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A very touchy article

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A very touchy article

Postby insan » Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:56 pm

"...Perhaps even more interesting are certain other statements made several days ago by the Bishop of Paphos. When asked why the Cypriots should say NO at the referendum, the Bishop answered: “Because the citizen says: for how long are we going to continue feeding those slobs? It will never end?” The interesting part of the above statement does not concern the racism stemming from the opinions of a hierarch. The interesting part is that it brings to light a political belief that few people have dared to make public. At least in my opinion, the statement can be interpreted in this way: Mr. Chrysostomos simply does not want to live in a common state with the Turkish Cypriots.
Perhaps the dilemma raised at the referendum ought to be: Do we or don’t we want to live with the “others”?
The Annan plan has positive and negative points. It creates difficulties and problems. It offers prospect and hides dangers. Therefore, there are not many ways to approach the dilemma of the referendum. Either you choose to take a chance based on optimism and the power of people to surpass difficulties and to build the future either by taking into account the dangers and favouring the preservation of the current status quo, you choose certainty over uncertainty. Each one of us should decide how he/she envisions the future of Cyprus. I respect both approaches given that our decision will be taken with honesty and not hiding behind fears and slogans. The responsibility at such crucial times is not placed only on political powers and politicians. The society cannot be absent. Each one of us has to assume his share of responsibility and take a position..."

*Eleni Mavrou is an MP and member of the Central Committee of AKEL

Annan Plan was a good starting point, a step by step slow but safe process for both communities reunification..but it seems we've missed it just like what we had missed in 1963 and 1971...

Blind fate? Or?

If you want to read the full article, here's the link:
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Postby insan » Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:09 am

Don't just think that there's only GC extremists and ignorants in Cyprus...

Here you can find what the TC extremists and ignorants think... ... &x=32&y=41
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