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TC's launches new legal baatle at ECHR !

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby humanist » Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:11 am

The TC administration knows very well that the only way out of the economic mess is to unite because Turkey will never be allowed to join the EU and as the world falls deper into recession they will basically starve. End of story.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:45 am

humanist wrote:The TC administration knows very well that the only way out of the economic mess is to unite because Turkey will never be allowed to join the EU and as the world falls deper into recession they will basically starve. End of story.

Doom and gloom, you people always peddle the same shit which gets you absolutely nowhere. We can stay as we are for many many many more years, another GC rejection and we are a few more steps closer to a relaxation of isolation.

Wake up to facts we are equal partners on this island and the basis for unficiaiton is 2 states under a federal leadership, aallow the people the right to decide where they wish to reside and guarantee no state can force the other to do anything against its will.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:36 am

Viewpoint wrote:Wake up to facts we are equal partners on this island...

We are NOT equal partners because first the Greek Cypriots are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY, and second but not least the Turkish Cypriot community does NOT recognize the RoC.

On the basis of the above facts I challenge you to prove that the two communities are “equal”.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Wake up to facts we are equal partners on this island...

We are NOT equal partners because first the Greek Cypriots are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY, and second but not least the Turkish Cypriot community does NOT recognize the RoC.

On the basis of the above facts I challenge you to prove that the two communities are “equal”.

Are the states in the USA equal?
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:26 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Wake up to facts we are equal partners on this island...

We are NOT equal partners because first the Greek Cypriots are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY, and second but not least the Turkish Cypriot community does NOT recognize the RoC.

On the basis of the above facts I challenge you to prove that the two communities are “equal”.

Are the states in the USA equal?

Cyprus does not have states and if my predictions come to pass it never will.

Now, can you prove to me that the two communities are “equal” in Cyprus' current state or were you relying on some future political arrangement?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:46 am

as Individuals we are equal and as Communities we are equal; size has nothing to do with it.

what you continue to deny GR is that the demographics of the island (or the populations' size) cannot stay the same forever.

if you are for a Unitary State then you must accept that it has no ethnic distinction that is permanent and unchanging. if you wish to sustain a "Greekness", then you must take advantage of the Principal of Bicommunality as I have described, with two levels of Government, one of which composed of Majorities in National Assemblies. Greeks, or Greek Cypriots have no exclusivity to the State nor, in my opinion should they. We are all Cypriots first as this island's inhabitants, that, has nothing to do with ethnic origin, and our love for the Heritance it has is not something which as Humans we can withold for our own usage like property which we can deny to others who have as much right to freedom, and to the respect it requires from us, unlike a thing you buy or sell.
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Postby DT. » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:38 am

repulsewarrior wrote:as Individuals we are equal and as Communities we are equal; size has nothing to do with it.

what you continue to deny GR is that the demographics of the island (or the populations' size) cannot stay the same forever.

if you are for a Unitary State then you must accept that it has no ethnic distinction that is permanent and unchanging. if you wish to sustain a "Greekness", then you must take advantage of the Principal of Bicommunality as I have described, with two levels of Government, one of which composed of Majorities in National Assemblies. Greeks, or Greek Cypriots have no exclusivity to the State nor, in my opinion should they. We are all Cypriots first as this island's inhabitants, that, has nothing to do with ethnic origin, and our love for the Heritance it has is not something which as Humans we can withold for our own usage like property which we can deny to others who have as much right to freedom, and to the respect it requires from us, unlike a thing you buy or sell.

If the demographics will not stay the same then surely one person one vote should solve this problem and lets ditch this bicommunality crap altogether.
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Postby samarkeolog » Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:02 am

Get Real! wrote:Now accept the facts that you’re just an uninvited Ottoman minority squeezed out by the island’s natural selection process and paddle back home…

Although the Ottomans were not uninvited. Didn't the Orthodox community on the island want them to replace Latin rule?

And the rest of that is beneath contempt.
Last edited by samarkeolog on Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby samarkeolog » Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:06 am

Nikitas wrote:How and why does anyone plunder a collapsed roof?

You can plunder a collapsed roof, or the wooden beams from it, at least (to reuse them, either to build or to burn). Having said that, the official or "semi-official" writing about the villages is normally very lazy with language. If you're referring to the ceiling, doors, windows, bit in the text, it might be that all were broken, but the doors and/or the windows had been taken. Instead of writing a long sentence, the writer then referred to everything as broken and stolen...
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Postby samarkeolog » Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:26 am

Oracle wrote:do you know how many "mosques" were originally Greek Churches which the Ottomans "converted"?

All of them ... (except one built by some other invader, not Otto-Turk) .... and perhaps a few very recent tasteless creations.

Actually, I think a lot of the converted Ottoman mosques were converted from Latin churches.

Obviously, I'm sure he was biased in the way any upper-class gentleman was at the time, but architectural historian Camille Enlart (1987 [1899]: 77) did comment that 'the Greeks, left alone with the Turks after 1571, eagerly joined with them in obliterating all traces of the Latin domination'.

Enlart, C. 1987 [1899]: Gothic art and the Renaissance in Cyprus. London: Trigraph Limited.
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