repulsewarrior wrote:oz, the coup failed because it had no popular support. what atrocities happened were horrible without a doubt, however please, do not generalise, the truth is all Cypriots suffered at the hands of extremists, and we have all been exploited by interlocutors whose interests have been demonstrated to be their own above the interests of this island's inhabitants.
if you are a Cypriot, you may have turcophone or grecophone origins, (or a jew, maronite, armenian or rome), but you are not Turkish or Greek (as an Individual) in a political sense.
I never generalised, and I made it clear in another post that I am sure the fanatic rantings of some idiots in this forum are not the views of most GCs. But the "know-it- all" assholes who know jack-shit keep making insulting comments and derogatory remarks about TCs. I get pissed because it is this kind of approach that will prevent a solution to this country's problems for all eternity!
This is not a popularity contest, at the end of the day we are all avatars! There is no need to be in denial or continuing with fanatic propaganda while twisting historical facts. Whilst trying to get this through, some other idiot calling himself Floda (sounds like a margarine brand) comes half way through an argument and makes a stupid comment like he did in this thread! He is not even worth responding to...
RP, whatever I say and claim I can prove - (unlike some bullshitters in this forum) . People who know me from a year ago when I was more active in this forum know exactly where I stand or back up politically. I am not a Nationalist fanatic, or hold any loyalty to any political party. I am Cypriot and so are all members of my family.
My family lost and suffered a lot between 1963 and 1974, but we hold no grudges against the GCs. On the contrary, when some family friends object to us buying anything from the Greek side, or start ranting about the past, I am the first one to start arguing against that kind of mentality. However, I am beginning to have serious doubts about the validity of my own beliefs after reading some of he posts here!