. mobile 99995231.
kolcaren wrote:Honda joker 1998. 90cc exlent condition colure blackstardust just had complete engine rebuild and service well maintained phone 23831477. mobile 99995231.
i offer 300 euros for it?
there was one i missed on here 2 weeks ago for 300 euros with many spares.
your addvert said open to offers,did i not offer the rightt ammount
if you do not want offers then dont put this tipe of advert on
one sold on here 2 weeks ago 1998 for 300 euros with lots of spares so i thought 300 eouros was a good offer i missed that last one as i went to greece for weekend
i will go to 350 eouros maximum as this is all it is worth.i know what i talk about i by and sell them.
is it imoport duty paid/or not duty paid?
ok peter ur quite right about the ad should have read offers invited as you are a dealer this offer is not acceptablebut you my like to know theres a honda joker in paralimni price 2395 euros gl and thxs