BlackBolt wrote:Get Real! wrote:Neo-Turkish Cypriots just don’t cut it with me…
What makes me angry is that most of those Turkish Cypriots against the “TRNC” and what it has evolved into over the decades, are not anti-“TRNC” for the RIGHT reasons such as…
“It was and still is illegal of Turkey to occupy and violate the sovereignty of Cyprus as confirmed by the UN, and it is unethical for Turkey/TCs to forcefully hold onto Cypriot land & properties some three times that of what the Turkish Cypriots actually owned, at the expense of the rightful GC owners.”
…but for purely SELFISH reasons such as:
“Turkish settlers are overrunning the Turkish Cypriots in the north to the point of extinction.”
“Nobody has recognized the “TRNC” thus far and probably nobody ever will so there’s no point…”
“The “TRNC” economy has been mismanaged to the point of bankruptcy so it hasn’t worked out…”
“There are too many foreign criminals and a thriving underworld making me not want to live there…”
Etc, etc, etc…
If moral values are NOT part of the Turkish Cypriot psyche then why the hell would the Greek Cypriots want to bail them out of their predicament which came about as a result of their LOOTING and PILLAGING of GC land, houses, goods, and even GC cultural heritage, abandoned due to the Turkish military invasion THEY ORDERED?
Clearly they don't give a toss if they 'cut it' with you or not. Either they don't think you're important or they've seen some of your posts licking Turkish arse (when are you and that Denizaksulu guy getting married?) and arguing with people who are supposed to be on the same 'side' as you.
Not so new as the number of your posts suggest.