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Neo-Turkish Cypriots just don’t cut it with me…

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:10 am

kentish wrote:you know what you meant were suggesting theft and high cost of materials were worse in northern cyprus than anywhere else and i said its no worse than any other particular place.
and whats this about the the sinking lira , you have so much hatred in you for turks its bordering on racism,you disgusting individual

For someone who has a hard time understanding the English written language sufficiently Kentish, you now want us to believe that you are a fucking mind reader to tell us as to what I meant in what I write. You totally ignore what was put in front of you but instead make idiotic comments. I did use simple English to explain things to you, but obviously it was too much for you to absorb it in.

Have you not noticed on how much the Turkish Lire has lost since this summer against major currencies like the US Dollar, the British Pound and the Euro. Anywhere from 20%-25% and then add the annual 9-10% inflation in the north, and the costs of imported anything will be atleast 30% higher than they were a year ago. Where do you see racism in that or all the other garbage you wrote. I gave you a chance to act like an adult to back your original post, but since you were not able to, you have resorted to crap. There's no point in trying to talk to you about anything of serious nature since you don't have the maturity to deal with it.

Now go and grow up like a good boy.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:32 am

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:And what will stop you from kicking the shit out of us as vengence?

We are not in the business of "kicking the shit" out of anybody, "as vengeance!" We are a people, well known worldwide for our civilization and hospitality, which is why we receive almost 3 million of tourists every year in our country, which is a world record for a country of only 700 thousand people and by comparison would have meant 350 million tourists for Turkey, instead of only 20 million! This is a fact you TCs know very well, and already another TC, Sener Levent, has recently confirmed it for you, that even now that you still refuse to end the illegal embargoes against 200,000 GCs, you still choose to come south every day for shopping, hospital treatment and professional opportunities. You do so because you also recognize that we are one of the most civilized and hospitable people on this planet, as so many other Europeans do recognize and visit us every year. Some of you even make money from trafficking all these Middle-Eastern people, including many of your motherland's own Kurdish citizens, into the south, because all these people want to come here for the fact we are a very hospitable and civilized people! Why would all these people pay your illegal traffickers up to 5000 dollars per head, to help them come to Cyprus and cross south?

You see, I always speak with facts, instead of people like you who choose to speak with their ass!

We are not talking about having lunch with foreigners we are talking about sharing a country, you cloud the reality that we have a dark history and you are inviting us to trust you because you say you are civilized and bend over backwards to extract tourists money to bolster your economy, does that mean you were uncivilized in 1963?

We cannot just go on your word alone that you will not kick the shit out of us once the Turkish army leaves we need effective guarantees that in times of crisis you will be stopped.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:35 am

Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
And what will stop you from kicking the shit out of us as vengence?

The Cypriot people have shown to be forgiving, which is why there was no vengeance against you after the Ottoman rule ended, although you had treated us like shit for 3+ centuries. (Unfortunately the conflict restarted when you decided to attack again in 1958).

But if you want guarantees and troops on the island then these could come from UN, EU or NATO. Why should they come from Turkey, a country which has acted illegally against Cyprus for so long?

In times of crisis the bodies you have mentioned do jack shit, remember Bosnia? you mouths say one thing but your hearts seek vengeance, if you have no intention then why not have Turkey the only country which took steps to help us to this day.

The same way you want guarantees because you do not trust us, we want guarantees because we do not trust Turkey. Not so difficult to understand is it VP?

Choose whom ever you wish to guarantee your safety no problem for us but you have to show the same flexibility as Turkey for us has been our only allie.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:12 am

Viewpoint wrote:Choose whom ever you wish to guarantee your safety no problem for us but you have to show the same flexibility as Turkey for us has been our only allie.

Ok, I'll choose Turkey and whatever you're paying them I'll triple it! :lol:
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Postby bigOz » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:46 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Choose whom ever you wish to guarantee your safety no problem for us but you have to show the same flexibility as Turkey for us has been our only allie.

Ok, I'll choose Turkey and whatever you're paying them I'll triple it! :lol:

Wise choice - but I do not think you can afford it! BTW have they discovered that offshore oil in the South yet? :D
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:08 am

Yes! I found a bottle of olive oil while fishing off the coast of Limassol. High grade too. I am set to make my fortune. Cant wait for that Mercedes Benz with gold plated fenders to arrive.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:12 am

"in times of crisis you will be stopped."

And OBVIOUSLY 650 soldiers are not going to do any stopping. The real power is the one that comes with jets and helicopters and for that there is no need for permanent presence or any other nonsense as we all know. WHich makes this issue suspect.
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Postby bigOz » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:12 pm

Nikitas wrote:Yes! I found a bottle of olive oil while fishing off the coast of Limassol. High grade too. I am set to make my fortune. Cant wait for that Mercedes Benz with gold plated fenders to arrive.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
And to think that they have slaughtered all the olive trees in the North! AAARRRRGH! :shock:
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:32 pm

bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Choose whom ever you wish to guarantee your safety no problem for us but you have to show the same flexibility as Turkey for us has been our only allie.

Ok, I'll choose Turkey and whatever you're paying them I'll triple it! :lol:

Wise choice - but I do not think you can afford it! BTW have they discovered that offshore oil in the South yet? :D

BigOz, I always had this secret admiration of you, for the fact that besides being a very knowledgeable person, you are also an F-16 pilot and get the chance to fly very high above the clouds and all of us. How does it feel for someone to be up there, and have his head always high, in and above the clouds? Please do give us some insight on this!
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Postby bigOz » Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:05 am

Kifeas wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Choose whom ever you wish to guarantee your safety no problem for us but you have to show the same flexibility as Turkey for us has been our only allie.

Ok, I'll choose Turkey and whatever you're paying them I'll triple it! :lol:

Wise choice - but I do not think you can afford it! BTW have they discovered that offshore oil in the South yet? :D

BigOz, I always had this secret admiration of you, for the fact that besides being a very knowledgeable person, you are also an F-16 pilot and get the chance to fly very high above the clouds and all of us. How does it feel for someone to be up there, and have his head always high, in and above the clouds? Please do give us some insight on this!

It is only an avatar Kifeas! Yes I can and do fly but not fighter planes. I love watching them fly though. As for having your head in/above clouds, I do not even smoke cigarettes so not much chance of that I am afraid! :lol:
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