I don't like resorting to abuse, but your response to my posting is that of an idiot.
The website/pages www.europa.eu....... are the pages of the EU. Full stop.
I made no comment about the EU's language or recognition or anything else. Tim Drayton and a couple of others had asked questions about the negotiation or accession timetable for Turkey (not Cyprus) and I provided, from the official EU information 'gateway', the answers and links to those questions.
By some crazy fantasising you accuse me of deliberately misleading people. Idiot.
The only specific link- which was meant as an 'incidentally while your looking at those pages on Turkish negotiations, Cyprus Forum readers, you might want to look at EU and northern Cyprus' kind of helpfulness - that I gave to northern Cyprus was one which was actually headed
. In short hand, instead of writing "measures promoting economic development in the northern part of Cyprus" I simply wrote "EU position on supporting northern Cyprus". You say tomato, I say tomato. I made no other reference to Cyprus, no reference to recognition, no reference to language used or not used, no reference to EU policy on Cyprus.The purpose of this communication is to put forward measures promoting economic development in the northern part of Cyprus and bringing it closer to the European Union
So out of nothing Kifeas you make some gigantic, speculative, fictional and idiotic statement. For what purpose ? Is your life so empty that you need to make comment on the utterly trivial, and on top of that invent a whole load of nonsense. Idiot.