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Turkish Cypriots or should I say Turkish Puppets

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Medman » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:15 pm

The GC's only turned on the TC's in 1974 when Turkey invaded. So again the propeganda comes from the TC's. No one is fooled by your bull shit anymore.

You dont have Kissinger to back you up and now we have Obama and Biden you days are numbered.

Blimey is this guy for real. Even the GC's on here admit that there TC were being killed before 1974 as well as GC. I think this chap needs to check his facts. Does he know about the Cyprus problem?

Obama and Biden- Scared! Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East. Cyprus is not even on their radar when they can't exit these countries.

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Re: Turkish Cypriots or should I say Turkish Puppets

Postby halil » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:20 pm

GeorgeV97qaue wrote:Turkish puppets do not want a solution. They seek partition judging by Talats stance. These talks are fast turning into a joke.

All they are after is legalising the invasion. For the past few months I have been closely following developments and I have come to realise that TP's want to keep what they stole.

I used to think Talat did want a solution. How wrong I was. He is licking Ankara's arse all the way through the current process.

Now I understand why Paps wouldn't deal with him. Paps was right but he went about things the wrong way.

GC's now finally have a statesman in charge and he is slowly changing the perception of GC over the world. He has entered into the talks to ensure the rest of the world see who truly is holding up a solution with unreasonable demands.

Back in 2004 we were made to look like the people who didn't want a solution and I applaud all GC's who voted NO. We were being forced into an unfair solution.

All TP's who think they will get their legal status dream on as Christofias isn't a mug and will only agree to a solution that is fair.

If it means we keep it as it is for another 30 years then so be it. Turkey will never be allowed into EU and you TP's will never get your legal status.

It looks everybody does not realise what both sides leaders agreed at front of the UN's delegation ..... It is from the UNCF web page.

open your eyes ....!!!!!!!

Joint Statement by Greek Cypriot Leader Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot Leader Mehmet Ali TalatStatement of the two leaders, read by Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Chief of Mission of UNFICYP, following the meeting on 23 May 2008 between Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat, and Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias

The Leaders today had genuine and fruitful discussions, and reviewed the results achieved pursuant to the 21 March agreement.
They reaffirmed their commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined by relevant Security Council resolutions. This partnership will have a Federal Government with a single international personality, as well as a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State, which will be of equal status.
They instructed their Representatives to examine, within 15 days, the results of the technical committees.
The Representatives will consider civilian and military confidence-building measures. They will also pursue the opening of Limnitis/Yeşilırmak and other crossing points.
The Leaders decided to come together again in the second half of June to make a new assessment.
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Postby bigOz » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:22 pm

Oracle wrote:Well there we have it in a nutshell :lol: ... it only takes 5minutes for the Turkish Jets to fly over and put us in our place!

So we'd better take the threat seriously and do as they demand and remove all signs of our EU partners like Greece. :roll: Clever!

I take it the fact that 40,000 Turkish troops are by this logic now superfluous to maintaining the "peace", since it only takes you lot 5 minutes to fly over and annihilate us at the first sign of an uprising, is also not a rational suggestion to ask for their withdrawal?

And now Big OZ is screaming as to why no European countries came to the aid of an imaginary scenario of TCs being slaughtered and villages being bulldozed ... wrong country dear!

I think you are flying too high BigOz ... your brain is losing oxygen and you are hallucinating!

What planet have you been living on re gumbare? Are you claiming that what I wrote never happened? Your very existence is imaginary if that is what you are claiming Oracle! It is at times like these I wonder how old you really are not to remember these things and depend on the false history you were taught in South! Would you like me to remind you of the events by referring to the events as reported by foreign media and politicians?

What threat had Turkish jets or mainland forces ever caused to the South of the island? What attempt did they ever make to conquer more or attack the South? Why is everyone so obsessed by the presence of Turkish troops who have been dormant on the island for 34 years. You are right, they do put the fear of God in any fanatic GC who may plan to use force to get rid of TC's. I think we have the answer right there - that is why the fanatic GCs abhor the Turkish army's presence - but I have news for you; they do not fool a single TC on this side. EU or no EU, the Turkish army will stay until there is a permanent solution, USA and the EU have come to realise that, why don't the GCs?
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:48 am

bigOz wrote:What threat had Turkish jets or mainland forces ever caused to the South of the island? What attempt did they ever make to conquer more or attack the South? Why is everyone so obsessed by the presence of Turkish troops who have been dormant on the island for 34 years. You are right, they do put the fear of God in any fanatic GC who may plan to use force to get rid of TC's. I think we have the answer right there - that is why the fanatic GCs abhor the Turkish army's presence - but I have news for you; they do not fool a single TC on this side. EU or no EU, the Turkish army will stay until there is a permanent solution, USA and the EU have come to realise that, why don't the GCs?

Thanks for the free tour of a Turkish Cypriot mind... what makes it even funnier is that you actually hope that we will see your "logic"! Image
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:38 am

oz, the coup failed because it had no popular support. what atrocities happened were horrible without a doubt, however please, do not generalise, the truth is all Cypriots suffered at the hands of extremists, and we have all been exploited by interlocutors whose interests have been demonstrated to be their own above the interests of this island's inhabitants.

if you are a Cypriot, you may have turcophone or grecophone origins, (or a jew, maronite, armenian or rome), but you are not Turkish or Greek (as an Individual) in a political sense.
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Postby humanist » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:51 am

oh no warrior ... you have it wrong the terrible GC's did terrible things to poor TC's who don't deny anyone their home or country and who are the victims of economic isolation ;)
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Postby Floda » Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:18 pm

bigOz, easy on the stick with that jet fighter of yours, if you throw a loop fast enough, you could disappear up your own arse.

In a political sense, I think the Turks are almost there already.

Come down mate, we've all seen and heard it before. :wink:
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Postby bigOz » Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:59 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:oz, the coup failed because it had no popular support. what atrocities happened were horrible without a doubt, however please, do not generalise, the truth is all Cypriots suffered at the hands of extremists, and we have all been exploited by interlocutors whose interests have been demonstrated to be their own above the interests of this island's inhabitants.

if you are a Cypriot, you may have turcophone or grecophone origins, (or a jew, maronite, armenian or rome), but you are not Turkish or Greek (as an Individual) in a political sense.

I never generalised, and I made it clear in another post that I am sure the fanatic rantings of some idiots in this forum are not the views of most GCs. But the "know-it- all" assholes who know jack-shit keep making insulting comments and derogatory remarks about TCs. I get pissed because it is this kind of approach that will prevent a solution to this country's problems for all eternity!

This is not a popularity contest, at the end of the day we are all avatars! There is no need to be in denial or continuing with fanatic propaganda while twisting historical facts. Whilst trying to get this through, some other idiot calling himself Floda (sounds like a margarine brand) comes half way through an argument and makes a stupid comment like he did in this thread! He is not even worth responding to...

RP, whatever I say and claim I can prove - (unlike some bullshitters in this forum) . People who know me from a year ago when I was more active in this forum know exactly where I stand or back up politically. I am not a Nationalist fanatic, or hold any loyalty to any political party. I am Cypriot and so are all members of my family.

My family lost and suffered a lot between 1963 and 1974, but we hold no grudges against the GCs. On the contrary, when some family friends object to us buying anything from the Greek side, or start ranting about the past, I am the first one to start arguing against that kind of mentality. However, I am beginning to have serious doubts about the validity of my own beliefs after reading some of he posts here! :roll:
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:03 pm

bigOz wrote:
Oracle wrote:Well there we have it in a nutshell :lol: ... it only takes 5minutes for the Turkish Jets to fly over and put us in our place!

So we'd better take the threat seriously and do as they demand and remove all signs of our EU partners like Greece. :roll: Clever!

I take it the fact that 40,000 Turkish troops are by this logic now superfluous to maintaining the "peace", since it only takes you lot 5 minutes to fly over and annihilate us at the first sign of an uprising, is also not a rational suggestion to ask for their withdrawal?

And now Big OZ is screaming as to why no European countries came to the aid of an imaginary scenario of TCs being slaughtered and villages being bulldozed ... wrong country dear!

I think you are flying too high BigOz ... your brain is losing oxygen and you are hallucinating!

What planet have you been living on re gumbare? Are you claiming that what I wrote never happened? Your very existence is imaginary if that is what you are claiming Oracle! It is at times like these I wonder how old you really are not to remember these things and depend on the false history you were taught in South! Would you like me to remind you of the events by referring to the events as reported by foreign media and politicians?

What threat had Turkish jets or mainland forces ever caused to the South of the island? What attempt did they ever make to conquer more or attack the South? Why is everyone so obsessed by the presence of Turkish troops who have been dormant on the island for 34 years. You are right, they do put the fear of God in any fanatic GC who may plan to use force to get rid of TC's. I think we have the answer right there - that is why the fanatic GCs abhor the Turkish army's presence - but I have news for you; they do not fool a single TC on this side. EU or no EU, the Turkish army will stay until there is a permanent solution, USA and the EU have come to realise that, why don't the GCs?

BigOz, since it is a fact that you are a man who knows a lot, and an expert on Cyprus and its history; is it true that the reason Turkey needs to maintain 40,000 troops and 600 tanks, against a Greek Cypriot army of only 12,000 soldiers and 350 tanks, and this in spite of the fact that 300 Turkish F-16 jets are only 5 minutes away from Cyprus -as you affirmed, is because it figured out that 1 GC soldier needs at least 4 Turkish soldiers to put up with? If this is the case, how it comes and your father, Mustafa Kemal, has taught you that one Turk equals the whole world? Did he actually mean to say that 1 GC equals at least 4 Turks, but made a verbal and syntax error instead?
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Postby bigOz » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:11 pm

Kifeas wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Oracle wrote:Well there we have it in a nutshell :lol: ... it only takes 5minutes for the Turkish Jets to fly over and put us in our place!

So we'd better take the threat seriously and do as they demand and remove all signs of our EU partners like Greece. :roll: Clever!

I take it the fact that 40,000 Turkish troops are by this logic now superfluous to maintaining the "peace", since it only takes you lot 5 minutes to fly over and annihilate us at the first sign of an uprising, is also not a rational suggestion to ask for their withdrawal?

And now Big OZ is screaming as to why no European countries came to the aid of an imaginary scenario of TCs being slaughtered and villages being bulldozed ... wrong country dear!

I think you are flying too high BigOz ... your brain is losing oxygen and you are hallucinating!

What planet have you been living on re gumbare? Are you claiming that what I wrote never happened? Your very existence is imaginary if that is what you are claiming Oracle! It is at times like these I wonder how old you really are not to remember these things and depend on the false history you were taught in South! Would you like me to remind you of the events by referring to the events as reported by foreign media and politicians?

What threat had Turkish jets or mainland forces ever caused to the South of the island? What attempt did they ever make to conquer more or attack the South? Why is everyone so obsessed by the presence of Turkish troops who have been dormant on the island for 34 years. You are right, they do put the fear of God in any fanatic GC who may plan to use force to get rid of TC's. I think we have the answer right there - that is why the fanatic GCs abhor the Turkish army's presence - but I have news for you; they do not fool a single TC on this side. EU or no EU, the Turkish army will stay until there is a permanent solution, USA and the EU have come to realise that, why don't the GCs?

BigOz, since it is a fact that you are a man who knows a lot, and an expert on Cyprus and its history; is it true that the reason Turkey needs to maintain 40,000 troops and 600 tanks, against a Greek Cypriot army of only 12,000 soldiers and 350 tanks, and this in spite of the fact that 300 Turkish F-16 jets are only 5 minutes away from Cyprus -as you affirmed, is because it figured out that 1 GC needs at least 4 Turkish soldiers to put up with? Is this is the case, how it comes and your father, Mustafa Kemal, has taught you that one Turk equals the whole world? Did he actually mean to say that 1 GC equals at least 4 Turks, but made a verbal and syntax error instead?

Possibly :lol:

I never claimed there is need for 40,000(?) mainland soldiers here. But the border between the GCs and TCs is so long, no TC recruited force can man it. They are here for purely defence and manning the borders. Have proven so by not starting a campaign of attacking/taking over the rest of the island over the past 34 years! Since GCs had always been first to attack, I think you have enough sense to know how many wars would have taken place between the TCs and GCs had it not been for the deterring Turkish soldiers along the borders.. :D
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